油腻腻 oor Engels


Vertalings in die woordeboek Sjinees - Engels


我 黑乎乎 油腻腻 洒 了 廉价 香水
I'm swarthy and greasy and wear cheap perfume.

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我 黑乎乎 油腻腻 洒 了 廉价 香水
I'm swarthy and greasy and wear cheap perfume.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
In the German production, Nixon and Mao were given putty noses in what the Los Angeles Times considered "a garish and heavy-handed satire".WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
这个 家伙 油腻腻
The duck was greasy.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Hair is greasy and stickyParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
母亲提醒道。 我强忍着厌恶扯开了他颈部的衬衫,那里果真挂着一条油腻腻的小绳,我用他的招刀切断了它,我们找到了钥匙。
Overcoming a strong repugnance, I tore open his shirt at the neck, and there, sure enough, hanging to a bit of tarry string, which I cut with his own gully, we found the key.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
' " 卡康脱女人走到一只碗柜前面,拿出了一只旧皮夹子和一只钱袋,她从那只皮夹里子抽出了几封油腻腻的信,把钞票装了进去,又从那只钱袋里摸出了两三个值六里弗的艾居,这两三个艾居,多半就是这对可怜的夫妇全部的财产了。
"La Carconte went to a cupboard, and returned with an old leathern pocket-book and a bag. From the former she took some greasy letters, and put in their place the bank-notes, and from the bag took two or three crowns of six livres each, which, in all probability, formed the entire fortune of the miserable couple.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
它们通常发酵在法国橡木桶,有着深厚的黄金颜色,说是有几个值得尝试的是"甜美的,强大的,甚至是油腻腻的,哭出来的食物 。 "
They are often fermented in French oak, have deep golden colors, and are said to be "luscious, powerful, even oily, and cry out for food."ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
我们的皮肤感觉油腻腻的,所以我们用肥皂洗 (以及很多人做) 然后,我们的皮肤剥离其石油.
Our skin feels greasy so we wash it with soap (well lots of people do) our skin is then stripped of its oil.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Bad body odor, smelly breath, and greasy, unkempt hair are simply not attractive to most women.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
那么你的皮肤感觉油腻腻的,所以我们洗一遍,并循环下去 . . .
Then your skin feels greasy so we wash it again and the cycle continues...ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Summer comes, the greasy skin becomes a lot of people's troubles.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
' " 卡康脱女人走到一只碗柜前面,拿出了一只旧皮夹子和一只钱袋,她从那只皮夹里子抽出了几封油腻腻的信,把钞票装了进去,又从那只钱袋里摸出了两三个值六里弗的艾居,这两三个艾居,多半就是这对可怜的夫妇全部的财产了。 '好了 , ' 卡德鲁斯说道 , ' 现在,虽然你叫我们亏了一万法郎,但你愿不愿意和我们一起吃晚饭,我是诚心诚意请你的。
"La Carconte went to a cupboard, and returned with an old leathern pocket-book and a bag. From the former she took some greasy letters, and put in their place the bank-notes, and from the bag took two or three crowns of six livres each, which, in all probability, formed the entire fortune of the miserable couple. 'There,' said Caderousse; 'and now, although you have wronged us of perhaps 10,000 francs, will you have your supper with us?ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
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