夹道 oor Engels


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a narrow street (lined with walls)


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耶稣骑着驴驹子进入耶路撒冷。 大群门徒夹道向他欢呼致敬,把他称为“奉主[耶和华]名来的王”。
As Jesus rides into Jerusalem on a colt and is hailed by the multitude of the disciples as “the One coming as the King in Jehovah’s name,” the Pharisees call on him to rebuke his disciples.jw2019 jw2019
Jesus rides into Jerusalem on the colt of an ass; he is hailed as the Son of David by the crowds but rejected by Jewish “builders” (21:1-11, 15, 42)jw2019 jw2019
Jesus rides into Jerusalem and is hailed as King by the crowd but not by the Phariseesjw2019 jw2019
On occasion, as many as seven hundred thousand from Ephesus and distant lands would line the streets as the “virgin goddess” was paraded through the city.jw2019 jw2019
保罗说,“基督的香气”对某些人来说意味着生命,对另一些人来说就意味着死亡。《 国际标准圣经百科全书》(英语)说,保罗的这个比喻“很可能取材自罗马人的一个做法,就是夹道的群众会在游行队伍经过时烧香。
The metaphor of the “sweet odor of Christ” signifying life for some and death for others is “probably drawn from the Roman practice of burning incense along the way of the procession,” says The International Standard Bible Encyclopedia.jw2019 jw2019
群众夹道欢呼,向这位未来君王致敬。( 马太福音21:9-12)
Throngs hailed him as Israel’s future King. —Mt 21:9-12.jw2019 jw2019
We slowly made our way through crowds of people, who lined the street hoping to see some of the famous movie stars expected to arrive for the showing.jw2019 jw2019
Jesus rides into Jerusalem and is hailed by the people, but he weeps over the city and foretells its desolationjw2019 jw2019
她 自己 夹道 逃脱 加利 弗特 将军 的 血腥 之手
She, herself, narrowly escaped... the blood-stained hands of General Galliffet.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
1892年,剑桥公园委员会委派Frederick Law Olmsted在查尔斯河沿岸布置景观道和公园,并配备树木夹道的人行道和中心林荫道。
In 1892, the Cambridge Park Commission had commissioned Frederick Law Olmsted to lay out a picturesque driveway and park along the Charles River that would feature tree-lined promenades and a central mall.LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
For many it was like running the gauntlet.jw2019 jw2019
The farm building is situated along a shady roadway a few hundred yards from the new buildings.jw2019 jw2019
“令人悲哀的现实是,朝鲜的无数人权受害者没有多少选择:或者争取掌握自己的命运,硬闯朝鲜和中国的夹道追捕前往第三国;或者默默忍受,期待世界各国挺身为他们伸张正义,” 罗柏森说。“
“The sad reality is North Korea’s countless human rights victims have few options: either take their fate into their own hands by running the gauntlet in North Korea and China to get to a third country, or suffer in silence and hope governments around the world will step up to demand justice for them,” said Robertson.hrw.org hrw.org
一路上,他仿佛率领着凯旋行列似的,民众夹道欢呼,显示他极受拥戴。 各地的人都来一睹他的风采。
Public sentiment was on his side, and people everywhere wanted to see him.jw2019 jw2019
But where could such a group be found—people “out of all nations,” people who were no part of spiritual Israel (described earlier, in Revelation 7:4-8), people who exercised faith in the ransom (having figuratively washed their robes in the blood of the Lamb), people who hailed Christ as King (with palm branches in their hands, like the crowd that greeted Jesus as King when he entered Jerusalem), people who truly were presenting themselves before Jehovah’s throne to serve him?jw2019 jw2019
(Welcome, brothers!)jw2019 jw2019
When the motorcade of the Chinese delegation drove near the Presidential Palace, more than 15,000 local primary and secondary school students waved the national flags of China and Indonesia along the two sides of the street to cheer and extend regards, warmly welcoming the arrival of Chinese Premier.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
The people lined the streets to watch: there wasn't a soul in town that didn't come running to see the beautiful goose.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
警官打开车门,他虽然什么也没说,但唐太斯的疑问已经得到了答复 — — 因为他看见了两排士兵夹道排成了一条甬道,从马车直排到码头。
The officer opened the door, which was locked, and, without speaking a word, answered Dantии s' question; for he saw between the ranks of the soldiers a passage formed from the carriage to the port.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
出入之处与北屋门的样式相同。 12 正在墙前,夹道的东头,有门可以进入,与向南圣屋的门一样。
12 And according to the doors of the chambers that were toward the south was a door in the head of the way, even the way directly before the wall toward the east, as one entereth into them.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
出入之处、与北屋门的样式相同。 42:12 正在墙前、夹道的东头、有门可以进入、与向南圣屋的门一样。
42:12 And according to the doors of the chambers that were toward the south was a door in the head of the way, even the way directly before the wall toward the east, as one entereth into them.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
在这里务必要仔细欣赏一下格窗及大床间(两房中的夹道 ) 、 隔扇画等细节。 成人(16岁及以上)400日元、儿童(6~16岁以下)200日元,20人以上8折。 富田林市教育委员会文化财产课 0721-25-1000(代)外部网站
While here, be sure to investigate the details on the decoratively carved crossbars, large alcove, panel paintings, and more. Adults (16 Years+) ¥400, children (6 – 15) ¥200; 20% discount for groups of 20 people or more Cultural Properties Division, Board of Education, Tondabayashi City: 0721-25-1000External site Read MoreParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
更多 位于北京森特拉尔的一部分,与现代商业和历史悠久的老北京风味,在东城区,东直门北京公共交通Junction. close使馆区混合,并坐在传统的夹道间。
Located in the centeral part of Beijing, mixed with modern commerce and historical old Beijing flavour, at the Dongcheng District, next to the Dongzhimen Beijing Public Transport Junction. close to the Embassy Areas, and sit among the traditional narrow lane.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
出入之处与北屋门的样式相同。 12 正在墙前,夹道的东头,有门可以进入,与向南圣屋的门一样。
12 And corresponding to the doors of the chambers that were facing south, as one enters them, there was a door in front of the walk, the way directly in front of the wall toward the east.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
24 sinne gevind in 9 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.