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In the areas relating to the management of natural resources, the Illicit Crop Monitoring Programme of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime combines ground- and remote-sensing-based techniques to assist Member States in their monitoring of the extent and evolution of illicit narcotic crops in their territoriesMultiUn MultiUn
Additional number of Member States drawing on the assistance of UNODC to adopt, adapt or review domestic legislation to implement the provisions of the legal instruments relating to drugs and crime, in particular the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime and its ProtocolsUN-2 UN-2
In addition, it will use its infrastructure in the region, through its network of country and regional programmes, to support the future delivery of specialist assistance on combating money-laundering and the financing of terrorism, subject to the availability of funding.UN-2 UN-2
Several speakers expressed their support for the technical assistance being provided to requesting Member States, in particular by the UNODC Terrorism Prevention BranchMultiUn MultiUn
Amnesty International contributed a statement on “The role of United Nations standards and norms in the fight for human rights” to the expert group meeting on the application of the United Nations standards and norms in crime prevention and criminal justice, organized by the Office on Drugs and Crime in February 2003.UN-2 UN-2
Current estimates indicate that this will cost UNODC an additional $1 million in 2004-2005 and $1.6 million in 2006-2007 (all budgets combined) and this is reflected in the budget accordingly.UN-2 UN-2
Groups whose needs are not being effectively met by the response include adolescent girls and young women, prisoners, migrants, people who inject drugs, sex workers, men who have sex with men, transgender people, children living with HIV, displaced persons, people with disabilities and people aged 50 years and older.UN-2 UN-2
请联合国毒品和犯罪问题办事处继续努力,根据请求向会员国提供技术援助,以加强预防和打击恐怖主义领域的国际合作,推动批准和执行有关恐怖主义的各项国际公约和议定书,包括《制止核恐怖主义行为国际公约》,9 尤其是在司法和检察领域就适当执行公约和议定书开展培训,办事处的方案应考虑建设国家能力的必要因素,以便加强公正和有效的刑事司法制度和法治,以此作为任何打击恐怖主义战略的必要组成部分;
Requests the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime to continue its efforts to provide Member States with technical assistance, upon request, to strengthen international cooperation in preventing and combating terrorism through the facilitation of the ratification and implementation of the universal conventions and protocols related to terrorism, including the International Convention for the Suppression of Acts of Nuclear Terrorism,9 in particular through training in the judicial and prosecutorial fields in their proper implementation, taking into account, in its programmes, the elements necessary for building national capacity in order to strengthen fair and effective criminal justice systems and the rule of law as an integral component of any strategy to counter terrorism;UN-2 UN-2
另一个解决办法是特别关注巴西里约热内卢等城市预防犯罪方面具有挑战性的案例,毒品和犯罪问题办事处正在那里帮助贫民区(低收入社区)的市政当局减少药物贩运及随之而来的犯罪问题(第 # 号项目)。
Another solution is to focus on particularly challenging cases of crime prevention, for example, in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, where UNODC is assisting the city authorities in favelas (low-income communities) in reducing drug trafficking and concomitant criminal problems (projectMultiUn MultiUn
ACSAD will provide oversight and field follow-up with local technical personnel associated with the project as regards the followingMultiUn MultiUn
a) 加强与会员国的建设性有效对话,并确保继续改进管理,以便以可持续的方式更好地实施方案;并进一步鼓励执行主任除其他外,通过充分实施麻醉药品委员会各项决议,尤其是决议所载的各项建议,最大程度地发挥联合国毒品和犯罪问题办事处毒品计划的效力
a) To strengthen a constructive and effective dialogue with Member States and also to ensure continued improvement in management, so as to contribute to enhanced and sustainable programme delivery and further encourage the Executive Director to maximize the effectiveness of the drug programme of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, inter alia, through the full implementation of Commission on Narcotic Drugs resolutions, in particular the recommendations contained thereinMultiUn MultiUn
