旧病复发 oor Engels


Vertalings in die woordeboek Sjinees - Engels

the same old problem

fig. to repeat an old error
old illness recurs (idiom); a relapse


verb noun
I don't feel I can afford a relapse.

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We will cooperate to urgently establish all necessary measures to control new and resurgent diseases, such as HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis and malariaMultiUn MultiUn
Convinced also of the need to improve the quality, coverage and variety of demand reduction services, including those targeting rehabilitation, reintegration and relapse prevention, as part of a continuum of health and social care,UN-2 UN-2
In war-torn countries around the world, peace, development, human rights and democracy are threatened by the possibility of recurring or rekindled conflicts.UN-2 UN-2
The Panel also considered that the resumption of the clashes in July had undermined the meagre progress made in the implementation of the Agreement.UN-2 UN-2
Later, during a second leave, I had a major epileptic seizure followed by four minor ones.jw2019 jw2019
In 1958, O'Halloran's parents travelled across the continent to watch him swim at the Australian Championships in Sydney, but a recurring ear infection hindered his performances.LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
Drug dependence can be seen as a chronic, recurring disorder that can have serious associated problems, such as family disintegration, lack of job skills, criminality and psychiatric pathology.UN-2 UN-2
Across the European Union, reductions in spending on public health services appear to have reduced tuberculosis case detection and to have increased the long-term risk of a resurgence in the disease.WHO WHO
Rehabilitation-relapse prevention phase of treatmentMultiUn MultiUn
Governments need to develop and strengthen systematic registration and tracking mechanisms for each woman and girl who has or has had an obstetric fistula in order to help prevent recurrence and ensure the survival and well-being of both mother and baby in subsequent pregnancies.UN-2 UN-2
To that end, additional efforts should be made to prevent conflicts and their recurrence and to promote early-warning systems and effective responses to situations that specifically threaten civilian populations.UN-2 UN-2
However, the Commission noted that the recurrence of global economic and financial crises seriously threatened that country’s efforts and continued to undermine the development gains made thus far.UN-2 UN-2
索马里过渡政府总统发出的感人呼吁使我们更加深信,避免冲突复发的最好办法是为重建提供大力支持。 冲突如果复发,就非常难以处理,而且代价也非常高。
The moving appeal made by the President of the Transitional Government of Somalia strengthens us in our belief that the best way to avoid relapses, which are very difficult and costly to manage, is to provide strong support for reconstructionMultiUn MultiUn
In August 1998, Ankang Hospital arranged a three-month trial release of Wang, but during that period he fell ill once again and, after conducting tests on him, specialists at the diagnostic centre of Ankang Hospital came to the conclusion that Wang had suffered a relapse and had to be readmitted for observation and treatment.UN-2 UN-2
New Zealand understands peacebuilding to encompass all political development and humanitarian activities aimed at preventing the outbreak, continuation or recurrence of conflictMultiUn MultiUn
The Council notes that, consistent with its functions in relation to international peace and security, it seeks to remain engaged in all stages of the conflict cycle and in exploring ways of preventing the escalation of disputes into armed conflict or a relapse into armed conflict.UN-2 UN-2
It may also contribute to reducing the risk of recurrence of fistula in future pregnancies of fistula survivors.UN-2 UN-2
We cannot run the risk of having the human and financial investment in the Democratic Republic of the Congo be lost owing to the frustrations felt by the citizens, which might eventually lead to a resurgence of the crisis.UN-2 UN-2
The project will look at tumor samples from 850 NSCLC patients at various stages including diagnosis, after first treatment, post-treatment, and relapse.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Efforts by the Security Council to break conflict cycles and to prevent relapses in the context of humanitarian crises have had mixed results in recent years.UN-2 UN-2
Acknowledges other ongoing regional efforts to combat illicit trafficking in drugs, such as that of the Inter-American Drug Abuse Control Commission of the Organization of American States, which, at its forty-seventh regular session, held from 3 to 5 May 2009, adopted a new hemispheric drug strategy, in which it emphasized respect for human rights, addressed drug addiction as a chronic and recurrent disease and proposed a broader focus on drug treatment, as well as those of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations Senior Officials on Drug Matters, who adopted the Association workplan on combating illicit drug production, trafficking and use (2009-2015) at their thirtieth meeting, held in Phnom Penh from 29 September to 20 October 2009, with the aim of achieving a drug-free South-East Asia by 2015;UN-2 UN-2
In war-torn countries around the world, peace, development, human rights and democracy are threatened by the possibility of recurring or rekindled conflictsMultiUn MultiUn
We must be on our guard to ensure that violence does not return again.UN-2 UN-2
Detained migrants have often suffered previous traumas and the absence of psychological support, coupled with the conditions of detention, the lack of safeguards and uncertainty about the future, can have serious consequences for their mental and physical healthMultiUn MultiUn
来自多个学科的研究证据推进了我们对阿片类药物依赖的病理生理学理解。 我们现在知道,它会给大脑神经回路带来长期变化,其复发、缓和过程使得戒断非常困难7。
Because we now know that it produces long-term changes in the brain’s neural circuits and follows a relapsing, remitting course that makes abstinence very difficult to achieve,7 many countries have shifted away from punishment and moved towards the medical treatment of people dependent on opioids.WHO WHO
202 sinne gevind in 7 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.