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that He created the world just to distract himself.

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认识到 太平洋小岛屿发展中国家有着其他小岛屿发展中国家所具有的脆弱性,经济和生态脆弱和易受伤害,而且由于其面积小、资源有限、地域分散和远离市场,在经济上处于不利地位,难以发展规模经济,
Recognizing that Pacific small island developing States share the same vulnerabilities as those of other small island developing States and are economically and ecologically fragile and vulnerable, while their small size, limited resources, geographic dispersion and isolation from markets place them at a disadvantage economically and prevents economies of scale,UN-2 UN-2
Tokelau faces major constraints on its economic growth, including such natural disadvantages as small size, isolation, wide spread of the atolls, lack of natural resources and natural disasters, such as cyclones.UN-2 UN-2
The world needs to focus on making agricultural production easier for women in AfricaMultiUn MultiUn
这些碎块的散射可能会根据散射的规模和方向而导致核燃料碎块进入椭圆轨道( # 公里),并最终导致核燃料碎块进入地球大气稠密层,随后因空气动力造成热量升高,核燃料分散成最后大小在 # 毫米的微粒。
The scattering of these fragments can lead, depending on the size and direction of the effect, to the insertion of nuclear fuel fragments into elliptical orbits ( # km) and ultimately to the penetration of nuclear fuel fragments into dense layers of the Earth's atmosphere, with subsequent aerodynamic heating and dispersion of the nuclear fuel into particles with final dimensions of # mmMultiUn MultiUn
Belarus noted that the fight against terrorism has been diverting Sri Lanka's resourcesMultiUn MultiUn
委员会重申以前在《公约》之下提出的建议(CRC/C/BFA/CO/3-4, 第11段, 2010年),即缔约国应采取一切必要措施,确保为执行《任择议定书》开展有效协调,包括协调分散机构的工作,并为协调机制提供足够的人力、技术和资金资源。
The Committee reiterates its previous recommendation under the Convention (CRC/C/BFA/CO/3-4, para. 11, 2010) that all necessary measures be taken to ensure effective coordination for the implementation of the Optional Protocol, including with the decentralized agencies, and to provide sufficient human, technical and financial resources to the coordination mechanism.UN-2 UN-2
我们的注意力一直受到分散 我们既看着这些屏幕 我们也看着身边的世界
You know, we're both looking inside the screens and we're looking out in the world around us.ted2019 ted2019
公司外包的原因包括降低成本;改进服务质量;获得每周 # 天每天 # 小时的服务提供能力;获得更广泛的资源和来源;在新的市场中发挥品牌效应;和分散经营风险。
Firms' reasons for outsourcing include cost reduction; improvement of the quality of service; availability of # hours # days a week service delivery capability; access to a wider resource pool; leveraging brand in new markets; and spreading operational risksMultiUn MultiUn
However, the thousands of Angolan citizens displaced around the world by decades of civil conflict were exposed to discrimination and in many instances endured violations of their civil rights and libertiesMultiUn MultiUn
Their small size, limited resources, geographic dispersion and isolation from markets and unique vulnerabilities place them at a disadvantage economically and prevent economies of scale.UN-2 UN-2
Against this backdrop of crisis management and fragility, it will be many months before the Government of Liberia and many of its international partners can focus on the recommendations contained herein.UN-2 UN-2
(d) 与企业界合作,提高私营部门对两性平等问题的注意力和对社会的责任心。
(g) Promote gender-sensitivity and social responsibility of the private sector, in cooperation with the business community.UN-2 UN-2
The Greek term for diaspora (διασπορά) also appears three times in the New Testament, where it refers to the scattering of Israel, i.e., the Ten Northern Tribes of Israel as opposed to the Southern Kingdom of Judah, although James (1:1) refers to the scattering of all twelve tribes.LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
• 立即在日内瓦、维也纳和内罗毕成立权力分散的分支办公室(见
• The immediate establishment of decentralized branch offices in Geneva, Vienna and Nairobi (seeMultiUn MultiUn
