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The Committee also observes that when deciding the removal of the author, the Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Constitutional Court limited themselves to referring to the fact that the author was considered a threat to national security without properly assessing this reason for removal.UN-2 UN-2
该项《公约》的缔约国并一致认为,教育应使所有的人能有效地参加自由社会,促进各民族之间和各种族、族裔或宗教团体之间的了解、容忍和有一,和促进联合国维护和平的各项活动; 《消除一切形式种族歧视国际公约》,尤其是第五条款,该款禁止一切形式种族歧视,并保证人人有不分种族、肤色或民族或族裔在法律上一律平等的权利,尤得享受思想、良心与宗教自由的权利; 《儿童权利公约》,尤其是第 # 条,该条禁止因儿童或其父母或法定监护人的宗教而有任何差别;第 # 条,该条规定尊重儿童享有思想、信仰和宗教自由的权利;及第 # 条,该条保证属于宗教少数的儿童信奉自己的宗教并举行宗教仪式的权利; 《消除对妇女一切形式歧视公约》; 《防止及惩治灭绝种族罪公约》,尤其是第二条,该条规定:"灭绝种族系指蓄意全部或局部消灭某一......宗教团体”; 《关于难民地位的公约》,尤其是第四条,该条规定难民在关于举行宗教仪式的自由以及对其子女施加宗教教育的自由方面,应至少给予其本国国民所获得的待遇;和第三十三条,该条禁止将难民驱逐至其生命或自由因为他的宗教而受到威胁的国家; 《保护所有移徙工人及其家庭成员权利国际公约》,尤其是第 # 条,该条涉及移徙工人及其家庭成员享有思想、良心和宗教自由; 国际人道主义法律的相关条款,其中尤其是 # 年 # 月 # 日的四项《日内瓦公约》及其《附加议定书》。
b) The International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, in particular article # which ensures the right of everyone to education that education shall be directed to the full development of the human personality and the sense of its dignity, and shall strengthen the respect for human rights and fundamental freedom. States parties to the Covenant further agree that education shall enable all persons to participate effectively in a free society, promote understanding, tolerance and friendship among all nations and all racial, ethnic or religious groups, and further the activities of the United Nations of the maintenance of peaceMultiUn MultiUn
Malagasy law remains silent, however, on the possibility of expelling and excluding asylum-seekers or refugees who have been involved in terrorist acts.UN-2 UN-2
Some States still adhere to the traditional view that if extradition is available, the individual concerned is entitled to all safeguards surrounding that procedure and it should be used instead of expulsionMultiUn MultiUn
据一些报告说,以色列在 # 年期间驱逐了约 # 名被贩卖来的俄罗斯和乌克兰妇女。
According to reports, in a three-year period, Israel deported approximately # ussian and Ukrainian trafficked womenMultiUn MultiUn
The function of administering justice derives from the people and is performed on the people’s behalf by the People’s Supreme Court and the other courts established by law.UN-2 UN-2
Cuban law also envisages that any individual suspected of carrying out terrorist acts or any other act of a criminal nature shall be denied entry into the country, permanently or temporarily, or shall be expelled from the national territoryMultiUn MultiUn
By deporting the author to certain conviction and imprisonment in the Republic of Korea, followed by discrimination in the workforce upon his release, Canada knowingly took part in coercion.UN-2 UN-2
This right has been recognized in particular in a number of arbitral awards and decisions of claims commissionsUN-2 UN-2
In particular, the expulsion of Chairman Yasser Arafat can only result in a deterioration of the situationMultiUn MultiUn
In the light of Commission on Human Rights resolution 1993/77, on forced evictions, the Committee encourages the State party to prevent any occurrence of forced relocation, displacement and other types of involuntary population movements.UN-2 UN-2
Take measures to foster an enabling environment for civil society, including through enacting and implementing before the next UPR a law on associations to allow for the legal creation and registration of independent civil society associations and organisations (Canada);UN-2 UN-2
A view was also expressed that preventive measures (éloignement) and the admission of expelled aliens might be examined by the CommissionMultiUn MultiUn
Pursuant to rule 108 of the Committee’s rules of procedure, the State party was requested not to expel the complainant to Libya pending the consideration of his case by the Committee.UN-2 UN-2
(b) 提供包括分类统计数据在内的资料,说明被驱逐移徙工人的数量以及使用的程序;
(b) Provide updated information, including disaggregated statistics, on the number of migrant worker expulsions as well as the procedures used;UN-2 UN-2
� 这一款规定读作:“驱逐难民[即合法地在驱逐国境内的难民]出境只能以按照合法程序作出的判决为根据。
� The provision reads as follows: “The expulsion of such a refugee [that is, a refugee lawfully present in the territory of the expelling State] shall be only in pursuance of a decision reached in accordance with due process of law.UN-2 UN-2
此外,上述第 # 条确认宗教组织可依法开办宗教院校和其他学校、医院和福利机构以及提供其他社会服务。
Furthermore, article # determines that religious organizations may, in accordance with the law, run seminaries and other schools, hospitals and welfare institutions and provide other social servicesMultiUn MultiUn
该方案的最终目的是要恢复和稳定支付能力并由此防止家庭遭到驱逐16 。
The ultimate aim of the programme is to restore and stabilize the ability to pay expenses and thus prevent families from being evicted.UN-2 UN-2
Witness missionaries had been scrupulously nonpolitical; yet they too were soon deported.jw2019 jw2019
The State party should also revise its current procedures and practices in the area of expulsion, refoulement and extradition in order to fulfil its obligations under article 3 of the Convention.UN-2 UN-2
The definitions of “family” and “right to family life” in this article are unclear, which may lead to the invalidation of a State’s decision on expulsion.UN-2 UN-2
Expounding the right to shelter in the context of urbanization the Supreme Court in a landmark case has held that eviction of even a slum dweller should be according to the fair, just and reasonable process under law as it not only results in deprivation of shelter but also would also inevitably lead to deprivation of their means of livelihoodMultiUn MultiUn
The CHAIRMAN invited the Commission to continue its consideration of the fifth report on expulsion of aliens (A/CN.4/611).UN-2 UN-2
斯洛文尼亚共和国宪法第 # 条规定了参与管理公共事务的权利,根据这一条款,每一公民有权依法直接参与或通过当选代表参与管理公共事务。
Article # of the Constitution of the Republic of Slovenia determines the right to participation in managing public affairs and, in compliance with this provision, every citizen has the right in accordance with law to participate directly or through elected representatives in the management of public affairsMultiUn MultiUn
Other speakers, however, had queried the advisability of including the draft article, even by way of progressive development; they commented in particular that it was inappropriate to have in the draft articles a provision that was more concerned with extradition than with expulsion.UN-2 UN-2
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