和睦相處 oor Engels


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harmony; lack of conflict in personal relations
奧 德格 能 使 小 駱駝 和 它 的 媽媽 和睦 相處 嗎 ?
Was Odgoo able to bring the young colt to peace with his mother?

to get along with each other


to live in harmony

to get along; to live together in peace; to be on friendly terms with somebody

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天涯 何 無 芳草
You'll find love again someday.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
In the old western style, furniture was seen as ornament that displayed the wealth of its owner and the value of the piece was established according to the length of time spent creating it.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
With the guidance of the management team and in consultation with all programmes, AS ensured that the secretariat’s financial resources were managed effectively and activities were implemented within available resources.UN-2 UN-2
Today, staff at the Saudi Arabian embassy in the Philippines process between 800 and 900 jobs for Filipinos daily.LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
With support from BONUCA, the authorities have also undertaken to publicize human rights themes in the national media for the benefit of the greater population, through radio broadcasts and articles in various publications in Sango, the country’s lingua franca.UN-2 UN-2
Several speakers expressed their support for the technical assistance being provided to requesting Member States, in particular by the UNODC Terrorism Prevention BranchMultiUn MultiUn
The motives vary, depending on the circumstances and factors relating to the activities carried out by them.UN-2 UN-2
特别报告员在报告( # )第 # 段中确认,国际法承认出生和血统是同给予国籍关联的适当因素。
The Special Rapporteur, in paragraph # of his report ( # ), confirmed that birth and descent were recognized by international law as a satisfactory connecting factor for the conferment of nationalityMultiUn MultiUn
Calls on developed countries whose policies have an impact on developing countries to formulate policies consistent with the national objectives of developing countries regarding sustained growth, poverty eradication and sustainable development;UN-2 UN-2
Finally, the President of the Dispute Tribunal, who has to direct the work of the Tribunal and the Registries, relies on the presence and support of the other judge at his or her location during his or her term of office to maintain the flow of cases.UN-2 UN-2
在安全理事会没有提供其他指示的情况下,经广泛协商,我根据第 # 号决议,打算对国际民事存在的结构和分布进行重组,使其与科索沃正在演变的局势适应,并使欧洲联盟能够在科索沃承担更多的业务任务。
In the absence of other guidance from the Security Council, and following extensive consultations, it is my intention to reconfigure the structure and profile of the international civil presence to one that corresponds to the evolving situation in Kosovo and that enables the European Union to assume an enhanced operational role in Kosovo, in accordance with resolutionMultiUn MultiUn
(c) 促进将增长和发展的好以有利于穷人的方式作出公平分配,并改善穷人利用基本社会服务的能力,以期扩大他们参与经济活动的机会;
(h) Promoting an equitable distribution of the benefits of growth and development in favour of the poor and improving their access to basic social services with a view to increasing their opportunities for participation in economic activity;UN-2 UN-2
以反應時的壓力分類 常壓化學氣沉積(Atmospheric Pressure CVD,APCVD):在常壓環境下的CVD製程。
Classified by operating conditions: Atmospheric pressure CVD (APCVD) – CVD at atmospheric pressure.LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
Humanitarian and development agencies have much to be proud of as well, as the report illustratesMultiUn MultiUn
Furthermore, in three field offices where UNHCR had operated for over five years, the Board found no clear milestones against which UNHCR could measure progress and assess when its mission was completeMultiUn MultiUn
恐怖行为筹划者应以 # 至 # 年徒刑的重罪刑罚(《刑法》第 # 条第款)。
The person, who perpetrates preparation for an act of terrorism, shall be punishable for a felony with imprisonment from # year to # years (Section # of the Criminal CodeMultiUn MultiUn
A combination of quantitative and qualitative techniques of analysis and a comprehensive exploration of the available sources was used to analyse the evolution of urban safety in three cities of Lombardy, Italy (Bergamo, Milan and Varese), highlighting crucial themes which any safety policy has to cope with;UN-2 UN-2
One objective of UNRWA in taking this initiative was to deal with audit recommendations as part of Agency-wide reform.UN-2 UN-2
In the West Bank, military operations carried out by Israeli forces, which included the imposition of curfews and closures and the creation of closed military zones, had an adverse impact on the Agency's ability to carry out its humanitarian functions in support of the Palestine refugeesMultiUn MultiUn
Such efforts are combined with the promotion of dialogue with local communities to ensure greater acceptance and greater public accountability of the new institutions and the peaceful resolution of disputes.UN-2 UN-2
人权事务高级专员办事处(人权高专办)研究和发展权利处长Zdislaw Kedzia主持工作组第三十届会议开幕,他着重指出了工作组过去三十年在反对当代形式奴役方面产生的影响。
The thirtieth session of the Working Group was opened by Zdislaw Kedzia, Chief, Research and Right to Development, Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), who stressed the impact of the Working Group in combating contemporary forms of slavery for the past # yearsMultiUn MultiUn
发言人还赞赏近东救济工程以其教育、保健、紧急救助和社会保障领域的许多计划努力减轻约旦、黎巴嫩、阿拉伯叙利亚共和国、西岸和加沙地带的 # 万巴勒斯坦难民的困难处境。
He also expressed appreciation to UNRWA, which through its programmes of education, health and relief and social services was struggling to alleviate the hardship of # million Palestine refugees in Jordan, Lebanon, the Syrian Arab Republic, the West Bank and GazaMultiUn MultiUn
For example, each row describes a specific retail department, which the advertiser associates with specific campaigns.support.google support.google
At the session, several participating States presented information on the progress in their maritime delimitation processes, which was inscribed in the Registry of the ConferenceMultiUn MultiUn
(Hebrews 4:12) Those who put its teachings into practice, therefore, enjoy peace and unity in the family.jw2019 jw2019
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