四神丸 oor Engels



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A brown pill used in traditional Chinese medicine "to warm the kidney and the spleen and check diarrhea in the treatment of diminished function of the spleen and the kidney with cold manifestations, marked by diarrhea occurring before dawn daily or loose stools with abdominal pain, aching in the loins and cold limbs".

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Last, while the meeting called by the Secretary-General could provide a useful platform for discussions, substantive efforts to revitalize the Conference and take forward multilateral disarmament measures would be better served by convening a fourth special session on disarmament, as proposed by Pakistan along with a number of other countries.UN-2 UN-2
Aware of this constraint, major panel discussions on regional initiatives on sustainable forest management were integrated into the plenary meetings of the third and fourth sessions of the ForumMultiUn MultiUn
The Fifth Committee also had before it a note by the Secretary-General (A/C.5/57/8) containing the names of two persons nominated by their respective Governments for appointment or reappointment to the Administrative Tribunal for a four-year term of office beginning on 1 January 2003.UN-2 UN-2
科技咨询机构第二十届会议 注意到第 # 号决定,请缔约方、获得接纳的观察员和有关政府间组织在 # 年 # 月 # 日之前向秘书处提交材料,详细阐述处理以上第 # 段所指情况影响的实际解决办法。
Noting decision # the SBSTA, at its twenty-fourth session, invited Parties, admitted observers and relevant intergovernmental organizations to submit to the secretariat, by # ugust # their inputs elaborating practical solutions to address the implications of the situation referred to in paragraph # aboveMultiUn MultiUn
The Chair noted that # would provide an opportunity for assessing the progress achieved and preparing elements for further workMultiUn MultiUn
The report of the Secretary-General addresses all of those challenges in its first four chapters, which cover the traditional four pillars of development, peace and security, humanitarian affairs, human rights and rule of law.UN-2 UN-2
Takes note with appreciation of the efforts by UNICEF to include the mandates of the quadrennial comprehensive policy review of operational activities for development of the United Nations system in the next UNICEF strategic plan, 2014-2017, and requests UNICEF to fully align the next strategic plan, 2014-2017, with these mandates, and further requests UNICEF to continue contributing to discussions with other funds and programmes towards developing a common approach to tracking implementation of the quadrennial comprehensive policy review;UN-2 UN-2
In the light of the foregoing, the Assembly and the Council may wish to consider whether it is necessary to continue abiding by Article 34 of the Charter, which calls for a separate quinquennial review of its implementation.UN-2 UN-2
As to the kind of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances they used, it was cannabis (52.8 per cent), ecstasy (18.4 per cent), diazepam (9.4 per cent).UN-2 UN-2
Renewable energy is gradually replacing conventional fuels in four distinct areas: electricity generation, hot water/space heating, motor fuels, and rural (off-grid) energy services.LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
Those treaties established a framework that had encouraged outer space exploration for the benefit of both space-faring and non-space-faring nations, on a humanitarian and non-discriminatory basis, ensuring freedom of scientific investigation and bearing in mind the simple but profound humanitarian notion that astronauts should be regarded as envoys of mankind and rendered all possible international assistance.UN-2 UN-2
The four interactive round tables would be held consecutively (not simultaneously), but in concurrence with the plenary meetings;UN-2 UN-2
