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Emphasizing that manifestations of son preference that result in prenatal sex selection and female infanticide are an underdocumented form of discrimination against the girl child and have significant repercussions on society as a whole, expressed in high rates of female infant mortality and distorted male-female sex ratios, and noting with concern the adverse social consequences of such practices, including trafficking in persons, and that some of those harmful practices, especially in rural areas, are linked to poverty and underdevelopmentMultiUn MultiUn
We understand this as a conceptual breakthrough towards better prevention of future tragedies of the kind that occurred in Srebrenica, Rwanda and Darfur.UN-2 UN-2
At the Eighth Ibero-American Summit, held in Oporto, Portugal, in 1998, the Heads of State and Government agreed to set up the Secretariat for Ibero-American Cooperation (SECIB), which was formally constituted at the Ninth Ibero-American Summit, held in Havana in 1999.UN-2 UN-2
我試 忘懷 一切
I try to forget everything.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
”联合国叙利亚问题特使斯塔凡·德米斯拉(英语:Staffan de Mistura)警告称,叙利亚军队和伊朗民兵的进攻将造成人道主义灾难,使750,000多人的生命处于危险之中,他同时表示已经有超过45'000人流离失所。
UN special envoy for Syria Staffan de Mistura warned the offensive by the Syrian Army and Iranian militias would cause a humanitarian disaster and put the lives of over 750,000 people at risk, also stating that more than 45,000 had already been displaced.LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
凯西 有 地
Casey has a map.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
當手錶與手機並未連線時,您會看到「連線中斷」示 [中斷連線]。
When your watch and phone aren’t connected, you’ll notice Disconnected [Disconnect].support.google support.google
“Finally, we strongly believe that an international order of justice and equity must redress the distortions in the world economy, reduce the harmful effects of speculative financial flows and act more decisively against the social and regional imbalances throughout the worldMultiUn MultiUn
We should make clear that we expect both Israel and the Palestinians to seize the moment to act constructively and to work within the framework of the road mapMultiUn MultiUn
In 2005, the number of known treaty-based investor–State dispute settlement (ISDS) cases grew by 50, and in the first half of 2006 another 20 cases were filed, bringing the total number of known treaty-based cases to a new peak of 248 by the end of June 2006 (figure 6).UN-2 UN-2
To make globalization work for sustainable development, the ECE region is determined to integrate the poorest countries into the global economy by removing trade distortions, giving duty-free and quota-free market access and encouraging investments in the least developed countriesMultiUn MultiUn
On 28 April, four Coordination vehicles were observed in the close vicinity of Timbuktu.UN-2 UN-2
According to officials involved in the process, Deloitte & Touche won because of its lower cost bid.UN-2 UN-2
The threat they pose to the Congolese minorities, and the failure of the FARDC to protect its citizens certainly justifies Nkunda’s claim of being a protector of his Congolese Tutsi community to the extent that members of his community view him as their sole protector and hope for survival.UN-2 UN-2
I also welcome the expressed intention of Prime Minister Kostunica and Prime Minister Kosumi to meet with each otherMultiUn MultiUn
The revised text accompanying each map provides examples of the issues under consideration and the complexities of the interrelationships between the causes and effects of land degradationMultiUn MultiUn
提交人宣称,最高法院的判决也扭曲了审判时已证明的事实,认定提交人对代理人隐瞒了当初确定其律师费额的条款,因而代理人向他支付了 # 万比索。
The author claims that this judgement, too, distorted the facts proved at trial by finding that the author had concealed from the attorney the terms on which his fee had been set so that the attorney would pay him the # million pesetasMultiUn MultiUn
Nteturuye (Burundi) took the Council table.UN-2 UN-2
And what does Phase # of the Road Map, which was endorsed by this Council, call for?MultiUn MultiUn
Courageous efforts have already been made in Ituri and in the Kivus, specifically in Virunga National ParkMultiUn MultiUn
我把搜寻这些小行星 看作一项大型公众项目, 没有修建快速通道, 恰恰相反,我们在绘制外太空, 建立一个能延传几代人的资料库。
I think of the search for these asteroids as a giant public works project, but instead of building a highway, we're charting outer space, building an archive that will last for generations.ted2019 ted2019
Driven by the demands of navigation and the growing need for accurate maps of large geographic areas, trigonometry grew into a major branch of mathematics.LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
To complement this increase in the size of AMIS, the United Nations, at the request of the AU Commission and with the support of key partners, including the United States of America, the European Union and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, began preparations in July for a mapping exercise.UN-2 UN-2
An ancient inscription, which scholars judge as credible, states that Pharaoh Thutmose III of Egypt (second millennium B.C.E.) presented some 13.5 tons [12 t] of gold to the temple of Amun-Ra at Karnak.jw2019 jw2019
However, due to political disagreements and lack of ceasefire agreement with the Parti pour la libération du peuple hutu/Forces nationales pour la libération (PALIPEHUTU-FNL) of Agathon Rwasa, the last armed group outside the peace process, the whole process has been delayedMultiUn MultiUn
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