Acknowledge the efforts made by States parties in the implementation of the Organized Crime Convention and, as appropriate, the Protocols thereto and of the Convention against Corruption, which constitute valuable tools for confronting some aspects of the world drug problem, note with appreciation the increasing level of adherence to those conventions, and call on Member States that have not yet done so to consider ratifying or acceding to those conventions;UN-2 UN-2
The second oath ceremony took place on the evening of January 21, 2009 in the Map Room of the White House before a small audience of presidential aides, reporters and a White House photographer.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Children, the mentally handicapped, the mentally ill, animals, prisoners, and people under the influence of drugs like alcohol might be considered in certain situations as lacking an ability to give informed consent.LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
Until a few years ago, drug trafficking had been considered a principal serious crime.UN-2 UN-2
Even if sunken oil were found, diver identification and sampling of sunken oil becomes limited in the deep waters where Saudi Arabia proposes to look for themMultiUn MultiUn
Requests the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, in the interim and subject to the availability of voluntary contributions, to assist parties, upon request, in their efforts to collect and provide information on their self-assessment and their analysis of implementation efforts and to report on those efforts to the Conference of the States Parties at its second session;UN-2 UN-2
除了經濟觀點,《經濟學人》在社會議題上也支持自由主義立場,例如支持承認同性婚姻、支持毒品合法化、批評美國稅收制度(英语:Taxation in the United States),並支持在公共衛生問題上進行一定程度的政府規管,如公共場所吸菸和兒童體罰。
The news magazine has also supported liberal causes on social issues such as recognition of gay marriages, legalisation of drugs, criticises the US tax model, and seems to support some government regulation on health issues, such as smoking in public, as well as bans on spanking children.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In October 2012, UNODC started implementing a comprehensive assistance project to support the South Sudan Anti-Corruption Commission.UN-2 UN-2
Encourages the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime to continue its efforts in supporting States to establish, upon request, operational frameworks essential for communication within and across national borders and in facilitating the exchange of information on and analysis of drug trafficking trends, with a view to increasing knowledge about the world drug problem at the national, regional and international levels, recognizes the importance of integrating laboratories and providing scientific support to drug control frameworks and of treating quality analytical data as a primary source of information worldwide, and urges coordination with other international entities, including the International Criminal Police Organization (INTERPOL);UN-2 UN-2
b) 向联合国毒品和犯罪问题办公室提供专门知识,协助执行资产追回工作组的建议,特别是关于以下事项的建议
b) Make expertise available to the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime to help in the implementation of recommendations of the Working Group, in particular the recommendations onMultiUn MultiUn
这里,我只是想说:要应用这个原理去解决世界上的很多问题 改变学校的退学率 打击毒品,增强青少年健康 用时间隐喻法治疗那些患有创伤后应激障碍的老兵 — 创造医学奇迹 促进可持续发展和保护 在具有50%退出率的医院内减缓身体康复 改变那些呼吁自杀的恐怖分子 将家庭矛盾转化为时间区域的冲突
I just want to say that we are applying this to many world problems: changing the drop-out rates of school kids, combating addictions, enhancing teen health, curing vets' PTSD with time metaphors -- getting miracle cures -- promoting sustainability and conservation, reducing physical rehabilitation where there is a 50-percent drop out rate, altering appeals to suicidal terrorists, and modifying family conflicts as time-zone clashes.ted2019 ted2019
The Deputy Director, Division for Treaty Affairs, and Chief of the Treaty and Legal Assistance Branch of UNODC made an introductory statement on behalf of the Secretariat.UN-2 UN-2
Also request the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime to enhance, in a coordinated manner, its efforts in providing technical assistance and advisory services for the implementation of regional programmes;UN-2 UN-2
Several representatives expressed support for the efforts of the Government of Afghanistan, UNODC and the international community aimed at the elimination of illicit opium poppy cultivation and the promotion of sustainable alternative livelihoods in AfghanistanMultiUn MultiUn
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