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The hard work of the overseer is appreciated by the members of the Committee, which will continue to work towards filling the vacancies in the overseer team as provided for in paragraph 1 of the Committee’s procedures (S/1995/636).UN-2 UN-2
Urges that approach in the debt settlement should cover all types of debt, including multilateral debt, and all indebted developing countries, and incorporate measures aimed at a once-and-for all reduction arrangement to reduce their debt burden to a scale that would allow them to resume their economic growth and developmentMultiUn MultiUn
a) 未债务应由负责的核证人定期审查。
a) Outstanding obligations must be reviewed periodically by the responsible Certifying Officer(sMultiUn MultiUn
Indeed, the disruption of trade, the deterioration of major roads by humanitarian convoys and all the other costs eat up our meagre resources and are the most common source of political unrest among our own people, who feel that they have been abandonedMultiUn MultiUn
UNCTs will, at the request of national Governments, work to minimize the programme documentation burden in implementing UNDAFUN-2 UN-2
当 我 还 小 的 时候 我 父亲 在 育空 山上 ( 加拿大 ) 训练 一 雪橇 狗
Back when I was a young man, my father ran a team of sled dogs up in the Yukon.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
秘书长认为,采购问题工作的结论因此应视为是采购问题工作的结论,而不是联合国的最后定论(A/63/329/Add.1, 第2-3段)。
According to the Secretary-General, the findings of the Procurement Task Force should therefore be regarded as those of the Procurement Task Force and not a final determination by the Organization (A/63/329/Add.1, paras. 2-3).UN-2 UN-2
In it, two teams of five players compete by selecting pre-designed in-game hero characters, each with a variety of innate skills and abilities, and cooperating together to destroy the base of the other team before their own base is destroyed as to win the round.LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
关于偿还部队费用的问题,2005年总共付款81 155 300美元,到2006年1月31日时总共向会员国偿还32 156 524美元,未债务为40 251 676美元。
In respect of troop-cost reimbursement, payments of $81,155,300 in 2005 and a further $32,156,524 in 2006 have been made to Member States for the period up to 31 January 2006, and outstanding obligations amount to $40,251,676.UN-2 UN-2
The Committee has also set up a task force composed of the relevant ministriesMultiUn MultiUn
In that context, a learning and competency development strategy for resident coordinators and for United Nations country teams is being discussed.UN-2 UN-2
During the scoping process, the task force will provide advice on data quality by ensuring the rigorous identification of relevant knowledge, information and data.UN-2 UN-2
“经济及社会理事会,注意到人权委员会 # 年 # 月 # 是第 # 号决议,同意委员会的下述决定:将发展权问题工作组的任务延长一年,并在人权委员会第六十一届会议之前召开工作组第六届会议,为期十个工作日;在这十个工作日中,五个工作日用于在工作组框架内设立的高级别工作队召开会议,在工作组举行会议之前将它的讨论结果和建议提交工作组;工作组继而举行为期五个工作日的会议,审议工作的讨论结果和建议,并根据它的任务考虑进一步的倡议。”
“The Economic and Social Council, taking note of Commission on Human Rights resolution # of # pril # approves the decision of the Commission to extend for one year the mandate of the Working Group on the Right to Development and to convene its sixth session before the sixty-first session of the Commission for a period ofMultiUn MultiUn
我 爸妈 也 从 绵来 了
My parents came from Qingmian.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
This coordination made it possible to draw on the institutional knowledge gained by the Organization from the prior presence in Timor-Leste of the United Nations country team and UNOTIL, as well as the work done by international and bilateral partnersMultiUn MultiUn
a) 报表二其他应收款项下的款额为有待结或收回的薪给、与工作人员有关的应享权利及其他项目,这些款项如下
a) The amounts in Statement # under other receivables represent payroll and staff-related entitlements and other elements pending settlement or recovery as followsMultiUn MultiUn
为便于履行这一任务 # 年第 # 号法专门就侦察与洗钱有关的作法给予该以国家干预权。
In order to facilitate this task, Act No # of # gave the Unit the power of State intervention, specifically as relates to the detection of practices associated with money-launderingMultiUn MultiUn
This group includes product development and fund-raising services specialists, a centre for strategic market knowledge, a donor-programme matching team, and an innovation unitMultiUn MultiUn
The Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions has considered the report of the Secretary-General on interim arrangements for the Procurement Task Force of the Office of Internal Oversight Services for 2008 and related resource requirements (A/62/520).UN-2 UN-2
Regular joint training and exercises by the UNIFIL Maritime Task Force and the Lebanese navy continuedMultiUn MultiUn
In 2009 a task force on environmental indicators was established by two ECE sectoral committees, the Committee on Environmental Policy and the Conference of European Statisticians.UN-2 UN-2
總 之 ,面 對 軍 ,需 要 數 量 龐 大 的 群 眾 ,進 犯 敵 方 的 伍 ,並與士兵 親 善 。
A massive crowd would be needed to challenge the army, invading its ranks and fraternizing with the soldiers.Literature Literature
Further regional cooperation among country teams will take place within the context of meetings between countries of the Mano River Union and Côte d’Ivoire, supported by the Deputy Special Representative of the Secretary-General.UN-2 UN-2
In that regard, his delegation, which believed that UNITAR deserved increased political as well as financial support, wished to stress the critical financial situation facing the Institute.UN-2 UN-2
It was stressed that training and awareness-raising of country teams were essential in order to achieve enhanced synergies.UN-2 UN-2
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