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A hand covered in Palestinian blood has raised the Israeli flag over the headquarters of the Palestinian leader, thereby challenging not only the will of the Palestinian people but that of the international community as a whole and the norms of international law.UN-2 UN-2
工作 一天 后 我們 的 痛 到 根本 無法 握拳
After a day of work, our hands would ache and we couldn't make a fist.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
錶與機並未連線時,您會看到「連線中斷」圖示 [中斷連線]。
When your watch and phone aren’t connected, you’ll notice Disconnected [Disconnect].support.google support.google
他 需要 界線 和 一 隻 有力 的
He needs boundaries and a strong hand.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Many of the producers of these crafts are women living in the rural areas, who often lack access to information, markets and the business skills they need for promoting their products.UN-2 UN-2
12 诗篇143:5透露大卫经历危险和重大试炼时怎样行:“我追想古时之日,思想你的一切作为,默念你的工作。”
12 Psalm 143:5 indicates what David did when beset with danger and great trials: “I have remembered days of long ago; I have meditated on all your activity; I willingly kept myself concerned with the work of your own hands.”jw2019 jw2019
我 还 以为 是 我 朋友 的
I thought it was my friend.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
我们才开始明白 并证明了这些我们所看到的褐色外层 并不是出自达芬奇之,从而让我们 五个世纪都无人看到这些画作, 所以除了感谢科学还是只能感谢科学。
We came to understand and to prove that the brown coating that we see today was not done by Leonardo da Vinci, which left us only the other drawing that for five centuries we were not able to see, so thanks only to technology.ted2019 ted2019
Further, a global project is developing a practitioners’ handbook on integrating economic, social and cultural rights into the work of national human rights institutions.UN-2 UN-2
她高兴地获悉非政府组织必须登记的规定已获放宽。 她认为,政府必须加紧向民间社会伸出援,并争取妇女参与讨论对其本身有影响的问题。
While she was pleased to hear that requirements for the registration of non-governmental organizations had been eased, it was her impression that the Government needed to do more to reach out to civil society and to engage women in a discussion of the problems affecting them.UN-2 UN-2
Nigeria noted the inadequate training of persons monitoring abuses and limited resources, and called upon the international community to assist Yemen in these areas.UN-2 UN-2
The present invention enables a user to perform operations on a capacitive touch screen on which there is water.patents-wipo patents-wipo
Renewed focus on this essential issue should be one of the priorities of the newly elected Government, once it is installed.UN-2 UN-2
The Division for the Advancement of Women will publish a handbook on legislation on violence against women, based on the results of the two expert group meetings.UN-2 UN-2
h) [开发/确认/促进]国家语。
h) [Developing] [Recognizing] [Promoting] a national sign languageMultiUn MultiUn
有时候,证人在宣誓时需要举起来,或按在圣经上。 基督徒可自行决定是否跟从这种做法,因为有些圣经人物也曾在发誓时做势。
When courtroom procedure involves either raising a hand or placing it on the Bible when swearing, a Christian may choose to comply.jw2019 jw2019
The Russian Federation attaches great importance to the unswerving implementation by all States of resolution 1540 (2004) and subsequent resolutions 1673 (2006) and 1810 (2008), which are designed to serve as a reliable obstacle to prevent weapons of mass destruction, their means of delivery and related materials from falling into the hands of terrorists.UN-2 UN-2
我们 只有 100 出头 的 人
We have just over 100 men.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
以前使用M249 SAW的機槍最初不喜歡M27,但隨著時間的推移都對它加以讚賞。
Former SAW gunners initially did not like the M27, but appreciated it as time went on.LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
The secretariat which mainly performs functions of instituting and investigating administrative prosecutions, together with other functions that will be described below.UN-2 UN-2
把 你 的 從 她 身上 拿開
Take your hands off her.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
1124 號選 你現 在 必須 站 在 麥克風 前面 了
Competitor 1124, you must make your way to the microphone now or be disqualified.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Later, he awoke and dispatched his entourage to Nikolayev.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
∮ 拉 着 我 的 我 的 朋友 啊 ∮
# Take my hand, my weary friend.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
那足迹像是反向的括号 这时我们定会放下边的事 前往她和所属象群 所在的地方
It looked like an inverted bracket, and we would drop whatever we were doing and we would follow, and then we would come around the corner, and there she would be with her herd.ted2019 ted2019
206 sinne gevind in 6 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.