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The Government of Sri Lanka reaffirmed its zero-tolerance policy for the recruitment and use of children and reiterated its commitment to the Working Group by establishing a committee comprising high-level Government officials to conduct an independent and credible investigation into allegations that some security forces are abetting the Karuna faction in the recruitment and use of childrenMultiUn MultiUn
纪念碑协会聘请奥古斯塔斯·卢克曼(Augustus H. Lukeman)接替博格勒姆的位置,博格勒姆在石山的所有工作成果最终都没有保留下来。
The Association hired Augustus H. Lukeman as replacement sculptor; all of Borglum's work was eventually blasted away.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Specific issues include creating a transparent, participatory and credible reporting and monitoring mechanism on the partnerships, including guidelines; how to ensure that partnerships are closely linked to the implementation of the Johannesburg Plan of Implementation; and how to facilitate the implementation of partnerships and foster new onesMultiUn MultiUn
The geographical handicaps of landlocked developing countries — half of which are also least developed countries — and small island developing States impose specific, serious constraints on their development.UN-2 UN-2
此外,伊拉克管理委员会于 # 月 # 日组成,使联合国有了一个可能与其一起就众多的活动,包括支持政治过渡进程制定全面行动纲领的可信而有代表性的伊拉克对话者。
Furthermore, the formation of the Iraqi Governing Council on # uly offered the potential to provide a credible and representative Iraqi interlocutor with which the United Nations could develop a comprehensive programme of action across a broad spectrum of activities, including in support of the political transition processMultiUn MultiUn
b) 其所处位置条件必须是危险的或不利于健康的,或者它们必须被禁止用作住房(这里指任何形式的占有)的立法的影响;并且
b) Their location must present a risk or insalubrious conditions, or they must be affected by legislation prohibiting their use for housing- in this case, any form of occupation; andMultiUn MultiUn
即使在没有这些机构支持的情况下,我们也一直以我们有限的资源继续把津巴布韦儿童的发展和贫困者的福利放在首要位置,从而把我们社会的识字率提高到 # %。
Even without the support of those institutions, we have continued, within our limited means, to place primary importance on the development of the Zimbabwean child and the welfare of the underprivileged, thereby raising the literacy rate in our society to # per centMultiUn MultiUn
Just as prosperity cannot be sustained by being walled in, poverty cannot be banished to some invisible periphery.UN-2 UN-2
An ancient inscription, which scholars judge as credible, states that Pharaoh Thutmose III of Egypt (second millennium B.C.E.) presented some 13.5 tons [12 t] of gold to the temple of Amun-Ra at Karnak.jw2019 jw2019
This should include enhancing the capacities of State institutions, strengthening civil society and further strengthening the partnership between the United Nations and regional organizations, particularly the African Union, while always maintaining the centrality of the national ownership principle.UN-2 UN-2
To urgently resolve the serious issues identified by the International Labour Organization concerning compliance with international labour standards, including to give clear assurances that no action will be taken against persons lodging complaints of forced labour, to resolve outstanding allegations of forced labour, to establish a credible mechanism for dealing with individual complaints of forced labour, to respect the International Labour Organization presence in Myanmar and strengthen it when necessary and ensure the safety, security and freedom of movement of the International Labour Organization liaison officer;UN-2 UN-2
那 谁 来 坐 班主任 的 位置?
Who's gonna take the class teacher's seat?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Accordingly, the seventh report addressed certain outstanding issues such as the final provisions of the draft articles and the place of the chapter concerning the responsibility of a State in connection with the act of an international organizationMultiUn MultiUn
We believe that such alternative modalities can be established, even on an ad hoc basis, to ensure credible conditions of security for all parts of Afghanistan.UN-2 UN-2
专家组在委员会 # 年 # 月 # 日讨论的第二份临时报告中表示,它认为只有加强国际社会实施和强制执行制裁制度的能力和政治意愿,制裁制度才有意义、才可信
In its second interim report, discussed in the Committee on # ay # the Group of Experts expressed the view that the sanctions regime could gain relevance and credibility only through an increase in the political will and capacity of the international community with respect to its implementation and enforcementMultiUn MultiUn
In addition, credible allegations that some camps or refugee locations have been infiltrated by the National Intelligence Service and the Imbonerakure contribute to a climate of fear and insecurity among refugees.UN-2 UN-2
We want it to be a credible tool for addressing the impact of arms sales on women all over the world.UN-2 UN-2
但最重要的是,我们必须帮助那些好人, 那些处在防御位置的人们, 去赢得优势从而战胜那些滥用技术的人们。
But above all, what we have to do is we have to help the good guys, the people on the defensive side, have an advantage over the people who want to abuse things.ted2019 ted2019
Ingraham's model was built to help fisheries but it is also used to predict flotsam movements or the likely locations of those lost at sea.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The first essential was for the parties to provide the information required, including the numbers, locations and armaments of the various armed groups, and the proposed sites of their demobilization areas.UN-2 UN-2
Nepal also believes that climate justice based on the principle of common but differentiated responsibilities should be at the centre of its implementation.UN-2 UN-2
The United Nations system can help in maintaining the momentum of international support for NEPAD by ensuring that Africa’s development issues remain high on the international agenda.UN-2 UN-2
These include managing: a high volume of remote entities; a high volume of new and reassigned/rotated staff; multiple financing mechanisms (global and regional programme, thematic trust funds, other trust funds); a high volume of implementing partners; a high volume of AWPs; a results framework with multiple planning and reporting tools; a high volume of indicators; and a number of ongoing initiatives.UN-2 UN-2
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Thus, a person’s income, opportunities and standard of living depend largely on citizenship and location.UN-2 UN-2
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