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As the General Assembly is discussing an issue to be referred to the ICJ, biased rhetoric that deviates from a factual representation of the circumstances on the ground is not a good reflection on the competence of the General Assembly.UN-2 UN-2
The Committee commends the State party for its political will and commitment to fulfilling the legal obligations established by the Convention, as expressed in the new Constitution (2006), which includes the State’s guarantees for equality of women and men and development of equal opportunities policy (article 15); the possibility of introducing special measures to achieve full equality (article 21); and the obligation to ensure equality and representation of women and men and members of national minorities in the National Assembly (article 100).UN-2 UN-2
Issue was taken with some of the views expressed in the report including the statement that “[i]t is generally recognized that the municipal decisions are `not of great assistance'”MultiUn MultiUn
With respect to the relationship between Japan and its neighbours and the way in which certain episodes of Japan's history were written, he suggested that if the population was more aware of the significance of Japan's historical ties with its Korean and Chinese neighbours, it might adopt a different attitude towards themMultiUn MultiUn
the above wording, if adopted, would have the disadvantage of repeating draft guideline 2.6.13 almost word for word.UN-2 UN-2
Even if the bracketed comments may only be used in the commentaries on draft guideline 2.8, their inclusion in parentheses in the text itself would probably have the advantage of emphasizing the guideline’s “definitional” role.UN-2 UN-2
As recommended by CPC, the Department of Economic and Social Affairs and the regional commissions have continued to improve the quality and presentation of these reports to ensure that their main findings and policy proposals can more easily reach government officials and the specialized public.UN-2 UN-2
系统观测单元网络的表述用语相差很大,提法包括:气象台站 (亚美尼亚、阿塞拜疆、格鲁吉亚、大韩民国、莱索托、毛里求斯、菲律宾、乌兹别克斯坦、津巴布韦)、天气观测台站(库克群岛、大韩民国、莱索托、菲律宾)、气候观测台站 (亚美尼亚、哈萨克斯坦、莱索托)、数据收集平台(菲律宾)、农业气象台站(菲律宾)、高层大气观测台站(库克群岛、大韩民国、菲律宾)、降雨记录台站(莱索托、津巴布韦)、水文台站(亚美尼亚、阿塞拜疆、乌兹别克斯坦)、洪水预报台站(菲律宾)、风暴潮监测台站(菲律宾)、海洋观测台站(阿塞拜疆、大韩民国、毛里求斯、瑙鲁、乌兹别克斯坦)、潮汐记录台站(智利、大韩民国、图瓦卢)、海洋综合观测台站(库克群岛、瑙鲁),以及卫星(大韩民国、毛里求斯、乌兹别克斯坦、津巴布韦)、雷达(库克群岛、格鲁吉亚、大韩民国、津巴布韦)和机载观测台站(大韩民国)。
The terminology used to describe the network of systematic observation units was very diverse, and included meteorological stations (ARM, AZE, GEO, KOR, LSO, MUS, PHL, UZB, ZWE), synoptic stations (COK, KOR, LSO, PHL), climate stations (ARM, KAZ, LSO), data collection platforms (PHL), agrometeorological stations (PHL), upper air stations (COK, KOR, PHL), rainfall stations (LSO, ZWE), hydrological stations (ARM, AZE, UZB), flood forecasting stations (PHL), storm surge monitoring stations (PHL), marine stations (AZE, KOR, MUS, NRU, UZB), tide stations (CHL, KOR, TUV), seaframe stations (COK, NRU), and satellite (KOR, MUS, UZB, ZWE), radar (COK, GEO, KOR, ZWE) and aeronautical stations (KORMultiUn MultiUn
Under the topic of effects of armed conflicts on treaties, his delegation supported the new definition of armed conflict in article 2, paragraph (b), which was based on the formulation used in the Tadić case; the new wording covered internal armed conflict and no longer mentioned “armed operations” or “state of war”.UN-2 UN-2
As part of several projects implemented in cooperation with non-governmental organizations there has been a special focus on rights and protection of women from inappropriate presentation in the media and there have been efforts made to enhance the participation of women in designing the editorial policy of printed and electronic media outletsMultiUn MultiUn
Given the silence of the Vienna Conventions on the matter, the Special Rapporteur thought it would be contrary to the purpose and the object of article # paragraph # of the Conventions to state that, once an acceptance had been secured, the accepting State or international organization could reverse its acceptance, which would be counter to the general principle of good faith and might pose serious problems of legal security in terms of the reserving State's participationMultiUn MultiUn
Taking into account the survey results, our considered view remains that in the Initial Report, i.e. at this stage, self-regulation and education, rather than legislation, are the most appropriate means of addressing discrimination in this area.UN-2 UN-2
The open-ended formulation of the inquiry procedure allows individuals, groups, non-governmental organizations and other entities to submit information to the CommitteeMultiUn MultiUn
Therefore, the drafts being developed would delete some references to “developing” and “developed” countries where it was not considered necessary to add any relevant context to the commentary.UN-2 UN-2
It is in the solidarity inspired by human suffering that the Commission's mandate finds telos, as an expression of our common heritage in a global contextMultiUn MultiUn
During the second reading of the draft text, at the fourth session of the Ad Hoc Committee, Mexico proposed the deletion of this definition, because the expression no longer appears in the draft convention as a result of the reformulation of articles 13 and 43.UN-2 UN-2
In many situations, this articulation is crucial to preventing a relapse into conflict.UN-2 UN-2
During the debate, some members of the Committee and observers argued in favour of including an amendment in either article 14 (or by drafting an alternative article 14) or in the commentary on article 14 to reflect that some countries had different views than those found in paragraph 9 of the commentary on how to interpret article 14.UN-2 UN-2
The right of indigenous peoples to permanent sovereignty over natural resources may be articulated as follows: it is a collective right by virtue of which States are obligated to respect, protect, and promote the governmental and property interests of indigenous peoples (as collectivities) in their natural resources.UN-2 UN-2
(g) 目标应表述为:缔约方能据以到某一确定日期集体限制其排放量的百分比,以及用以能对照衡量此一高要求目标的基准年(澳大利亚,MISC.5/Add.2);
(g) The target be expressed as a percentage by which Parties aim to collectively restrain their emissions by a certain date, and a base year against which this ambition is measured (Australia, MISC.5/Add.2);UN-2 UN-2
在指出西班牙代表团提出的在第 # 款中纳入“遵循第 # 款规定”的提议未被接受的情况下,他再次提议应从第 # 款起首部分删除“为确定承运人的责任期间”的表述
While noting that his delegation's proposal to include in paragraph # the phrase “subject to the provisions of paragraph # ” had not been accepted, he again proposed that the phrase “For the purposes of determining the carrier's period of responsibility” should be deleted from the chapeau of paragraphMultiUn MultiUn
The proposed reformulation better expresses the holding in ELSI by removing a requirement that the “injured person”, who is, presumably, the subject of diplomatic protection, be the party exhausting local remedies.UN-2 UN-2
In most instances, the private auditors found that the combined-delivery reports fairly presented the expenditures of the DEX projects audited and thus issued an unqualified opinion.UN-2 UN-2
在 # 号报告中,特别报告员在表述获取信息权的依据和理由时认为,“《公民权利和政治权利国际公约》(ICCPR)第十九条第款规定,必须要保障要求获取信息的自由。
In his report # the Special Rapporteur stated the basis for, and rationale of, the right to information as “The freedom to seek information is guaranteed in ICCPR ArticleMultiUn MultiUn
Draft article 2(1) of the model legislative provisions is intended to express such a broad notion of conciliation.UN-2 UN-2
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