倜傥 oor Engels


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It only serves as a reminder of our fallen state.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Alhazen viewed all men as prone to error, and only God as not, wherefor I constantly sought knowledge and truth, and it became my belief that for gaining access to the effulgence and closeness to God, there is no better way than that of searching for truth and knowledge.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
是 我 女儿 的 爱 与 波多黎各 倜傥 的 孩子 吗 ?
Is my daughter in love with that Rico Suave kid?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
你们 看 , 论 身形 , 他 风流倜傥
His figure is flawless.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
至少 我 知道 我能 什麼 時候 出去 風流倜儻
At least I'd know when I'd be hitting it again, baby.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
是的.? 蓝 眸子, 高? 个 子,? 风 流 ?
Yes.Blue eyes, tall, quite good- lookingopensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
Fucking hell thats well intense.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
But he may be the only Crumb creation who is genuinely likable.LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
Or, “Men may appear moody, cynical, scornful, and bullying, but they nevertheless provide romance and excitement.”jw2019 jw2019
They hesitated for a moment, then kissed passionately.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Do not typically post on blogs, but I'd prefer to say that this spot is really weird in there!ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
He makes the best use of this ancient instrument in performing different styles of ravishing Tango, melancholic New Jazz and delicate Folk Tunes.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
他的外表焕发着天生的精力和真正的力量,相比之下,林恩兄弟的风流倒倜傥,英格拉姆勋爵的散淡文雅 — — 甚至登特上校的英武出众,又算得了什么呢,我对他们的外貌与表情不以为然。 但我能想象得出多数旁观者都会称他们英俊迷人、气度不凡,而毫不犹豫地说罗切斯特先生五宫粗糙、神态忧郁。
What was the gallant grace of the Lynns, the languid elegance of Lord Ingram,- even the military distinction of Colonel Dent, contrasted with his look of native pith and genuine power? I had no sympathy in their appearance, their expression: yet I could imagine that most observers would call them attractive, handsome, imposing; while they would pronounce Mr. Rochester at once harsh-featured and melancholy-looking.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
这又是个闰年,很快就会过去的。 她的意中人并不是将珍贵、神奇的爱情献在她脚前的风流倜傥的王子,他毋宁是个刚毅的男子汉;神情安详的脸上蕴含着坚强的意志,却还没有找到理想的女子。 他的头发也许或多或少已经斑白了,他会理解她,伸出胳膊来保护她,凭着他那深沉多情的天性紧紧搂住她,并用长长的亲吻安慰她。
But waiting, always waiting to be asked and it was leap year too and would soon be over. No prince charming is her beau ideal to lay a rare and wondrous love at her feet but rather a manly man with a strong quiet face who had not found his ideal, perhaps his hair slightly flecked with grey, and who would understand, take her in his sheltering arms, strain her to him in all the strength of his deep passionate nature and comfort her with a long long kiss.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
We've all seen the countless movies and shows that account for women bursting into tears over a guy or dissecting the relationship while the man appears to be oblivious and suave while always winning the woman's heart.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
一旦评估完成, 整个委员会毕业和同事谁帮助毕业典礼做风流倜傥有一起吃饭.
Once the evaluation is complete, do suave with a meal together for the whole committee graduation and colleagues who have helped the graduation ceremony.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
16 sinne gevind in 5 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.