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You want to what?MultiUn MultiUn
After the first dose of telmisartan, the antihypertensive activity gradually becomes evident within # hoursWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
我 是 內海 信用 金庫 的 飯 田
Colonel, I' m sorryOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
飞兆半导体还为海信提供先进的功率管理和模拟开关解决方案,用于开发其广泛的CRT、液晶和等离子电视,瞄准国内和国际市场,并于去年荣获"海信战略供应商大奖 " 。
hey, michael ive been thinking about youParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
外观方面, 流沙烫银边框, CNC切割工艺, 让海信LED55EC760UC智能电视看上去质感, 庄重, 更像一件艺术品, 无论是怎样的装修风格都会是很好的点缀.
In fact, it was said, the very concept of distinctively Canadian was difficult to capture in children's animation.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
空调业即将进入又一个冬季, 但是海信 '制热节' 的战鼓越敲越响, 拿出'真金白银'进一步激发用户购买, 使用节能变频空调的热情, 引爆2017新冷年市场, 以此树立新一代变频空调在市场竞争中主攻手的形象.
Do I need to staple a reminder to your forehead?ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Moreover, in #, the Commission reached the conclusion that the exporting producers were absorbing the measures and therefore decided to increase their anti-dumping duties to very significant levels for the concerned exporting producers (up to #,# %ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
飞兆半导体为海信科龙的变频空调提供整体解决方案,其中采用Mini-DIP封装的Motion SPM®产品系列集成了所有经过验证的部件,包括HVIC、LVIC、NPT IGBT、 FRD和自举二极管,可以减少多达22个分立元件。
That' s where I' m goingParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
海信科龙副总裁贾少谦表示 : ' 洗衣机产业是海信未来三年规划中重要的增长点, 公司将持续投入人力, 物力, 布局洗衣机产业.
And, uh.. we' ve just filed chargesParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
海信LED55EC760UC搭载55寸4K曲面屏, 搭载海信炫彩4Kpro显示系统, 4K降噪以及NR处理功能, 造就屏幕上8294400颗绚丽像素, 高分辨率, 加上逼真色彩和更深邃的黑, 淮安非常生动.
His wh-- His what?ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
飞兆半导体中国及东南亚地区销售及市场推广部副总裁陈坤和称 : " 自2004年以来,海信科龙一直在其世界级变频空调产品系列中使用我们的智能功率模块(SPM®)和功率因数校正(PFC)解决方案。
She missed meParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
可以看到, 作为海信企业版的 '节能惠民补贴' 其意义和价值, 在当前的空调产业显得更加突出: 一是向用户直接提供节能惠民补贴, 率先打响了一轮空调产业在寒冬市场的消费热潮, 创造出淡季旺做新标杆.
You' ve done a hell of a job, JohnParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Never better... the heavyweight champion of the world, the Italian StallionParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
海信最新产品倍多分海信倍多分+ BCD-553WTDGVBPI智能变频十字对开门风冷无霜冰箱, 就是集众多光环于一身的大成者.
I saw many important changes being proposed, but I also identified two items which caused me grave concernParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
公司集生产制造、自主研发、出口贸易一体,提供全面专业包装材料,有着丰富的产品研发及设计经验,合作客户海尔、海信、澳柯玛、上汽通用五菱等知名企业,我们的配套包材服务,通过 ISO 质量认证、有 ROHS 、 SGS 环保报告,充分发挥整合各种材料的优势,长期稳定的带给客户优质的包装方案。
I need clarification about the night Guy Banister beat you over the headParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
6 2008年,设立广州分公司服务于海信、设立合肥分公司与美的合作
Further, the Guidelines on the method of setting fines have been infringed, since the fine should not have been set at a flat-rate, but calculated in relation to the fee which the applicant received for its servicesParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
通过多年的不懈努力,BORN的产品在行业内过硬的质量、一流的技术支持、最优质的后勤服务队伍已经得到行业的极高认可,高性价比的产品已经成为华为、中兴、烽火、联想、海信、创维等知名企下游代工厂的核心供应商。 栏目导航 关于我们
Me, him, Polly Hamilton, one of my girlsParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
通常情况下, 新鲜的大闸蟹买回来活不了多久的. 为了实测 海信冰箱倍多分+ BCD-553WTDGVBPI的保鲜效果, 我们把新买的 大闸蟹放在 海信冰箱倍多分+ BCD-553WTDGVBPI的 超宽变温室里, 温度设定在5°C, 这个地方既可当冷藏室用, 也可当冷冻室用, 一举二得.
Myocet doxorubicin HCl, Myocet liposomes and Myocet bufferParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
We expected it to do something in the area of organized crime, on the issue of money laundering, for exampleParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
近日 , ' 海信洗衣机—山东科技大学' 战略合作签约暨 '山东科技大学校企合作实验室' 揭牌仪式在海信大厦召开.
Following the examination referred to in paragraph #, the Commission may reduce, suspend or cancel aid in respect of the operation in question if the examination reveals an irregularity or a failure to comply with one of the conditions laid down in the decision granting the aid, and in particular any significant change affecting the nature of, or conditions for carrying out, the project for which the Commission's approval was not soughtParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
6月16日, 海信在北京隆重发布了中国互联网电视市场首个高端品牌—VIDAA, 同时发布了VIDAA独立品牌首个作品—V1系列高端互联网电视.
Mandatory or Conditional as specified in the relevant implementation guidelineParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
通过长达72小时的拍摄, 我们最后发现, 这几个 大闸蟹 竟然还活的很快乐, 要知道, 普通冰箱不但没有这么舒适的储存环境, 而且 大闸蟹 也早就挂了. 这自然得益于海信冰箱的精准控温和出色的保鲜效果.
Other form of fundingParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
You told me to watchParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
海信 LED55EC760UC 搭载VIDAA3系统, 它是一款简单的智能电视操作系统, 第三代在VIDAA2基础上在人机交互方面进行了优化, 并根据用户的使用的习惯调整界面细节, 丰富影视资源, 游戏应用, 学习课程等内容, 以及一系列使用的APP.
Kenai... you nervous?ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
In such cases, the importance of part time farming cannot be denied, and the term hobby farmer is an insult to all those who play a vital role in supporting the communityParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
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