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Beyond the bureaucracy, academics, human-rights lawyers, bloggers, and business leaders are also suffering.



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No doubt about it, although in a fallen state, the old harlot, under one guise or another, still enjoys the trappings and luxury of power and tries to rule the roost. —Revelation 17:4.jw2019 jw2019
“Due to their difficult living conditions, poor people will often be highly resourceful in terms of surviving.... However, many poor people experience obstacles to their own efforts to improve their situation, obstacles that may be due to corruption, to the authorities evicting them from houses, or from land where they grow their food, the requirements of school uniforms to be able to attend school, etc.”MultiUn MultiUn
一些当局官场人士甚至令人震惊的声称,“为避免将男女关押在同一场地”,“这些(女性囚徒在当局人员本人的住处过夜,作为防范性措施”(第 # 页),或称,“作为防范性措施,她们与警官一起过夜,直到警官当班时间结束为止”(第 # 页)。
Certain authorities make the astonishing statement that “in order to avoid holding men and women in the same premises” “these [women] spend the night in their own houses as a preventive measure” (p # ) or that “as a precautionary measure, they spend the night with police officers until such time as they have completed their spell of duty” (pMultiUn MultiUn
It may be possible in a professional context for the representative of the occupying Power to seek to defend the illegal and illicit behaviour of his country, but it is intolerable and disgusting that he should try to tell Member States what to do and to portray the occupying Power as a State that obeys and observes international law and loves peaceMultiUn MultiUn
Other challenges include tribalism, nepotism, official corruption and balancing family duties and reproductive activities which compete unfavourably with women’s career development and advancement.UN-2 UN-2
“Due to their difficult living conditions, poor people will often be highly resourceful in terms of surviving.UN-2 UN-2
With even routine approval of projects and requests potentially arousing suspicion, the Chinese bureaucracy is now paralyzed by fear.ProjectSyndicate ProjectSyndicate
However, because the political system has never changed, dictatorship, dictatorship, then dictatorship, power has never been constrained, finally resulting in unavoidable official corruption.LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
While others took risks or sat in jails, they functioned in official and legal structures.ProjectSyndicate ProjectSyndicate
Moreover, there are real disagreements within the US bureaucracy when it comes to assessing the threat that Al Qaeda in Mali poses for US interests.ProjectSyndicate ProjectSyndicate
Beyond the bureaucracy, academics, human-rights lawyers, bloggers, and business leaders are also suffering.ProjectSyndicate ProjectSyndicate
I know what you are saying.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Initially, he was curious to understand officialdom in China and pry into a different side of human nature.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
如果在官场 — — 普通人眼中的"上流社会 " , 奢侈作风被认为是身份显赫的象征,那么要在民间社会塑造节俭与审慎的美德看来难度很大。 如果奢侈意味着显赫,那么节俭就意味着卑微。
If the lavishness of officialdom (high society in the view of a lot of ordinary people) is regarded as a symbol of prominent identity, it's no wonder that it is very difficult to shape a society in which thrift and prudence are considered to be virtues.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
There is also spacious lounge areas inside each pavilion with state of the art entertainment equipment and sliding glass doors lead from the lounge and main bedrooms onto the large teakwood decks.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
I don't betray my father, and for this I have no heart.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
有些作家,例如尔 ·马尔托夫,爱用一种"官场的乐观主义的 " ( 同考茨基、胡斯曼一样)论断,来回避帝国主义同工人运 动中的机会主义相联系这个现在特别引人注目的事实,说什么假如正是先进的资本主义会加强机会主义,或者,假如正是待遇最好的工人倾向于机会主义,那么反对 资本主义的人们的事业就会没有希望了,等等。 不要看错了这种"乐观主义"的意义:这是对机会主义的乐观主义,这是用来掩护机会主义的乐观主义。
Some writers, L. Martov, for example, are prone to wave aside the connection between imperialism and opportunism in the working-class movement--a particularly glaring fact at the present time--by resorting to "official optimism" (à la Kautsky and Huysmans) like the following: the cause of the opponents of capitalism would be hopeless if it were precisely progressive capitalism that led to the increase of opportunism, or, if it were precisely the best paid workers who were inclined towards opportunism, etc. We must have no illusions about "optimism" of this kind.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Over the years, lack of faith and moral anomie have caused the deterioration of Chinese society. All those parties that licked Liu's boots bear responsibility.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
The notions, bad habits, and tendencies that you've formed in ordinary society and in political circles and the like are looked down on even among ordinary people, so even more so should they be disposed of in cultivation.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
▪Profesora自 17 太极气功多年官场, 在体育中心, 社会中心, 文化和第三年龄在巴塞罗那和安达卢西亚作为:
â–aProfesora since 17 Taichi and Qigong years in officialdom, in sports center, social centers, cultural and 3rd age in Barcelona and Andalusia as:ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Idealism is laughed at inside officialdom.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
He knew what confronted him if he attacked these – outlawry, excommunication from official society, the loss of his whole social position.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
由于贴近法国官场,对于法国对于世界欠发达地区具有独特文明使命 (mission civilisatrice ) 的观点,他为此在官场中寻求支持。
Close to French official circles, he helped to build support in France for the idea that France had a unique civilizing mission (mission civilisatrice ) in the less-developed parts of the world.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
The apostles were overcome by fear, and when they had been released, they proceeded to the Temple court and bore witness of the living Christ.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Because of his dissatisfaction with official corruption and darkness, has been marginalized and combat.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
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