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Recognizes the fundamental role of civil society in the fight against racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance, in particular in helping States to develop regulations and strategies, in taking measures and action against such forms of discrimination and through follow-up implementation;UN-2 UN-2
Regionalism: effect on trade and investment flows, Oxford, United Kingdom.UN-2 UN-2
For social theorists in the tradition of Max Weber, such as Jürgen Habermas and Max Horkheimer, the concept of scientism relates significantly to the philosophy of positivism, but also to the cultural rationalization for modern Western civilization.LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
The Group reaffirms the absolute validity of multilateral diplomacy in the field of disarmament and non-proliferation, and expresses its determination to promote multilateralism as the core principle of negotiations in these areas.UN-2 UN-2
在此之后她回顾说,美国政府已向难民事务高级专员办事处提供了近 # 亿美元,这证明美国坚持多边主义,并重视联合国这个惟一担负保护难民职责的机构,尽管保护难民的首要责任落在各收容国肩上。
That testified to its commitment to multilateralism as well as to the sole United Nations agency whose mandate was the protection of refugees, although host nations bore the primary responsibilityMultiUn MultiUn
大韩民国坚信应根除恐怖主义,无论其形式和动机为何,概无例外。 因此,我们充分致力于防止和打击恐怖主义行为及其错误的极端主义思想。
Strongly convinced that terrorism should be eradicated regardless of its forms and motivations, the Republic of Korea is fully committed to preventing and combating acts of terrorism and its misguided extremist ideologyMultiUn MultiUn
注意到秘书长依照第60/59号决议提出的的报告,2 其中载有会员国对促进裁军和不扩散领域多边主义问题的答复;
Takes note of the report of the Secretary-General containing the replies of Member States on the promotion of multilateralism in the area of disarmament and non-proliferation, submitted pursuant to resolution 60/59;UN-2 UN-2
Stresses the importance of cooperating closely with civil society and international and regional human rights mechanisms in order to counter effectively all manifestations of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance, as well as extremist political parties, movements and groups, including neo-Nazis and skinhead groups, and other similar extremist ideological movements that incite racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance;UN-2 UN-2
女权主义是所有消除陈腐性别观念的一切活动的统称, 因此,女权主义不存在女性化”
Feminism is all about undoing stereotypes about gender, so there's nothing feminine about feminism."ted2019 ted2019
It is that firm conviction that has enabled our democratic Government to remain steadfast in its resolve to fight terrorism and extremism, even as we have to deal with the massive destruction caused by catastrophic floods.UN-2 UN-2
Uruguay once again emphasized the importance of multilateralism, and of the United Nations as the indispensable forum, for coming to grips with the new challenges entailed in international securityMultiUn MultiUn
Calls upon all States to respect and protect, in their fight against violent extremism, all human rights and fundamental freedoms and the rule of law and to support all actions at the local, national, regional and international levels, in cooperation with civil society, to foster understanding, tolerance and non-violence, inter alia, through programmes and institutions in the fields of education, science, culture, communication and information, strengthen democratic institutions, ensure the all-inclusiveness of the development process, eliminate all forms of intolerance and violence, eradicate poverty and illiteracy and reduce inequalities within and among nations in order to leave no one behind;UN-2 UN-2
The Workshop on Religious Fundamentalism (Cairo, 6-7 March) discussed extremism; 40 young people from Africa, Latin America, Asia and Europe took part in the meeting.UN-2 UN-2
Since economic opportunism must be assessed against some relevant norm or principle, controversy about what that norm or principle should be, makes a general definition difficult.LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
它们包括“青年造反报(Juventud Rebelde):是性别歧视还是多元主义的报纸?”、“当代音乐中歧视妇女的现象”、“关于具有社会性别观点的印刷媒体信息的拟议理论模型”和“接近精神崩溃时的家庭”。
They include “Juventud Rebelde: A Sexist or Pluralist Newspaper?”, “Discrimination against Women in Contemporary Music”, “Proposed Theoretical Model for Print Media Messages with a Gender Perspective”, and “Homes on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown”.UN-2 UN-2
We are extremely concerned by the fact that efforts to de-escalate the conflict through direct diplomatic links between Georgia and Russia or between the authorities of the separatist regions in Georgia are not making any real progressMultiUn MultiUn
It is about Israel's refusal to end that occupation, seeking all the while to acquire more land by force and to eliminate more of the indigenous population by wreaking widespread wanton death, destruction and misery in the attempt to fulfil its expansionist designsMultiUn MultiUn
His Trotskyism had by then become a form of Marxist humanism, although he never renounced Trotsky.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Further, while acknowledging the important role of media in combating religious intolerance, it emphasized the importance of working with media organizations to promote tolerance and understanding of religions, cultural diversity and multiculturalism.UN-2 UN-2
My delegation believes that the Durban Declaration and Plan of Action represent a significant step in the fight against racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intoleranceMultiUn MultiUn
On this solemn occasion, we remember with emotion the tenacious struggle of abolitionists whose names remain indelibly etched in the stone of the pantheon of history: Toussaint Louverture, Frederick Douglass, William Wilberforce, Harriet Tubman and Victor SchoelcherMultiUn MultiUn
Under the 2002 Federal Act on measures to counter extremist activities, advocating exclusiveness or the superiority or inferiority of people on social, racial, ethnic, religious or linguistic grounds or on the basis of their attitude to religion is treated as extremism (article 1).UN-2 UN-2
This is a red line for any pluralist democracy.ProjectSyndicate ProjectSyndicate
Expresses deep concern at the programmes and agendas pursued by extremist organizations and groups aimed at creating and perpetuating stereotypes about certain religions, in particular when condoned by Governments;UN-2 UN-2
To sum up, during the World Conference against Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance in Durban, together we noted our will to put an end to the darkest chapters of our history, so that we could build a new relation based on mutual respect, solidarity and partnershipMultiUn MultiUn
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