清雅 oor Engels



Vertalings in die woordeboek Sjinees - Engels

elegant; refined

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The form and color of these blossoms have long been associated with symbols of purity and simplicity.jw2019 jw2019
它身披清雅的羽衣,绰约多姿。 冕鹤体长约四英尺,翼展宽广,脖子纤长。
It is a stately bird with subtle colors and an exquisite shape.jw2019 jw2019
Double Deluxe Elegant charm and unique architectural beauty, topped by a Romantic spa-like en-suite bathroom.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
I really am a selfish man.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Designers Zhongyi Min said China's wind elegant art glass style, color and pattern are more pleasant, suitable for a variety of room styles, used as a backdrop, screens, □ off like as decoration and embellishment.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
The soothing aroma of fresh coffee, specialty teas plus refreshing cocktails and sumptuous snacks amidst the serene and sophisticated ambience of this lobby bar with live entertainment.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Our school is located in a beautiful free-standing chalet , a unique environment in the city of Valencia, located in the university area, next to the Rector of the University of Valencia and the Jardines de Viveros.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
我们也聊起了不那么沉重的话题,并且品味美酒和佳肴。 我发现这样的小聚既清雅又让人兴奋,应该经常这样聚聚才好。
We also discussed lighter subjects, enjoyed the food and savoured some wine. I found this get-together a very uplifting and elegant experience – one that should be repeated.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
She could divine the dead waste in her daughter-in-law's heart, having lived with father and son, and out of the wisdom of suffering years endured she wished to speak to-night.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
She is innocent as a young girl, elegant as a lotus, insist to keep the naive are the factors for fashionable female to dream for their romantic, joy and happiness life. Sweet series: young female targeted the age 18-25.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Is it the right man?"ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
中细 是最普遍被使用的毛线品种,无论是婴、幼儿,妇女或男士衣物都可用此等粗度的毛线编织,织出的花纹图案细致而清雅
The fine is the most commonly used wool varieties, whether the infant and young children, women or men clothing are available such coarse degree wool weave, weave the decorative pattern design detail and elegant.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
竹片和草席编成的百叶窗 帘色彩清雅柔和,本身的材质带有一种天然的清凉感,能降低夏日家居的温度,与中国传统朴素风格的家居也非常契合。
Bamboo and straw mat woven elegant Venetian blinds and soft color, its own material with a natural cool feeling, to reduce the temperature of the summer at home with the simple style of traditional Chinese home is also very fit.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
而另一方面,二楼的礼拜堂在透过彩色玻璃窗的阳光的照射下,焕发出亮丽的光彩,形成比外观更加清雅优美的空间。 地址
The chapel on the 2nd floor is tinted by bright, gentle colors of light pouring through the stained glass windows, creating an even simpler and more graceful atmosphere than that expressed from the church's exterior.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
舞台上乐手陡然加倍,齐齐亮相的科隆爱乐"整编部队 " , 还不算上在二楼的八支铜管,已经把大剧院音乐厅的舞台"塞"得满满当当。 在指挥马库斯的执棒下,乐团将理查·施特劳斯笔下阿尔卑斯山的巍峨、壮阔、优美、瑰丽、清雅、狂暴、热情、冷峻的情境和超凡脱俗的精神气质展现得淋漓尽致,整支乐团的演奏能力之强悍实在令人惊叹! 乐曲结束后赢得了全场观众经久不息的热烈掌声。
As that piece began, the number of musicians on the stage suddenly doubled, even without counting the eight brass musicians on the second floor. Under the baton of conductor Markus Stenz, the Orchestra filled the concert hall with the magical, magnificent and passionate sounds of Richard Strauss's "The Alpine Symphony."The music was warmly greeted by prolonged applause. For the encore, the Orchestra performed the "Lohengrin Prelude to the Act III," followed by a beautiful and intimate rendition of the Chinese folk song "Jasmine.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
今年夏天,新品的百叶窗 风格多样,或华丽,或粗犷,或可爱,或清雅,多元化的材质令百叶窗 有了更加传神的形态,也让百叶窗 在各种风格家居中的适用性进一步提高。
This summer, new and diverse styles of blinds, or beautiful, or bold, or cute, or elegant, a wide range of materials to make shutters have a more vivid form, and let the blinds in a variety of home styles to further improve the applicability.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
CNY : - 酒店订房 上海北湖湾度假村地处崇明岛东北部,环境优美、设施齐全,房间布置舒适温馨、清雅整洁、不仅有浓郁的老上海风情而且 . .
CNY: - Book Now The hotel is located in the northeast of Chongming Island, a beautiful environment, facilities, rooms are comfortably furnished and ..ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
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