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Despite a general widespread trend towards the adoption, reformulation and better implementation of competition and consumer protection laws and policies in developing countries and countries with economies in transition, many of these countries still do not have up-to-date competition and consumer protection legislation or adequate institutions for their effective enforcement, and rely to a large extent on UNCTAD capacity-building.UN-2 UN-2
The Government of Mongolia has issued an invitation for the Fifth International Conference of New or Restored Democracies, to be held in Ulaanbaatar in 2003.UN-2 UN-2
Treaties setting out a regime of `universal jurisdiction' typically define a crime and then oblige all parties either to investigate and (if appropriate) prosecute it, or to extradite suspects to a party willing to do soMultiUn MultiUn
旋轉 不停 的 情況 下, 他們 到 達 指揮 之前 都 會 處于 全 重力 的 狀況
Without rotation, they'll be in full gravity before they get to the command module.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Based upon this study, the Bhutanese government ordered one Dornier 228-200 for delivery in January 1983, with the option for a second aircraft for delivery in late 1983.LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
Option 8: Inscribed in a country contribution document, with a provision in the agreement creating an obligation for each Party to communicate and implement their contribution;UN-2 UN-2
An authorization under article 57, paragraph 3 (d), shall be issued in the form of an order and shall state the reasons, based on the criteria set forth in that paragraph.UN-2 UN-2
Whereas the non-nuclear-weapon States had kept their promise to forgo the nuclear option, there was hardly any evidence to indicate that the nuclear-weapon States had fulfilled their obligations under article VI of the Treaty, which required them “to pursue negotiations in good faith on effective measures relating to cessation of the nuclear arms race at an early date and to nuclear disarmament, and on a Treaty on general and complete disarmament under strict and effective international control”.UN-2 UN-2
As regards information on discharges from land-based sources, IAEA informed the Meeting that a computerized database system had been developed and was currently being testedMultiUn MultiUn
该委员会采用审查各缔约国所提出的定期报告和就已接受公约第 # 条所任择程序的缔约国违反该公约情事提交的个人来文的方式来监测该公约的执行情况。
The Committee monitors the implementation of the Convention by examining periodic reports submitted by the States parties and individual communications concerning violations of the Convention by States parties that have accepted the optional procedure under article # of the ConventionMultiUn MultiUn
26 United Nations theme group meetings on HIV/AIDS issues, including preparation of a national HIV/AIDS congress (to be held in December 2005) and revision of the national strategy on HIV/AIDSUN-2 UN-2
這樣 說 吧 要是 在 西部 荒野 你 沒 上台 階 我們 就 得 先替 你 棺材 了
In the Wild West we'd be measuring you for your coffin before you even reach the stairs.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
禁止有证书制度国家的所有没有证书的未加工钻石进入利比里亚。 在利比里亚建立国际公认和具有透明度的证书制度之前,禁止从利比里亚出口一切未加工钻石
Ban on the entry into Liberia of all uncertified rough diamonds from countries with certification regimes and ban on export of all rough diamonds from Liberia, pending establishment of an internationally acceptable and transparent certification regime in Liberia;UN-2 UN-2
k之二) 建立和加强记录、分析、归纳、传播和交换危害分布图绘制、灾害风险和损失统计资料和数据方面的能力;支持研共同的风险评估和监测方法。
k bis) Establish and strengthen the capacity to record, analyze, summarize, disseminate, and exchange statistical information and data on hazards mapping, disaster risks, impacts, and losses; support the development of common methodologies for risk assessment and monitoringMultiUn MultiUn
我 這裡 沒有 任何人 的 房 預約 登記
I don't have anybody down for a reservation.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Cyprus stated that extradition was conditional on the existence of a treaty and that it took the Convention as the legal basis for cooperation on extradition with other States partiesMultiUn MultiUn
审议了贸发会议 # 两年期工作方案草案建议,并考虑到除其他外,于 # 年 # 月举行的贸发十二大之后可能需要对工作方案作出修订
Having considered the draft proposal of the work programme for UNCTAD for the biennium # taking into account the possible need to revise the work programme after, inter alia, the twelfth session of the Conference, scheduled to be held in AprilMultiUn MultiUn
The competence of the Tribunal may also be extended, with the approval of the General Assembly, to any other international organization or entity, established by a treaty and participating in the common system of conditions of service, upon the terms set out in a special agreement between the organization or entity concerned and the Secretary-General of the United Nations.UN-2 UN-2
The Committee welcomes the third and fourth periodic reports of Luxembourg, which were combined in a single document following the Committee’s recommendation.UN-2 UN-2
If you select a channel element, you can add a custom message.support.google support.google
Clauses in the subsequent treaty providing that it “shall not affect” the earlier treaty.UN-2 UN-2
年 # 月在日内瓦举行的关于世界首脑会议后续工作的大会第二十四届特别会议重申了社会发展问题世界首脑会议的《社会发展问题哥本哈根宣言和行动纲领》,该宣言和行动纲领提供了消除贫穷的实际框架,出了明确的目标,拟订了计划和实施方案; 为了确保对所有个人的权利的保护、不歧视最贫困者和切实行使所有人权和基本自由,有必要更好地了解包括贫困妇女和儿童在内的生活极端贫困者的情况,并参照最贫困者自己和济贫工作者的经验和想法,进行反省 # 年 # 月 # 日第 # 号决议请联合国人权事务高级专员优先重视人权与极端贫困问题;确保各机构或部门进行更好的合作;定期向大会提供人权与赤贫问题的资料,并在计划于 # 年评估世界人权会议成果时以及在拟于 # 年中期评估和拟于 # 年最后评估联合国第一个消灭贫穷十年时,提供关于这一问题的具体情况; 高级专员在 # 年 # 月 # 日向大会提交的有关对《维也纳宣言和行动纲领》中期评估的报告( # 附件)中提议大会第二和第三委员会联合采取行动,以便执行发展权,把注意力放在消除贫困上,强调个人和家庭所必需的基本安全,使之能够享受基本权利并尽到起码的责任
c) In its resolution # of # pril # it requested the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights to give high priority to the question of human rights and extreme poverty, to ensure better cooperation between the institutions and bodies involved, regularly to inform the General Assembly of the evolution of the question and to submit specific information on this question at events such as the evaluation, at the halfway point in # and the end-point in # of the first United Nations Decade for the Eradication of PovertyMultiUn MultiUn
一位二等乘客说道: 那一晚发生了许多勇敢无畏的事情,但没有人比那些随着船只缓缓沉没仍在继续演奏的人们更勇敢。
One second-class passenger said: Many brave things were done that night, but none were more brave than those done by men playing minute after minute as the ship settled quietly lower and lower in the sea.LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
DONE at New York, this [...] day of # in a single original, of which the Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish texts are equally authenticMultiUn MultiUn
Take proactive measures to promote women’s participation in the local elections planned for in 2010 (Norway);UN-2 UN-2
203 sinne gevind in 13 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.