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各委员会一起分别在 # 年 # 月 # 日和 # 月 # 日听取了钻石专家、塞拉利昂问题专家小组成员伊恩·斯迈利先生和制裁争取安哥拉彻底独立全国联盟(安盟)监测机制主席胡安·拉腊因大使(希腊)的情况简报。
The committees together received briefings from Ian Smillie, diamond expert and former member of the Panel of Experts on Sierra Leone, and from Ambassador Juan Larrain (Chile), Chairman of the Monitoring Mechanism on Sanctions against the União Nacíonal para a Independência Total de Angola (UNITA), on # ay and # une # respectivelyMultiUn MultiUn
改性活生物体的处理、运输、包装和标志问题 专家会议
Expert Meeting on Handling, Transport, Packaging and Identification of Living Modified OrganismsUN-2 UN-2
Emphasizing that manifestations of son preference that result in prenatal sex selection and female infanticide are an underdocumented form of discrimination against the girl child and have significant repercussions on society as a whole, expressed in high rates of female infant mortality and distorted male-female sex ratios, and noting with concern the adverse social consequences of such practices, including trafficking in persons, and that some of those harmful practices, especially in rural areas, are linked to poverty and underdevelopmentMultiUn MultiUn
It provides a clean slate on which to re-write how we approach the needs of societies coming out of conflictMultiUn MultiUn
We have been extremely impressed by his broad vision and collaboration in addressing the global humanitarian agenda and by his leadership and professionalism in the face of many complex humanitarian emergencies.UN-2 UN-2
Encourages Governments, in particular those of the countries of origin and destination, to make available to the Special Rapporteur on the human rights of migrants information on violence against women migrant workers, with a view to requesting the Special Rapporteur to recommend concrete measures and actions to address the problemMultiUn MultiUn
科技咨询机构第二十四届会议 注意到第 # 号决定,请缔约方、获得接纳的观察员和有关政府间组织在 # 年 # 月 # 日之前向秘书处提交材料,详细阐述处理以上第 # 段所指情况影响的实际解决办法。
Noting decision # the SBSTA, at its twenty-fourth session, invited Parties, admitted observers and relevant intergovernmental organizations to submit to the secretariat, by # ugust # their inputs elaborating practical solutions to address the implications of the situation referred to in paragraph # aboveMultiUn MultiUn
It is proposed that the issues, location and countries to be involved will need to be determined on a case-by-case basisMultiUn MultiUn
The Working Group used the urgent action procedure for 65 of these cases, which allegedly occurred within the three months preceding the receipt of the report by the Working Group.UN-2 UN-2
The draft resolution was therefore flawed in that it repeated a number of concerns which had already been addressed by the Congolese GovernmentMultiUn MultiUn
All measures aimed at addressing this issue should first and foremost recognize the inalienable rights of the Palestinian people, particularly the right to self-determination.UN-2 UN-2
k) 制定专门处理工作场所的艾滋病毒/艾滋病问题的方案,尤其着重于公共场所和劳动市场中的艾滋病毒/艾滋病的携带者/患者受歧视的问题。
k) The development of specific programmes addressing the issue of HIV/AIDS in the workplace, focusing in particular on discrimination against people living with HIV/AIDS in the workplace and in the labour market. In Lebanon, the applicable labour laws ensure that people living with HIV/AIDS are protected against discrimination and arbitrary treatmentMultiUn MultiUn
The report of the Secretary-General addresses all of those challenges in its first four chapters, which cover the traditional four pillars of development, peace and security, humanitarian affairs, human rights and rule of law.UN-2 UN-2
In paragraph 4 of Security Council resolution 1888 (2009), the Council requested the Secretary-General to appoint a Special Representative to provide coherent and strategic leadership and to work effectively to strengthen existing United Nations coordination mechanisms and to engage in advocacy efforts with Governments, including military and judicial representatives, as well as with all parties to armed conflict and civil society, in order to address, at both Headquarters and country level, sexual violence in armed conflict, while promoting cooperation and coordination of efforts among all relevant stakeholders, primarily through the inter-agency initiative entitled “United Nations Action against Sexual Violence in Conflict”.UN-2 UN-2
Distribution services encompass a number of different activities related to bringing together producers and consumers, dealing both with business-to-business transactions and transactions between business and the final consumerMultiUn MultiUn
It was also stated that, although addressing stimulating issues, the report drew the Commission away from its final objective, which was to determine to what extent recognition produced legal effects.UN-2 UN-2
Like climate change, protection of biodiversity is a long-term global issue that is not being handled effectively and is closely associated with sustainable development.UN-2 UN-2
Continue promoting cooperation and dialogue in addressing situations of concern in the Human Rights Council (Pakistan);UN-2 UN-2
It is important to note, however, that coherence of the regime requires States to take the same path in relation to acquisition financing transactions that they take in relation to non-acquisition financing transactionsMultiUn MultiUn
所有的建议和具体目标和指标都建立在坚实的技术基础上,尤其是吸取了艾滋病方案及其联合赞助机构的专门知识和经验,它们的工作人员都是很出色的。 同时,我们还吸取了各国政府以及处理或患有这些疾病的其他人的实际经验。
All the recommendations and specific goals and targets are firmly based on technical advice, drawing in particular on the expertise and the experience of UNAIDS and its cosponsoring agencies- and what remarkable people they all are- as well as on the practical, direct experience of Governments and others who have been dealing or living with the pandemicMultiUn MultiUn
As the General Assembly is discussing an issue to be referred to the ICJ, biased rhetoric that deviates from a factual representation of the circumstances on the ground is not a good reflection on the competence of the General Assembly.UN-2 UN-2
为协助秘书处提供最佳服务起见,请在发言提交至少 # 份复印稿。
A minimum of # copies should be given in advance of delivery of the statement, in order to help the Secretariat to provide the best possible serviceMultiUn MultiUn
哥斯达黎加是否已采取措施处理决议第 # 段所表示的关切事项中的任何事项?
Has Costa Rica addressed any of the concerns expressed in paragraph # of the resolution?MultiUn MultiUn
Balancing demands requires active and transparent consultation and participation – including at the local level – of relevant stakeholders, particularly women and indigenous peoples as well as other civil society groups, business and local and regional authorities.UN-2 UN-2
“ # 吁请各国政府、尤其是发达国家政府,和国际金融机构,向联合国生境和人类住区基金会增加捐款,协助发展中国家执行《人居议程》、 # 《关于新千年中的城市和其他人类住区的宣言》 # 以及联合国关于在 # 年年底使至少一亿贫民窟居民的生活得到重大改善、同时适当顾及处于社会边缘地位的群体的千年发展目标
“ # alls upon Governments, in particular developed countries, and international financial institutions to increase their financial contributions to the United Nations Habitat and Human Settlements Foundation to assist developing countries in the implementation of the Habitat Agenda # the Declaration on Cities and Other Human Settlements in the New Millennium # and the United Nations millennium development goal of achieving a significant improvement in the lives of at least one hundred million slum-dwellers, with due consideration of marginalized groups, by the yearMultiUn MultiUn
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