昇空 oor Engels


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In addition to these trial proceedings, Trial Chamber # has taken advantage of the judicial recess and gaps in courtroom schedules by holding initial appearances, including the first case of contempt pending before the TribunalMultiUn MultiUn
当 我 还 小 的 时候 我 父亲 在 育 山上 ( 加拿大 ) 训练 一队 雪橇 狗
Back when I was a young man, my father ran a team of sled dogs up in the Yukon.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
贸易运输如今绕过这些老升降机而由超凡的Strépy-Thieu boat lift处理,后者73米的抬量在其完工时是世界上最高的。
Commercial traffic now bypasses the old lifts and is handled by the enormous Strépy-Thieu boat lift, whose rise of 73m was the highest in the world upon completion.LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
Thus the central objective of an SEE is the exchange of information on vacancies and job seekers with a view to increasing the numbers of the latter who find places in the labour marketMultiUn MultiUn
The Office should correspond with all Member States, inviting them to make cash and in-kind contributions to implement the SPIDER plan of work for 2007 and to indicate possible commitments of support for the programme in the biennium 2008-2009;UN-2 UN-2
Thus, the Advisory Committee’s recommendations on staffing requirements of UNLB relating to strategic deployment stocks for one complex mission are as follows: 20 new posts (one P-5, one P-4, three P-3, three Field Service and 12 local) and six upward reclassifications (one D-1 and five P-4).UN-2 UN-2
Submitting Article 7 data forms with some blank cellsUN-2 UN-2
In April 2012, the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) organized an international conference in Mexico on the challenges of and progress in the implementation of the Protocol against the Smuggling of Migrants by Land, Sea and Air, supplementing the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime.UN-2 UN-2
如果超过 8 人,就打印一 条消息,指出没有桌;否则指出有空桌。
If the answer is more than eight, print a message saying they’ll have to wait for a table.Literature Literature
The view was expressed that the establishment of a committee, composed of experts from IAEA and the two subcommittees of the Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space, could lead to the preparation of a document that would take into consideration scientific, technical, legal and strategic aspects and that would enable the Legal Subcommittee to open the debate regarding a potential revision of the principles governing the use of nuclear power sources.UN-2 UN-2
In that regard, the Office plans to convene a panel of experts during the World Summit to highlight the benefits of satellite communications technology in bridging the digital divide.UN-2 UN-2
The Assembly also invited the Inter-Agency Meeting to continue to contribute to the work of the Committee and to report to the Committee and its Scientific and Technical Subcommittee on the work conducted at its annual sessionsMultiUn MultiUn
In the twenty-first century, the importance of outer space to humanity will further increaseMultiUn MultiUn
He was promoted to Cleveland again in September, and finished the season as a starter.LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
大会在其 # 年 # 月 # 日第 # 号决议中核可了和平利用外层空间委员会在其关于审查第三次联合国探索及和平利用外层空间会议(第三次外会议)各项建议执行情况的报告( # )中提出的《行动计划》,并同意,秘书处外层空间事务厅应审查列入《行动计划》中由外事务厅负责执行的各项活动并就如何就将这些活动列入其工作方案向委员会 # 年第四十八届会议提出建议。
In its resolution # of # ctober # the General Assembly endorsed the Plan of Action as proposed by the Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space in its report on the review of the implementation of the recommendations of the Third United Nations Conference on the Exploration and Peaceful Uses of Outer Space (UNISPACE III) ( # ) and agreed that the Office for Outer Space Affairs of the Secretariat should review the activities included in the Plan of Action for implementation by the Office and submit its proposal to the Committee at its forty-eighth session, in # on how those activities could be included in its programme of workMultiUn MultiUn
另一位代表报告称,该国根据本国排放标准已将浸出测试得出的0.005毫克/设为区分危险废物和非危险废物的严格标准,并根据《巴塞尔公约》将1 000毫克/千克设为控制废物含量的标准。
Another reported that his country used 0.005 mg/L from leaching tests as a rigid standard for distinguishing between hazardous and non-hazardous waste, consistent with its national effluent standards, and 1,000 mg/kg as a content standard for waste control in accordance with the Basel Convention.UN-2 UN-2
Regarding follow-up action of UNISPACE III, CEOS noted that some action teams, such as the one relating to disaster management, had already started their work.UN-2 UN-2
继续执行第1519(2003)号决议第2段(a)至(d)概述的任务:(一) 调查违反军火禁运的行为,涵盖通往索马里的海、陆、进路;(二) 详细列明相关专门知识领域内有关违禁行为以及实行和加强执行军火禁运各方面的措施的情报,并提出具体建议;(三) 可能时,在索马里并酌情在索马里的邻国和其他国家进行实地调查;(四) 通过审查国家海关和边境管制制度等方式,评估该区域各国充分执行军火禁运所取得的进展;
To continue the tasks outlined in paragraph 2 (a) to (d) of resolution 1519 (2003): (i) To investigate the violations of the arms embargo covering access to Somalia by land, air and sea; (ii) to identify information and make specific recommendations in relevant areas of expertise related to violations and measures to give effect to and strengthen the implementation of the arms embargo in its various aspects; (iii) to carry out field-based investigations in Somalia, where possible, and in States neighbouring Somalia and other States, as appropriate; and (iv) to assess the progress made by the States in the region to implement fully the arms embargo, including through a review of national customs and border control regimes;UN-2 UN-2
Outer space is a common heritage of mankind and must be used, explored and utilized for peaceful purposes and for the benefit and in the interest of all mankind in a spirit of cooperation.UN-2 UN-2
Canada remains convinced that one of the best ways to ensure space security, and thereby contribute to global security, is agreement on a prohibition against orbital weaponsMultiUn MultiUn
Expresses concern about the real danger of the weaponization of outer space, and calls upon all States to contribute actively to the objective of the peaceful use of outer space and of the prevention of an arms race in outer space;UN-2 UN-2
In accordance with General Assembly resolution 59/2 of 20 October 2004, the Committee considered the item on the implementation of the recommendations of the Third United Nations Conference on the Exploration and Peaceful Uses of Outer Space (UNISPACE III).UN-2 UN-2
The percentage of timely funding received for an appeal (up until two weeks after its launch) increased from 21 per cent in 2004 to 55 per cent in 2007.UN-2 UN-2
路德维希·冯·米塞给出了在生产酒和油中间做出选择的例子: 显而易见的是,即使是在社会主义社会里,一百万的酒很明显比八十万的酒要来的有价值,同样的一百万的酒也明显高于五十万的油。
Ludwig von Mises gave the example of choosing between producing wine or oil: It will be evident, even in the socialist society, that 1,000 hectolitres of wine are better than 800, and it is not difficult to decide whether it desires 1,000 hectolitres of wine rather than 500 of oil.LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
But that says that the function does not move up or down, so it must be a horizontal line.LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
207 sinne gevind in 5 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.