Most importantly, it faced a fractured and decentralized disposition of power throughout Afghanistan. The long years of war had produced and sustained numerous armed factions with vested economic and political interests in the areas they controlledMultiUn MultiUn
大会第 # 号决议第 # 段鼓励分散训研所培训方案的地点,应包括联合国各区域委员会所在的城市。
In paragraph # of its resolution # the General Assembly encourages the diversification of the venues of the training programmes to include the cities hosting regional commissions of the United NationsMultiUn MultiUn
International concern with the situation in Darfur in the past two years has, understandably, diverted significant attention, as well as human and financial resources, away from implementation of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement.UN-2 UN-2
These successes, however, should not distract us from the suffering and injustices still being endured by millions of peopleMultiUn MultiUn
With attention shifting to the post-2015 agenda, several delegations stated that they counted on UNFPA to ensure that the ICPD vision and its focus on human rights, as well as lessons captured in the ICPD beyond 2014 review, were reflected in the new development agenda.UN-2 UN-2
埃及认为,为此目的,关于非洲冲突起因的大会第 # 号决议和关于防止武装冲突,特别是非洲的武装冲突的安全理事会第 # 号决议中包含的内容共同构成一个重要的概念框架。 为了适当地补充这个框架,应采取措施,使国际社会的注意力集中于处理大湖区的冲突起因。 这些措施应符合安全理事会在第 # 号决议中通过的旨在对付刚果民主共和国东部的外国武装团伙所构成威胁的初步步骤,以及非洲联盟制定和支持的其他措施。
To that end, Egypt is of the view that the elements contained in General Assembly resolution # on the causes of conflict in Africa, and those in Security Council resolution # relating to the prevention of armed conflict, particularly in Africa, together constitute an important conceptual framework that should be duly complemented by the adoption of measures focusing the attention of the international community on addressing the causes of conflict in the Great Lakes region, in keeping with the preliminary steps adopted by the Security Council in resolution # aimed at countering the threat posed by foreign armed groups in the eastern part of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, in addition to other measures formulated and supported by the African UnionMultiUn MultiUn
While attention is focused on the efforts to revive the peace process and on the actions of the new Palestinian national unity government, this dire situation on the ground cannot be ignoredMultiUn MultiUn
An incentive-based rotation policy between headquarters and decentralized offices is under elaborationMultiUn MultiUn
年 # 月在日内瓦举行的关于世界首脑会议后续工作的大会第二十四届特别会议重申了社会发展问题世界首脑会议的《社会发展问题哥本哈根宣言和行动纲领》,该宣言和行动纲领提供了消除贫穷的实际框架,订出了明确的目标,拟订了计划和实施方案; 为了确保对所有个人的权利的保护、不歧视最贫困者和切实行使所有人权和基本自由,有必要更好地了解包括贫困妇女和儿童在内的生活极端贫困者的情况,并参照最贫困者自己和济贫工作者的经验和想法,进行反省 # 年 # 月 # 日第 # 号决议请联合国人权事务高级专员优先重视人权与极端贫困问题;确保各机构或部门进行更好的合作;定期向大会提供人权与赤贫问题的资料,并在计划于 # 年评估世界人权会议成果时以及在拟于 # 年中期评估和拟于 # 年最后评估联合国第一个消灭贫穷十年时,提供关于这一问题的具体情况; 高级专员在 # 年 # 月 # 日向大会提交的有关对《维也纳宣言和行动纲领》中期评估的报告( # 附件)中提议大会第二和第三委员会联合采取行动,以便执行发展权,把注意力放在消除贫困上,强调个人和家庭所必需的基本安全,使之能够享受基本权利并尽到起码的责任
c) In its resolution # of # pril # it requested the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights to give high priority to the question of human rights and extreme poverty, to ensure better cooperation between the institutions and bodies involved, regularly to inform the General Assembly of the evolution of the question and to submit specific information on this question at events such as the evaluation, at the halfway point in # and the end-point in # of the first United Nations Decade for the Eradication of PovertyMultiUn MultiUn
One positive outcome of such focusing was the convening by the WTO of the High-Level Meeting on Integrated Initiatives for the Least Developed Countries' Trade Development in 1997.UN-2 UN-2
被占领的叙利亚戈兰目前约有 # 名以色列人分散在 # 个定居点内。
There are currently about # sraeli settlers in # settlements in the occupied Syrian GolanMultiUn MultiUn
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