業主 oor Engels



Vertalings in die woordeboek Sjinees - Engels




要不是 業主 的 姪 子, 你 以 為 你 能 混成 這樣?
Do you think that you'd be enjoying all this if you weren't the nephew of the owner?
proprietor; owner

owner builder


property owner

English Taiwanese Dictionary

Geskatte vertalings

Vertoon algoritmies gegenereerde vertalings


Advanced filtering
The forgery attack of the first message in the security protocol is prevented effectively using the method for preventing a first message of a security protocol from being forged in the present invention.patents-wipo patents-wipo
我們會針對在拯救人命上 做創新的公司及企創立一個網路, 協助他們連結像姆索這樣的工作者, 讓她能為她的社區做更好的服務。
And we'll create a network of companies and entrepreneurs who've created innovations that can save lives and help them connect to workers like Musu, so she can help better serve her community.ted2019 ted2019
Thus, for many Azerbaijanis, Islam tended toward a more ethnic/nationalistic identity than a purely religious one.LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
虽然门徒都洗过澡,脚也被耶稣洗过了,因此在身体方面来说是“完全洁净”的,但耶稣指出,从灵性方面来说,他们却并非人人都“洁净”。( 约13:1-11)
Even though they had bathed and had their feet washed by the Master, and were therefore “wholly clean” physically, yet spiritually speaking, “Not all of you are clean,” Jesus said. —Joh 13:1-11.jw2019 jw2019
Requests the High Commissioner to convene annually, in cooperation with the Special Representative, a meeting with senior executives from companies and experts from a particular sector, such as the pharmaceutical, extractive or chemical industries, to consider, within the mandate of the Special Representative as set out in paragraph 1 above, the specific human rights issues faced by those sectors, to raise awareness and share best practice, and to report on the outcome of the first meeting to the Commission at its sixty‐second session, under the same agenda item;UN-2 UN-2
的實際工作, 如果在進行時能有所創新, 就能真的為公司創造出商利益, 且能解決現今世界上有意義的問題。
The real work of business, when done with innovation, can actually create core business benefits for the company and it can solve the meaningful problems in our world today.ted2019 ted2019
Similarly, some of the most powerful technology companies in the US, including those who have been vigorous opponents of American surveillance practices, are dispatching their CEOs to a Seattle meeting with Lu Wei, China’s senior Internet czar, who who oversees the “Great Firewall” of censorship inside China.hrw.org hrw.org
In the interpretation of the currently dominant view of classical economic theory developed by neoclassical economists, the term "factors" did not exist until after the classical period and is not to be found in any of the literature of that time.LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
除了經濟觀點,《經濟學人》在社會議題上也支持自由義立場,例如支持承認同性婚姻、支持毒品合法化、批評美國稅收制度(英语:Taxation in the United States),並支持在公共衛生問題上進行一定程度的政府規管,如公共場所吸菸和兒童體罰。
The news magazine has also supported liberal causes on social issues such as recognition of gay marriages, legalisation of drugs, criticises the US tax model, and seems to support some government regulation on health issues, such as smoking in public, as well as bans on spanking children.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
16 现在耶和华再次指出他的子民犯了罪,呼吁他们离弃罪恶,说:“你们要回来,归向以色列人所大大悖逆的。”(
16 Jehovah now reminds his people that they have sinned and encourages them to abandon their erring ways: “Return, you people, to the One against whom the sons of Israel have gone deep in their revolt.”jw2019 jw2019
电机训练中心 3,614
Most of the programmes were funded by DCs.UN-2 UN-2
“Getting rid of misogyny totally will not happen in my lifetime ... but I feel it’s my duty to say, ‘It’s wrong,’ and explain why.”gv2019 gv2019
(Micah 5:6-8) The Watch Tower commented: “This may be taken as an indication that some of the remnant will be on earth even after Armageddon is fought and will then have some more work to do in the name of the Lord and to his praise and glory.”jw2019 jw2019
Sixty journalists were killed between 1993 and 1998 in Algeria.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Remittance flows are particularly important in reducing poverty, especially among the women-headed households and older persons receiving this form of supportMultiUn MultiUn
他让这种错误的欲望在心里萌芽生长,妄图与耶和华一比高下。 其实,耶和华既是创造,自然理当居于至高的地位。
By nurturing this wrong desire, he set himself up in rivalry to Jehovah, who as Creator rightfully holds a position of overall supremacy.jw2019 jw2019
Distressed or “underwater” homeowners do not invest much in maintenance or improvements.ProjectSyndicate ProjectSyndicate
That fact meant nothing to those who engineered the near-demise of the industry in the Caribbean members of the African, Caribbean and Pacific Group of States as they put the WTO mechanisms to work to their benefit.UN-2 UN-2
Already, agreements with the semiconductor and aluminum industries and others have dramatically cut emissions of some of the most potent greenhouse gasesMultiUn MultiUn
In this respect, countries encouraged investment in value addition and processing of natural resources and productive diversification, and committed themselves to addressing excessive tax incentives in the extractive industries.UN-2 UN-2
In Africa, South Africa has long had a temporary worker programme to provide labour for the mining sector.UN-2 UN-2
In this way your dog learns that you are the leader and you decide when attention is given.jw2019 jw2019
“I have known some young ones who dated nonbelievers,” said a Witness youth.jw2019 jw2019
After the fourth grade, the number of children who continue their education decreases somewhat, primarily in rural areasMultiUn MultiUn
在新世界里,全人类都会同心同德地崇拜上帝。 你崇拜天地万物的创造吗?
In that new world, human society will be united in worship of the true God.jw2019 jw2019
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