工龄 oor Engels


Vertalings in die woordeboek Sjinees - Engels


The new law has also done away with the seniority pension for all new entrants.

length of service

Periods of paid leave count as length of service and salary for the purposes other social security benefits.

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根据《劳工法》第 # 条,禁止拒绝根据工作性质有权休附加假期的工人或者怀孕女工休超过一年工龄的基本假期或将其转到下一工龄
Under article # it is prohibited to withhold from a worker the nature of whose work confers entitlement to additional leave, or from a pregnant woman, basic leave for a period exceeding one working year or to transfer it to another working yearMultiUn MultiUn
The period of work that counts towards a pension includes the period of work during which contributions were paid in and, in the case of women, other periods as well.UN-2 UN-2
于此对应的是,德国 35 年工龄养老金只占人均工资的 61% 。
By contrast, in Germany the average pension level is about 61% of average net earnings for people who have worked at least 35 years.ProjectSyndicate ProjectSyndicate
· 其他领养老金者,占人口的13.6%,按工龄部分报销药费;
· Other pensioners, 13.6 per cent of the population, are partially reimbursed, independently from the working years;UN-2 UN-2
Additionally, a contract worker is entitled, from his first day at the user enterprise, to the same rights enjoyed by the user enterprise's employees of similar occupation and seniority at the workplaceMultiUn MultiUn
Circumstances in the Republic of Slovenia, for the moment do not allow complete equalising of retirement conditions, so the retirement age for women with the same pensionable period is two years lower than for menMultiUn MultiUn
Concretely, mothers who have given birth to 6 children and more and have 30 years of work may retire 10 years in advance, that is, since 50 years of age.UN-2 UN-2
产假按照为工龄、年假和第 # 个月工资奖金的目的工作的时间来计算,按照此前最近或最高工资率支付。
The period of maternity leave, paid at the latest or highest prior wage rate, shall count as time worked for the purposes of seniority, annual leave and the thirteenth-month bonusMultiUn MultiUn
Noting the devastating impact of HIV/AIDS, including increased mortality and morbidity among the working-age population, losses in family income, greater numbers of orphans, the disproportionate burden borne by women at the personal, family and community levels and higher health and social costs,UN-2 UN-2
This right is not determined by the material status of the pension beneficiary, but is provided to all pension beneficiaries whose pension according to the years of service and salaries is lower than the lowest possible pension.UN-2 UN-2
Disability pensions are paid to persons covered by State social insurance for the entire period of their disability, once the disability group has been established and the required length of time in service is metMultiUn MultiUn
外交人员被派往驻外使团工作时若有配偶相随,则其国外服务津贴将提高 # 个百分点,其配偶在驻外使团逗留期间视为该配偶工龄的一部分。
If a diplomat is accompanied by his or her spouse during the time he or she is assigned to a foreign mission, the foreign service allowance of the diplomat is increased by # per cent and the time spent by the spouse in a foreign mission together with the diplomat is considered to be part of the length of employment of the spouseMultiUn MultiUn
从事矿山井下作业者、在特别有害和特别繁重劳动条件下工作者(根据塔吉克斯坦共和国政府 # 年 # 月 # 日第 # 号决定批准的一号有害工种清单)可以比普遍规定的退休年龄提早 # 年、比要求达到的工龄少 # 年开始领取退休金。
A retirement pension is awarded # years earlier than the generally established retirement age and with a five-year reduction of the required length for the qualifying period for workers who work underground or who work on jobs with especially harmful working conditions or who do especially heavy work (list No # approved by Decision of the Government, of # ecember # oMultiUn MultiUn
女性受益人只有在其丈夫没有自立能力时才可增加其丈夫的金额; 只有 # 岁以下与父母同住的农业自营职业人员才作为例外自营职业人员加以考虑; 如果矿工从采矿工作岗位上退休,具有至少 # 年矿业工龄的矿工有权提前领取退休金,具有每 # 个月的矿业工龄可比正常领取养老金年龄提前一个月。
A woman beneficiary is entitled to increase for her husband only in the case he is incapable of self-support; Excepted self-employment is considered only the self-employment in agriculture of a person under the age of sixteen who is living with his parents; Miners who have at least five years employment in a mine are entitled to old age pension one month earlier than the normal pensionable age for every five months of work in a mine, on condition that they have retired from mine workMultiUn MultiUn
妇女年满 # 岁并达到规定的 # 年工龄,即可从养恤保障制度领取部分养老金。
A proportional old age pension is provided from the pension security system to women who have reached the age of # and have worked for the necessary period of # yearsMultiUn MultiUn
The period of childcare leave is included within the total length of service, as well as length of service in the specialized field, occupation or post.UN-2 UN-2
Further approves the agreement of the Board to clarify that the scope of the revision in 2006 of article 24, concerning the elimination of the limitation on the right to restoration based on years of prior service, did not cover only those participants who had received a withdrawal settlement, but also those who had elected a deferred retirement benefit (full or partial) as long as no periodic benefit payments of their deferred benefit had been made, as set out in paragraphs 329 and 330 of the report of the Board, and as clarified in the technical amendments to the Regulations of the Fund, set out in annex XIV to the report of the Board;UN-2 UN-2
Under Turkmen law, in cases where a parent (or person acting in his/her stead) covered by a voluntary pension insurance policy terminates an employment contract in order to care for a child with a disability under 16 living with HIV/AIDS, the time spent caring for the child is factored into the coverage period.UN-2 UN-2
Under article 97 of the Labour Code, a working mother, irrespective of the length of service, has the right to take unpaid leave at the end of maternity leave in order to care for a child until the child reaches the age of 3.UN-2 UN-2
For each additional child, one year is deducted from a woman's retirement age and length of serviceMultiUn MultiUn
According to data from the Social Fund, the average size of pensions for women is 6 per cent lower than for men (this is explained by the lower level of wages used in calculating the pension and the smaller number of years on the job).UN-2 UN-2
我国经济比较落后的北部地区精神科医生或护士的工龄较其长。 在我国相对较富裕的东部和东北部地区,精神卫生机构中执业医师和注册护士的人口比例要高于平均水平。
The population ratios of licensed physicians and registered nurses working in mental health facilities were significantly higher than average in the relatively wealthy eastern and northeastern parts of the country.pmc pmc
Employed population aged 10 years and over by sex and occupational categoryUN-2 UN-2
Under this method, which follows the precepts of full accrual accounting, after-service health insurance benefits accrue during the active service life of staff members and are considered a form of deferred compensation.UN-2 UN-2
According to the Turkmenistan law “On pensions” (1998), length of work service and the service record of retirement insurance for the provision of pensions include the care of nonworking mothers for underage children up to the child's age of three (at most not more than six years of age).UN-2 UN-2
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