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官 Officer

Vertalings in die woordeboek Sjinees - Engels

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Rene Sini

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漁業部還擁有執法分部,漁業(Fishery Officer,近似於保安)負責打擊在加拿大專屬經濟區內的偷獵與外國過度捕撈。
DFO also maintains a large enforcement branch with peace officers (known as Fishery Officers) used to combat poaching and foreign overfishing within Canada's Exclusive Economic Zone.LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
後來他成為了訓練軍(Training Officer),第一次是在紐芬蘭,接下來是在美國東部。
He went on to become a training officer, first in Newfoundland, then in the USA Eastern Territory.LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
加德满都首席政务(Chief District Officer)艾克・纳拉扬・阿尔约(Ek Narayan Aryal)表示,这种活动违反了尼泊尔对“一中政策”的坚持。
Such activities, said Kathmandu’s Chief District Officer Ek Narayan Aryal, are against Nepal’s commitment to its “one-China policy.”hrw.org hrw.org
小约翰曾在爱丁堡任警医(英语:Medical Officer for Health),为道尔提供了医学调查和犯罪侦破的关联。
Littlejohn, who was also Police Surgeon and Medical Officer of Health in Edinburgh, provided Conan Doyle with a link between medical investigation and the detection of crime.LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
阿富汗國民軍(英语:Afghan National Army)依靠盟友來提高並維持他們前進空中管制員與聯合火力管制(Joint Fires Officer,JFO)的水平。
The Afghan National Army (ANA) currently relies on coalition partners to raise and sustain its FAC and Joint Fires Officer (JFO) capability.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
伊隆·马斯克担任首席技术(英语:Chief Technology Officer),里士·索尔金(Rich Sorkin)担任首席执行官。
Elon Musk was appointed the Chief Technology Officer and Rich Sorkin became the Chief Executive Officer.LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
法规 GRC 关注于通过组织内的法律部门和首席合规 (CCO, Chief Compliance Officer)来综合所有的三个领域。
Legal GRC focuses on tying together all three components via an organization's legal department and chief compliance officer.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
因为没有高年级的学员训练新学员,所以空军安排了“空军训练”(ATO,Air Training Officer)的骨干来施训。
There were no upper class cadets to train the new cadets, so the Air Force appointed a cadre of "Air Training Officers" (ATOs) to conduct training.LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
唐纳德·艾奇逊(Donald Acheson,1926年9月17日—2010年1月10日),是一位英国医生和流行病学家,1983年至1991年担任英国的首席医务(Chief Medical Officer)。
Sir (Ernest) Donald Acheson KBE (17 September 1926 – 10 January 2010) was an Irish-born physician and epidemiologist who served as Chief Medical Officer of the United Kingdom from 1983 to 1991.LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
F-105雷長野鼬 1966年在北越上空,野鼬通常四機編隊出擊、由單座 F-105F 或雙座 F-105G(後座為電子作戰(Electronic Warfare Officer,EWO),負責協助電子訊號接收與分析)引導三架 F-105D。
In 1966 over North Vietnam, Wild Weasel flights of four aircraft sometimes were led by a single F-105F/G two-seat aircraft (aided by its Electronic Warfare Officer (EWO) with his electronic receivers & analyzers) plus three F-105Ds.LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
法国上层贵族是国家常设骑兵(gendarmerie)的名义领袖,真正治国的是司法官和财务的队伍(corps of judicial and financial officers)。
The governing equivalent was its corps of judicial and financial officers.Literature Literature
同日,威弗给美国缓刑监视(U.S. Probation Officer)卡尔·里金斯(Karl Richins) 打了一通电话,告诉里金斯自己被指示应于今天和他联系。
On that same day, Weaver called the U.S. probation officer Karl Richins and told him, he (Weaver) was instructed to contact him (Richins), on that date.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Alfred Higabee "Alf" Johnson:1910年代-1940年代中期——大西洋縣治安(英语:Atlantic County Sheriff's Office);努基·強森的哥哥;1878年出生;1958年去世(80歲)。
Alfred Higabee "Alf" Johnson: mid 1910s-1940s—Atlantic County Sheriff; Nucky Johnson's brother; born in 1878, died in 1958 (80 years old).LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
直至2010年7月,滑鐵盧的鄰里警察團包括1個督察、1個警官、2個警員、特別警員(英语:Special Constabulary)以及13個警察社區支援(英语:Police Community Support Officer)。
Until July 2010, the Neighbourhood Policing Team for Waterloo consisted of an inspector, a sergeant, two constables, special constables, and 13 police community support officers.LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
第5街和F街入口位於附近設有很多升降機和扶手電梯的國家法律執行紀念碑(英语:National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial)旁邊。
The 5th and F Street entrance is in the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial, as the monument is built around the escalator and elevators.LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
皇家海軍預備役軍長期服役獎章(英語:Decoration for Officers of the Royal Naval Reserve)也稱為後備獎章(英語:RD),是英國皇家海軍後備隊頒發給至少服役十五年的現役軍獎章。
The Decoration for Officers of the Royal Naval Reserve, commonly known as the Reserve Decoration (RD), was a medal awarded in the Royal Naval Reserve of the United Kingdom to officers with at least fifteen years of active duty.LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
因为没有高年级的学员训练新学员,所以空军安排了“空军训练 ” ( ATO,Air Training Officer)的骨干来施训。
There were no upper class cadets to train the new cadets, so the Air Force appointed a cadre of "Air Training Officers " (ATOs) to conduct training.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
韩华Q CELLS USA首席开发(Chief Development Officer,CDO)劳伦斯格林尼表示,很高兴能够与奥斯汀能源公司进行合作,并协助他们实现将太阳能列入奥斯汀业务范围内的目标。
"We're very excited by the opportunity to work with Austin Energy and support their goal of adding significant solar energy to their generation portfolio," said Laurence Greene, Chief Development Officer of Hanwha Q CELLS USA.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
政府财政官员协会(英语:Government Finance Officers Association,簡稱GFOA)是一專業機構,約有17,500位來自美國與加拿大地方政府(如州、省、或其他地方政府)的財政員所組成。
The Government Finance Officers Association (or GFOA) is a professional association of approximately 19,000 state, provincial, and local government finance officers in the United States and Canada.LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
如果阁下认为阁下的版权正受到"社区网站"上的 Symantec(赛门铁克)客户或其他第三方的侵犯或通过"服务"受到侵犯,请将"侵权通知"传真给 Symantec(赛门铁克)的首席法务 (Chief Legal Officer ) , 传真号码为:408-517-8121 。 "
If you believe your copyrights are being infringed by a Symantec customer or other third party on the Community Website or through the Service, please fax a Notice of Infringement to Symantec addressed to the following person at the following fax number: Chief Legal Officer at 408-517-8121.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
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