并行执行 oor Engels


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side-by-side execution

The ability to install and use multiple versions of an assembly in isolation at the same time. Side-by-side execution can apply to applications and components as well as to the .NET Framework. Allowing assemblies to coexist and to execute simultaneously on the same computer is essential to support robust versioning in the common language runtime.

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The UN Secretariat, in cooperation with DPOs, develops a comprehensive handbook on implementation of the CRPDMultiUn MultiUn
2004年财政期间一般人事费的中期执行情况表明,2004年期间花费了1 013 102美元,使该预算项目透支81 002美元。
The interim performance of common staff costs for the financial period 2004 shows that an amount of US $1,013,102 was spent during 2004, leading to an overexpenditure of US$ 81,002 in this budget line.UN-2 UN-2
The majority, if not all, supported the full implementation of the recommendations of the Mitchell report without any conditionsMultiUn MultiUn
Report of the Secretary-General on the performance report on the budget for the support account for peacekeeping operations for the period from 1 July 2002 to 30 June 2003 including:UN-2 UN-2
The Committee also remains concerned that the implementation of the Plan seems to focus excessively on isolated programmes and reactive actions.UN-2 UN-2
The various resolutions of the General Assembly and the recommendations made by the United Nations responsible bodies since # have been followed up and implementedMultiUn MultiUn
Taking into account Agenda 21 and the Plan of Implementation of the World Summit on Sustainable Development (Johannesburg Plan of Implementation),UN-2 UN-2
Project delivery is placing emphasis on regional support and building regional communication through the use of regional expertise to provide assistance in such areas as the training of drug-detecting dogs, expert study tours and “front-line” training of operational officersMultiUn MultiUn
Report of the Special Rapporteur on Disability of the Commission for Social Development on the monitoring of the implementation of the Standard Rules on Equalization of Opportunities for Persons with DisabilitiesUN-2 UN-2
The Committee recommends that the State party fully harmonize its legislation with the provisions of the Optional Protocol and take all necessary measures to ensure that the existing legislation is adequately implementedMultiUn MultiUn
注意到根据执行局第 # 号决定提出的联合国资本发展基金未来业务模式备选方案进展报告
Takes note of the progress report on options for a future business model for the United Nations Capital Development Fund in line with Executive Board decisionMultiUn MultiUn
就《性别平等法》第 # 条的执行情况而言,爱沙尼亚城市协会参与了国际项目,该项目的宗旨是支持地方政府批准和执行《关于地方生活中男女平等问题的欧洲宪章》。
In connection with the implementation of § # of the Gender Equality Act, the Association of Estonian Cities participates in an international project aimed at supporting local governments in the ratification and implementation of the European Charter for Equality of Women and Men in Local LifeMultiUn MultiUn
b) 经社理事会“高级别和协调部分”背靠背每三年举行一次,讨论《 # 世纪议程》和社发首脑会议成果执行情况这一共同主题,特别是关于有利于发展中国家的必要执行办法
b) Holding the high-level and coordination segments of the Economic and Social Council back to back every three years with a common theme on the implementation of Agenda # and the outcomes of the World Summit on Sustainable Development, particularly those related to the necessary means of implementation for developing countriesMultiUn MultiUn
Strongly affirms the need for the positive commitment of all stakeholders to the effective implementation of the Doha Document for Peace in Darfur, particularly the chapters on human rights and fundamental freedoms, and on justice and reconciliation, and urges non-signatory groups to join it without delay;UN-2 UN-2
Additional number of Member States drawing on the assistance of UNODC to adopt, adapt or review domestic legislation to implement the provisions of the legal instruments relating to drugs and crime, in particular the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime and its ProtocolsUN-2 UN-2
The programme for professional and technical training has been developed and implemented by the Employment Bureau of Republika SrpskaMultiUn MultiUn
委员会建议缔约国提供关于执行 # 年第 # 条巴布亚特别自治法情况的资料,以及关于为保证巴布亚人不受任何歧视享受人权而采取的措施情况。
The Committee recommends that the State party provide information on the implementation of the Papua Special Autonomy Law No # of # as well as on measures adopted to ensure the enjoyment by Papuans of their human rights without any discriminationMultiUn MultiUn
Soundness: the Friends of the Chair should review the soundness of the accounting structure, of the proposed methods for its implementation and of linkages with other accounting systems, particularly the System of National Accounts, 1993;UN-2 UN-2
With the guidance of the management team and in consultation with all programmes, AS ensured that the secretariat’s financial resources were managed effectively and activities were implemented within available resources.UN-2 UN-2
Member of the special commission on recognition and enforcement of foreign judgements (1992-2000).UN-2 UN-2
Informal consultations on the draft resolution on the implementation of the Convention on the Prohibition of the Use, Stockpiling, Production and Transfer of Anti-personnel Mines and on Their Destruction (organized by the Permanent Mission of AustriaMultiUn MultiUn
The overall budget implementation rate had been 92.7 per cent for the 2007/08 financial period, compared to 95.5 per cent for the prior period.UN-2 UN-2
The Committee notes, in this connection, that the performance report for the 2010/11 period indicates that, under expected accomplishment 3.1, increased efficiency and effectiveness of peacekeeping operations, seven planned outputs were not completed owing to technical issues relating to Inspira (see A/66/610/Add.1).UN-2 UN-2
I am especially grateful to President Sarkozy of France for his dedication to ensuring that the ceasefire is fully implemented in letter and in spirit.UN-2 UN-2
在第107段中,审计委员会建议妇女署力争在执行周期开始之前完成年度工作计划核准程序。 妇女署同意这一建议。
In paragraph 107, UN-Women agreed with the Board’s recommendation that it strive to complete the annual workplan approval process before the start of the performance cycle.UN-2 UN-2
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