Therefore, it was suggested to include in draft Article 18 paragraph 2 of the comprehensive convention a specific reference: "activities of the armed forces [...] are not governed by this convention, unless they fall under Article 4 (2) (d) of Additional Protocol II to the Geneva Conventions."UN-2 UN-2
As a result of continuing critical needs and the challenges faced in completing the humanitarian transition process, four clusters covering shelter, health, protection and water and sanitation have been maintained.UN-2 UN-2
At its fortieth session, the Commission is considering a note by the Secretary-General on the report of the Friends of the Chair on the indicators on violence against women (E/CN.3/2009/13).UN-2 UN-2
负责监测《 # 世纪议程》执行情况的可持续发展委员会在其第、第五和第七届会议上讨论了海洋问题。
The Commission on Sustainable Development, which is responsible for monitoring the implementation of Agenda # has addressed ocean issues at its fourth, fifth and seventh sessionsMultiUn MultiUn
22 And this is the genealogy of the sons of Adam, who was the ason of God, with whom God, himself, conversed.LDS LDS
最高国务委员会主席根据《阿尔及利亚宪法》第六十七、七十和七十六条,于 # 年 # 月 # 日发布《第 # 号主席令》,下令全国实行为期 # 个月的紧急状态。
The President of the High State Council issued Presidential Decree No # of # ebruary # decreeing a state of emergency throughout the national territory for a duration of # months, in accordance with articles # and # of the Algerian ConstitutionMultiUn MultiUn
Taking note of the preliminary report on persons with albinism submitted by the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights to the Human Rights Council at its twenty-fourth session,UN-2 UN-2
Substantive servicing of meetings: first, second, third, fourth and fifth sessions of the committee (50);UN-2 UN-2
The four service lines for the Poverty TTF are benchmarking and monitoring poverty (including the MDGs); participatory processes, pro-poor policies (particularly PRSPs), and piloting and innovationsMultiUn MultiUn
该项《公约》的缔约国并一致认为,教育应使所有的人能有效地参加自由社会,促进各民族之间和各种族、族裔或宗教团体之间的了解、容忍和有一,和促进联合国维护和平的各项活动; 《消除一切形式种族歧视国际公约》,尤其是第五条款,该款禁止一切形式种族歧视,并保证人人有不分种族、肤色或民族或族裔在法律上一律平等的权利,尤得享受思想、良心与宗教自由的权利; 《儿童权利公约》,尤其是第 # 条,该条禁止因儿童或其父母或法定监护人的宗教而有任何差别;第 # 条,该条规定尊重儿童享有思想、信仰和宗教自由的权利;及第 # 条,该条保证属于宗教少数的儿童信奉自己的宗教并举行宗教仪式的权利; 《消除对妇女一切形式歧视公约》; 《防止及惩治灭绝种族罪公约》,尤其是第二条,该条规定:"灭绝种族系指蓄意全部或局部消灭某一......宗教团体”; 《关于难民地位的公约》,尤其是第条,该条规定难民在关于举行宗教仪式的自由以及对其子女施加宗教教育的自由方面,应至少给予其本国国民所获得的待遇;和第三十三条,该条禁止将难民驱逐至其生命或自由因为他的宗教而受到威胁的国家; 《保护所有移徙工人及其家庭成员权利国际公约》,尤其是第 # 条,该条涉及移徙工人及其家庭成员享有思想、良心和宗教自由; 国际人道主义法律的相关条款,其中尤其是 # 年 # 月 # 日的项《日内瓦公约》及其《附加议定书》。
b) The International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, in particular article # which ensures the right of everyone to education that education shall be directed to the full development of the human personality and the sense of its dignity, and shall strengthen the respect for human rights and fundamental freedom. States parties to the Covenant further agree that education shall enable all persons to participate effectively in a free society, promote understanding, tolerance and friendship among all nations and all racial, ethnic or religious groups, and further the activities of the United Nations of the maintenance of peaceMultiUn MultiUn
Some delegations expressed the view that many provisions of the Outer Space Treaty, including articles # and VII, applied to the Moon and other celestial bodies and that, therefore, the Outer Space Treaty adequately addressed activities on the Moon and other celestial bodiesMultiUn MultiUn
There are three significant risks of implementing the approved strategy IVMultiUn MultiUn
4 尽管生活忙碌,你有紧守治传道训练班的秩序,阅读每周的经文吗?
4 Despite your busy schedule, are you keeping up with the suggested weekly Bible reading outlined in the Theocratic Ministry School Schedule?jw2019 jw2019
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