屋角 oor Engels


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Take him to the dungeon!jw2019 jw2019
太 无礼 了 你 我 可 在 屋角 贴 了 室友 表现 评估 表 呢
The term “navigation”’OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
11 这耶稣就是为你们『匠人所弃而不用的石头,反而成了屋角基石 。 』
Now, there... what is that?ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
I' ve made a terrible mistakeParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
PART ONE GENERAL PROVISIONSParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
这柜子在屋角,在桌子的另一面,在另一个角落望是厨房 — — 煤油炉放在一个布匹箱上。 布匹箱里是婉盏和炊事用品。 墙上有个放食物的架子,地面上放一桶水。
Crockett, around the back, down the alley!ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
21:42 耶稣对他们说 : 「 匠人弃而不用的石头,反而成了屋角的基石;那是上主的所行所为,在我们眼中,神妙莫测』的这句经文,你们没有读过吗 ?
It seems to me extraordinary that this continent, which exported the idea of representative government and parliamentary democracy, which carried the seeds of democracy to far continents where they found fertile soil, should now have taken the axe to the ancestral tree here in Europe. All of us are diminished by that process.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
It' s a wedding ringParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
6 这就是经上所记载的 : 『 看,我要在熙雍安放一块精选的,宝贵的基石,凡信赖他的,决不会蒙羞 。 』 7 所以为你们信赖的人,是一种荣幸;但为不信赖的人,是『匠人弃而不用的石头,反而成了屋角的基石 ; 』 8 并且是『一块绊脚石,和一块使人跌倒的盘石 。 』
Accelerated actions will continue to be restricted to cases of alleged infringement.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
You were smilingParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
这声咳嗽再配上她那浓眉在牙签之上微微的一抬,便是向她丈夫建议,最好在店里转一圈,看看在他过街去之后有没有新的顾客进来。 酒店老板眼珠一转,看到了一位老先生和一个年轻姑娘坐在屋角
But I' m still in businessParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
老人外表虽尖刻,心地倒不坏,最后还是软下心来,把他让进了屋内,给了他一些东西吃后,便在屋角给他一张舒服的床让他睡。 辛苦了一天的裁缝也不需要人去催眠,舒舒服服地一觉睡到了大天亮,要不是被外面突然的一声巨响给震醒,他可不想起床呢!
Mr. Sark has provided new intelligence indicating that an enemy of this country may have acquired the ability to access this terminalParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
这些活石 ( 彼得前 书 2:4-8) 将 形成建立在以耶稣基督为屋角石基础上的一个灵宫 。
Tell him he can have Lt. Crandall for as long as he likesParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
现在,这儿有面包,水和稻草。 一个犯人所希望的也就是这些了,晚安 。 " 唐太斯还没来得及看到狱卒把面包和水放在什么地方,还不曾向屋角看一看稻草究竟在什么地方,那狱卒已经拿起他的灯走了。
I just wanted to say I' m sorryParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Sanzaku : shooting arrows from horseback toward a target tucked in a stick which is three feet high .ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
That' s why you toss and turnParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Where' s the sense in that?ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
42 耶稣对他们说 : 「 匠人弃而不用的石头,反而成了屋角的基石;那是上主的所行所为,在我们眼中,神妙莫测』的这句经文,你们没有读过吗?
The amended regulation should even out the opportunities for payments to farmers in the old and new Member States.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
"他在哪儿 ? " 伯爵问道,就在他刚一说完这句话的同时,他看到两个龙骑兵夹着一个年轻人从屋角走了出来,这人脖子细长,剃掉半边的头又长出了短发。
She' s got her benefactor.She earns good moneyParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
FTT 可提供完整的屋角燃烧测试装置,并可为想升级现有设施,或自己研发仪器的客户提供服务。
Gross weight (kgParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Do you know where they are now?ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Good night, doctor.Good nightParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Seriously, no one caresParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
"就是昨天夜里你照看的那家的老太婆,她在屋角的炉灶那儿讲的 , " 那孩子说 。 "
But He gave His creation to you, a bunch of simple cells evolved from mudParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
The sector is wee bit sleepy, a kick in the ass and all the shit will explode on our faces!ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
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