剃須刀 oor Engels


Vertalings in die woordeboek Sjinees - Engels


electric razor
我 幫 你 把 剃須 刀放進 去 還是 你 要 用 放在 家里 的
Should I pack this shaver, or will you take the one from town?


verb noun
我 聽 說 他們 在 廁所裡 發現 了 剃 鬚 刀
I heard they found the razor in the toilet...
Glosbe Research

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Vertoon algoritmies gegenereerde vertalings


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The hunt continues for top fugitives Félicien Kabuga, Protais Mpiranya and others earmarked for trial in ArushaMultiUn MultiUn
此外,经秘书长核可才能宣布进入第 # 、第 # 和第 # 个安全计划阶段。
Furthermore, security phases # and # could be declared only with the approval of the Secretary-GeneralMultiUn MultiUn
The UNOTIL Chief Military Training Adviser and the UNOTIL Chief Police Training Adviser then negotiated an agreement with the F-FDTL Commander, under which the PNTL officers were to be allowed to leave the PNTL headquarters under United Nations auspices, provided that they were first disarmed.UN-2 UN-2
已根据第25条第4款作出声明的缔约方,在向保存人交存批准文书且修正生效后,可通过向秘书处递交书面通知,对附件 A或B所列的一种或多种类型的特定豁免予以登记,但遵守第4条之规定(参阅 UNEP/POPS/ COP.5/36,第49段)。
A party that has made a declaration in accordance with paragraph 4 of Article 25 would, after depositing an instrument of ratification with the depositary, and after the amendment has entered into force for it, be able to register for one or more types of the specific exemptions listed in annexes A or B by means of a notification in writing to the Secretariat, subject to the provisions of Article 4 (see UNEP/POPS/ COP.5/36, paragraph 49).UN-2 UN-2
你 必 照 我 的 指示
You must follo w my instructions.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
小组认定,对索赔额作出调整,以便将索赔限于 # 年 # 月 # 日之前一段合理时间内进行的设备的初步安装所依据的合同。
The Panel determined that adjustments to the claimed amount were required to limit the claim to contracts under which the initial installation of the units occurred within a reasonable period prior to # ugustMultiUn MultiUn
考虑到该部队费用的三分之一,相当于14 630 809美元由塞浦路斯政府自愿捐款提供,以及650万美元由希腊政府自愿捐款提供,又决定,在考虑到大会2000年12月23日第55/5 B号所定的2001年和2002年分摊比额表的情况下,由各会员国按照大会2000年12月23日第55/235号决议所定并经第55/236号决议调整的等级,分摊毛额22 323 505美元(净额20 631 431美元),每月分摊毛额1 860 292美元(净额1 719 286 美元),但视安全理事会就终止还是延长该部队任务的问题进行的审查结果而定;
Decides also, taking into consideration the funding through voluntary contributions from the Government of Cyprus of a one-third share of the cost of the Force, equivalent to 13,565,715 dollars, and of 6.5 million dollars from the Government of Greece, to apportion among Member States the amount of 22,323,505 dollars gross (20,631,431 dollars net), the said amount to be apportioned at a monthly rate of 1,860,292 dollars gross (1,719,286 dollars net) in accordance with the levels set out in General Assembly resolution 55/235, as adjusted by the Assembly in its resolution 55/236 of 23 December 2000, and taking into account the scale of assessments for the years 2001 and 2002, as set out in its resolution 55/5 B of 23 December 2000, subject to the review by the Security Council with regard to the question of termination or continuation of the Force;UN-2 UN-2
Civil servants, in addition to being subject to the penalties already indicated, will be dismissed from their jobsMultiUn MultiUn
Micromachining cutting process using particle cutterpatents-wipo patents-wipo
The brokering of dual-use items is subject to a licence under the Foreign Trade DecreeMultiUn MultiUn
The Government of the Islamic Republic of Iran, strongly protesting against the above-mentioned acts of hostility, holds the Government of the Republic of Iraq responsible for the adverse consequences of such acts resulting from the provision of sanctuary to the terrorists of the MKO on Iraqi soil and the creation of favourable conditions for them to organize armed acts of terrorism and sabotage against the Islamic Republic of Iran, contravening international norms and principles as well as the Charter of the United NationsMultiUn MultiUn
Germany indicated that the functions and duties of public officials were not established on a uniform basis, but differed according to whether the public official concerned was subject to a special service and allegiance relationship, laid down by law, as a civil servant, judge or member of the armed forces, or whether they were employed staff (i.e. salaried employees or manual workers), whose employment relationship was basically governed by collective agreements and individual contractsMultiUn MultiUn
13 人若要用,无疑没有什么理由比保护上帝的儿子更堂皇!
13 Surely there could have been no stronger reason for using a sword than protecting the Son of God himself!jw2019 jw2019
The SBSTA requested the secretariat to establish a process to enable expert review teams to gain experience with the methods for adjustments of estimates of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by sources and removals by sinks resulting from activities under Article 3, paragraphs 3 and 4, of the Kyoto Protocol during the inventory review process in the period 2007–2008 using real inventory data voluntarily submitted by Parties following the reporting provisions of decision 15/CP.10, subject to the consent of the Party concerned.UN-2 UN-2
Leave authorization for under-secretaries and assistant under-secretaries shall require the approval of the competent minister and that for other employees, the approval of an under-secretaryMultiUn MultiUn
The Parties shall endeavour to initiate and launch pilot projects on cross-border exchange of trade-related data and documents in electronic form, in particular among customs and other regulatory agencies.UN-2 UN-2
Along with other statutes, the NHPA mandates that projects on federal land or involving federal funds or permits consider the effects of the project on each archaeological site.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
It remains concerned, however, that the condition that applicants must be suitable to a small communal regime” may allow, in practice, for the exclusion of Arab Israeli citizens from some State-controlled land (articles 2, 3 and 5 (d) and (e) of the Convention).UN-2 UN-2
It is precisely this linkage which has mobilized current efforts by the government to support the sectoral social reforms within a major ethical commitment under which rights constitute a challenge to the State to generate more and better citizenship within an increasingly inclusive and integrationist modelMultiUn MultiUn
That has to do with the principle of proportionality and the principle of precaution in time of hostilities, i.e. the use of such mines only within the limits of military objectives and in the quantities dictated by military needs.UN-2 UN-2
Subject to those changes, the Committee approved the substance of the commentary on intellectual property issues.UN-2 UN-2
Although the policy has mandated that all evaluations have management responses, a number of regions have reported slow progress in achieving this.UN-2 UN-2
船长和机长还将没有持有护照或护照无效或过期的所有乘客的身份告知主管当局。 主管当局必须阻止这些乘客离开船只或飞机,或阻止他们未经批准登上船只或飞机。
Commanders of such vessels must also inform the competent authorities of the identity of any passengers not carrying passports or whose passports are invalid or have expired, and must prevent those passengers from leaving the ship or aircraft or boarding without the permission of such authoritiesMultiUn MultiUn
It provides that countries will develop and make significant progress in implementing comprehensive care strategies and in strengthening health systems in order to increase access to affordable medicines, diagnostics and related technologies, and to deliver the highest available standard of AIDS care, including antiretroviral therapyMultiUn MultiUn
Where the regime provides for the actions or decisions of the insolvency representative to be supervised or approved by the general body of creditors or the creditor committee, a high level of creditor protection may ensueMultiUn MultiUn
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