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Perot's son-in-law Clayton Mulford, who was involved in the early draft effort, was hired as legal adviser.LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
In the meantime, the National Electoral Commission commenced the drafting of election petition rulesMultiUn MultiUn
Alternatively, they may petition the Chief Executive in personMultiUn MultiUn
He sought direct funding from the federal government in 1938 and from the Illinois Legislature the following year; both attempts failed.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
面对这种情况,铸币局局长亨丽埃塔·富勒(Henrietta Fore)于2004年呈请国会拨款,资助取代现行铸币金属、降低生产成本的研究。
In response, Mint Director Henrietta Fore in 2004 asked Congress to fund research into lower-cost alternatives to present coinage metals.LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
On October 4, 2013, Colorado Secretary of State Scott Gessler approved a second petition to recall Colorado State Senator Evie Hudak, also an advocate of gun control; the signature gatherers had 60 days to collect 18,300 or more signatures to force a recall election in Colorado Senate District 19 which encompasses Arvada, Colorado and Westminster, Colorado.LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
The Chief Executive in Council also determines appeals, petitions and objections under those ordinances that confer a statutory right of appeal.UN-2 UN-2
3.6 如第3.3段所述,审核期间,声请人可获得公费法律支援,包括填写酷刑声请表格、出席审核会面,以及提出呈请并出席呈请的口头聆讯(如适用)。
As mentioned in paragraph 3.3, claimants may receive publicly-funded legal assistance during the screening process, including completion of the torture claim form, attendance at the screening interview, as well as lodging of a petition and attendance at an oral hearing for the petition (where applicable).UN-2 UN-2
In petition No. 147, of 2013, the court ordered the State to develop policies to this end and to increase the participation of women in the political process.UN-2 UN-2
During a later court session on September 9, Takaesu attempted to submit medical evidence that Brown had suffered a back injury in 1999 and had a steel collar and bolts inserted around his spine.LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
This was six days after FSM President Leo Falcam sent the disaster declaration to the US president, although Falcam had improperly filed the paperwork.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
呈请 人 是 个 外星人, 法官大人
The petitioner is an alien, Your Honor.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Meetings were held across the state and petitions circulated, for the most part supporting Hanna and denouncing Bushnell, Kurtz, and McKisson.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In the meantime, the National Electoral Commission commenced the drafting of election petition rules.UN-2 UN-2
It is unclear whether Chow and Lau intend to appeal the decision in the courts, but the court has yet to hand down a decision on challenges filed by Leung and Chan over one year ago.hrw.org hrw.org
Like most former Confederate officers, he petitioned the United States Congress for the restoration of his civil rights as stipulated by the 14th Amendment.LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
To this end, the Working Group endeavours to establish a channel of communication between the families and the Governments concerned, with a view to ensuring that sufficiently documented and clearly identified individual cases which families, directly or indirectly, have brought to the Group's attention are investigated with a view to clarifying the fate or whereabouts of the disappeared personsMultiUn MultiUn
法院引用了20世纪40年代的裁决作为判例,并且指出:“这份第二次世界大战时期的判词,曾屡次造益呈请人[守望台社],以及怀有共同信仰的人,使他们免去许多无谓的控诉。 这份判词也反映出法院重视第一条修正案所保障的自由。 本案所涉及的正是这种自由。”
Harking back to decisions of the 1940’s, the Court wrote: “The rhetoric used in the World War II-era opinions that repeatedly saved petitioners’ [Watch Tower Society] coreligionists from petty prosecutions reflected the Court’s evaluation of the First Amendment freedoms that are implicated in this case.”jw2019 jw2019
In order to continue strengthening the national legal framework for human rights, the State of Guatemala is currently, via the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, carrying out a process of internal consultation, with the aim of submitting the International Convention for the Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearance and the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities to the Congress for adoptionMultiUn MultiUn
The Commission called upon States to pursue policies which would promote the availability in sufficient quantities, accessibility to all without discrimination and the scientific appropriateness and quality of pharmaceuticals or medical technologies used to treat pandemics such as HIV/AIDSMultiUn MultiUn
Leung has filed an “election petition” to the court questioning if the returning officer has abused her power in making the decision to disqualify him.gv2019 gv2019
The Court may review any case in the federal courts of appeals "by writ of certiorari granted upon the petition of any party to any civil or criminal case".LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
� 提交人提交了呈请及答复的副本。
� The author submits copies of the petitions and the responses.UN-2 UN-2
Cases being considered on the meritsUN-2 UN-2
与此同时,自由党人简·布鲁克斯递交了成为候选人的呈请书,竞争摩斯的职位,而民主党人理查德·安格朗德(Richard Anglund)也宣布自己要竞选吉隆的职位。
At the same time, Libertarian Jan Brooks turned in petitions to be on the ballot against Morse while Democrat Richard Anglund announced his write-in candidacy against Giron.LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
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