前列腺炎 oor Engels


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inflammation of the prostate
Morally clean conduct protects a person from venereal diseases, which can cause prostatitis.
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Morally clean conduct protects a person from venereal diseases, which can cause prostatitis.

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他指出,事件发生时,他已 # 岁,且患有前列腺病症。
He points out that at the time of the incidents he was # years old and suffered from prostate problemsMultiUn MultiUn
Delegations commended UNICEF for its humanitarian response in extremely difficult emergency situations, including in the Republic of the Congo during the polio epidemic there.UN-2 UN-2
Thanks to inoculation childhood polio and diphtheria have been practically eliminated in the Czech Republic and whooping cough, tetanus, measles, mumps and rubella have been considerably reduced to isolated cases, which are generally curedMultiUn MultiUn
· 可造成健康的损害:骨骼变形(粘液囊、腱、背痛、滑膜、novites、腱鞘炎)、磕碰、骨折、创伤/工伤、炙伤、焦虑、扰乱家庭生活、失眠症、与工作相关的肌肉骨骼症、脊椎变形(下椎疼痛、脊柱侧凸、驼背、脊柱前弯症)、职业性疲劳症(劳累过度)和职业性神经衰弱症、心理创伤、晕旋恶心和恐惧症。
· Possible Effects on Health: Musculoskeletal disorders (bursitis, tendinitis, dorsodynia, synovitis, novites, tenosynovitis); contusions; fractures; injuries/wounds; burns; anxiety; disruption of family life; sleep-wake syndrome; WRMD/RSI; spinal deformities (lower back pain, scoliosis, kyphosis, lordosis); professional fatigue syndrome (burn-out) and professional neurosis; trauma; dizziness; and phobiasUN-2 UN-2
Research in this area has concentrated almost exclusively on attempts to prove that the ejaculate is not urine, measuring substances such as urea, creatinine, prostatic acid phosphatase (PAP), prostate specific antigen (PSA), glucose and fructose levels.LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
These guidelines were constructed to assess male sexual function in relation with treatment for prostate cancer.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
月和 # 月,布班扎省和布琼布拉省有 # 人以上接种了脑(脊)膜疫苗,成功地防止了脑膜炎爆发。
In July and August, more than # people in Bubanza and Bujumbura Provinces were vaccinated against meningitis in a successful attempt to stem an outbreakMultiUn MultiUn
The synthetic method provided by the invention has the advantages of simplicity, low synthesis cost and small environmental pollution.patents-wipo patents-wipo
婴儿死亡率和 # 岁以下儿童死亡率; 出生时体重不足儿童所占的比例; 儿童有轻度或严重体重不足、消瘦或发育不良的比例; 使用不到清洁卫生设施和安全饮用水的家庭所占的比例; 一周岁儿童全面接种结核、白喉、百日咳、破伤风、脊椎灰白质(小儿麻痹症)、麻疹疫苗者所占的比例; 孕妇死亡率,包括其主要原因; 能得到并享受育前和育后保健服务的孕妇所占比例; 在医院出生的儿童所占的比例; 接受过医院护理和接生培训的人员所占比例; 实行完全母乳喂养的母亲所占比例及母乳喂养时间有多长。
e) Percentage of one-year-olds fully immunized for tuberculosis, diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus, polio and measlesMultiUn MultiUn
Deaths among children due to measles have been significantly reduced, while a sharp decline in the number of polio cases and a notable increase in primary school enrolment have been achieved.UN-2 UN-2
据称,提交人在拘留期间罹患急性腹膜,由于医护不当,必须在 # 年 # 月终了时实施手术。
n detention, the author allegedly developed acute peritonitis and had to be operated on “at the end of September # ”, due to inadequate medical attentionMultiUn MultiUn
我们真的为数百个,如果还没到数千个,机构筹款 还为世界各地的研究员筹款,我们最近 再研究了一下,我们意识到 机构与机构之间缺乏真正的合作 更不用说国家之间,或者全球合作了,这不只是 前列腺癌症的问题,全世界癌症研究的状况都如此
We literally fund hundreds if not thousands of institutions and researchers around the world, and when we looked at this more recently, we realized there's a real lack of collaboration going on even within institutions, let alone nationally, let alone globally, and this is not unique to prostate cancer.ted2019 ted2019
The present invention belongs to the field of medicinal chemistry, and more particularly, relates to a paeoniflorin compound with inhibitory activity on abnormal expression of COX-2, a synthesis method therefor, and a use thereof in preparation of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and drugs for treating and preventing stroke and/or Parkinson's disease.patents-wipo patents-wipo
When the prostate is very swollen, it can prevent the patient from urinating.jw2019 jw2019
Despite intensive vaccination campaigns, which have slowed the spread of polio, four new cases of wild polio virus were confirmed this year, bringing the number of those affected to 198 since the outbreak began in May 2013, most of them children.UN-2 UN-2
某一個熱的早晨,我到了中心後, 水晶和她的同夥查理向我打招呼。
One hot morning, I arrived at work and Crystal and her partner in crime, Charlie, greeted me.ted2019 ted2019
“In addition, the Government organizes annual polio vaccination campaigns at the national level for children aged from three months to five years.UN-2 UN-2
The programme will also address the backlog currently existing with regard to cataract cases and prostate and urgent paediatric surgeries.UN-2 UN-2
An increase in the concentration of eosinophils in blood may lead to endocarditis, myocarditis, and pericarditis.pmc pmc
Does this virus cause prostate cancer?ted2019 ted2019
可以 使人 得 任何 病 , 从 硬皮病 到 变应性 肉芽肿 血管 都 有 可能 ( 变应性 肉芽肿 血管 :
It could be anything from scleroderma to Churg-Strauss.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
方 瑞 先生 是 社? 团 和? 义 盛 的?? 导 人
You' re the Don of the Gangopensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
There is also evidence of links with pancreatic cancer and prostate cancer.WHO WHO
Recovering from his injuries, Esdan is permitted to wander the gardens of the estate, which remind him of his home on Hain.LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
He has developed an ulcer in his stomach, had a kidney stone and suffered from a prostate infection but was denied appropriate medical treatment.UN-2 UN-2
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