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The Maritime Labour Convention builds upon the existing maritime labour conventions discussed above, but more clearly assigns responsibility to the flag State for all social and labour matters on board its ships.UN-2 UN-2
Clergyman Harry Emerson Fosdick admitted: “Even in our churches we have put the battle flags . . .jw2019 jw2019
国必须禁止其船只出航,除非船只遵守国际规则和标准的要求(第二一七条第 # 款)。
It must prohibit its vessels from sailing until they can comply with the requirements of the international rules and standards (articleMultiUn MultiUn
为了使 # 年《鱼类种群协定》和大会各项渔业决议的有关规定能够发挥确保海洋生物资源长期可持续性的作用,并认识到有效管制船国对确保有效渔业管理至关重要,许多船国已采取措施,确保有权悬挂其旗帜的渔船不参与任何破坏国际养护和管理措施功效的活动,或不参与在其他国家管辖区域内进行未经授权捕捞的任何活动。
In order to give effect to the relevant provisions of the # ish Stocks Agreement and General Assembly fisheries resolutions to ensure the long-term sustainability of marine living resources, and in recognition of the fact that effective flag State control is fundamental to ensure the effectiveness of fisheries management, many flag States have taken steps to ensure that fishing vessels entitled to fly their flag do not engage in any activity which undermines the effectiveness of international conservation and management measures or in any activity that constitutes unauthorized fishing in areas under the national jurisdiction of other StatesMultiUn MultiUn
Some delegations indicated that the Consultative Process and the General Assembly could play a coordinating role in the comprehensive consideration of issues associated with the development by the United Nations specialized agencies of measures to strengthen flag State implementationMultiUn MultiUn
In addition to Syrian flags, one protester is seen waving an Israeli flag in this photograph.globalvoices globalvoices
Since the German armed forces (Bundeswehr) are a federal authority, the Bundesdienstflagge is also used as the German war flag on land.LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
(a) [促请 [属于船国、出口国或进口国的][有关国家]切实实施《巴塞尔公约》的相关条款,特别是其中关于履行事先知情同意程序和实行无害环境管理原则方面的义务的相关条款];
(a) [Urges [Parties that are flag States, States of export or States of import][States concerned] to implement the provisions of the Basel Convention, in particular with respect to the application of the obligations of prior informed consent and principles of environmentally sound management;]UN-2 UN-2
樂團後來創立自己的獨立唱片公司-Zef Recordz,並在唱片公司下發表新專輯《Ten$Ion》。
Die Antwoord formed their own independent label, Zef Recordz, and released their new album Ten$Ion through it.LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
Flag States will now be required to issue a Continuous Synopsis Record (CSR) to ships flying their flag, designed to provide an on-board record of the history of the ship with its name, flag State, the date on which the ship was registered with that State, the ship’s identification number, the port at which the ship is registered and the name of the registered owner(s) and their registered address.UN-2 UN-2
Even a radical about-face in US energy policy, with the introduction of energy taxes, would have been possible under the banner of national security.ProjectSyndicate ProjectSyndicate
Many States pointed out that a major factor in the high incidence of IUU fishing was a failure by flag States to fulfil their obligations under international law, which had allowed illegal fishing to evolve into an organized criminal activityMultiUn MultiUn
Calls upon the Government of Libya, on the basis of any information regarding such exports or attempted exports, to expeditiously contact the flag State of the concerned vessel, in the first instance, to resolve the issue;UN-2 UN-2
We examined all of our products and assessed whether we act as a controller or a processor for each of them.support.google support.google
He reports that the king of Armenia was required to produce 1400 lances and the Greek Emperor of Nicaea 400 lances.LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
Participants in the Meeting noted that the concept of the “genuine link” and its role with respect to flag State jurisdiction and control over ships is also found in other international agreementsMultiUn MultiUn
第二十一条第 # 款提及领海的无害通过的法律方面关于船舶的“设计、构造、人员配备或装备”的“一般接受的国际规则或标准”;第二一一条第 # 款(c)项提及来自船只的污染方面的“一般接受的国际规则和标准”;第二一七条第 # 和 # 款提及船国执行方面的“适用的国际规则和标准”;第九十四条第 # 、 # 和 # 款规定了船国应遵守尤其是规范船舶的构造、装备和适航条件以及船舶的人员配备与船员的培训的“一般接受的国际规章、程序和惯例”,并须考虑到“适用的国际文件”
Article # which refers to the “generally accepted international rules or standards” on the “design, construction, manning or equipment” of ships in the context of laws relating to innocent passage through the territorial sea; article # (c), which refers to the “generally accepted international rules and standards” in the context of pollution from vessels; articles # and , which refer to the applicable international rules and standards” in the context of flag State enforcement; and article # and , which requires flag States to conform to the “generally accepted international regulations, procedures and practices” governing, inter alia, the construction, equipment and seaworthiness of ships, as well as the manning of ships and the training of crews, taking into account “applicable international instruments”MultiUn MultiUn
IOTC also indicated that although it was aware of the need to address the issue of a genuine link between a fishing vessel and the flag State, no concrete action had yet been taken in this respectMultiUn MultiUn
Submission by flag States to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations of a list of those vessels flying their flag authorized to conduct bottom fisheries in areas beyond national jurisdiction, and the measures they have adopted to give effect to the relevant paragraphs of its resolution 61/105 and the present resolution;UN-2 UN-2
他 從 來 不談 戰爭 和 國 事件
He never spoke about the war or about the flag-raising.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
a) 欢迎船国执行问题协商组的报告( # )并要求广泛传送这个文件
a) Welcome the report of the Consultative Group on Flag State Implementation ( # ) and request that the document be widely disseminatedMultiUn MultiUn
It further incorporates strong compliance control provisions that encompass subregional and regional cooperation in enforcement and port State control, in addition to flag States' enforcement dutiesMultiUn MultiUn
Paragraph 22: Calls upon and allows all States to prevent the direct or indirect supply, sale or transfer to or from the DPRK or its nationals, through their territories or by their nationals, or using their flag vessels or aircraft, and whether or not originating in their territories of any item if the State determines that such item could contribute to the DPRK’s nuclear or ballistic missile programmes, activities prohibited by resolutions 1718 (2006), 1874 (2009), 2087 (2013), or this resolution, or to the evasion of measures imposed by resolutions 1718 (2006), 1874 (2009), 2087 (2013), or this resolution, and directs the Committee to issue an Implementation Assistance Notice regarding the proper implementation of this provision.UN-2 UN-2
Kurds held fast to their own ethnic identity.ProjectSyndicate ProjectSyndicate
In Capture the Flag, a player must retrieve the flag from his enemy's base, and bring it to his own team's base.LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
203 sinne gevind in 6 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.