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Rene Sini


Rene Sini

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Furthermore, one of the major arguments used by most of the organizations encouraging mobility is that mobility contributes to enhancing the experience and skills of staff, thus it would seem inconsistent to encourage on one side the acquisition of experience through mobility, and on the other not to recognize it when concerned staff return to the releasing organization.UN-2 UN-2
Paradoxically, then, the very conditions that made it impossible for the nuclear industry to deliver full power in Europe in 2003 and 2006 created peak demand for electricity, owing to the increased use of air conditioning.ProjectSyndicate ProjectSyndicate
这里,我只是想说:要应用这个原理去解决世界上的很多问题 改变学校的退学率 打击毒品,增强青少年健康 用时间隐喻法治疗那些患有创伤后应激障碍的老兵 — 创造医学奇迹 促进可持续发展和保护 在具有50%退出率的医院内减缓身体康复 改变那些呼吁自杀的恐怖分子 将家庭矛盾转化为时间区域的冲突
I just want to say that we are applying this to many world problems: changing the drop-out rates of school kids, combating addictions, enhancing teen health, curing vets' PTSD with time metaphors -- getting miracle cures -- promoting sustainability and conservation, reducing physical rehabilitation where there is a 50-percent drop out rate, altering appeals to suicidal terrorists, and modifying family conflicts as time-zone clashes.ted2019 ted2019
We are very much in favour of consensus, but we think that it is important to explain our position with regard to this detail — that is, with regard to the discrepancies between the preambular and operative parts of the draft resolution.UN-2 UN-2
Both types of services provide free advice and legal assistance to individuals seeking alternative means of resolving conflicts.UN-2 UN-2
Obstacles to assessment processes (inter alia, costs, potentially negative results that call into question established Government policies, tension between short-term and long-term impact and interests, and lack of capacity and data) can be overcome through political will and Government ownership.UN-2 UN-2
UNICEF has worked to promote the establishment of guarantees for children in conflict with the law, the modification of the birth registration system to comply with the Convention on the Rights of the Child, and the regulation of adoption proceduresMultiUn MultiUn
there was a gap in the evidence which would support a violation of the right to presumption of innocence or if the factual observations made in the sentence were in contradiction with documents which demonstrated the errorMultiUn MultiUn
High-strength low-alloy steels (HSLA) were developed especially for welding applications during the 1970s, and these generally easy to weld materials have good strength, making them ideal for many welding applications.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
As there were few States parties to the Convention, the Committee on Migrant Workers was the poor relation of the treaty body system but, paradoxically, it had to address one of the most important topics on the international agenda.UN-2 UN-2
After arduous discussions and considerable delay due to procedural manoeuvring and sometimes contradictory feedback from the Syrian authorities, a location was determined for the questioning of five Syrian officials.UN-2 UN-2
In this full constellation of actors, public administration most likely will have different and sometimes conflicting perceptions and preferencesMultiUn MultiUn
在“平等”倡议支持下,有 # 个项目着眼于调和工作与家庭生活矛盾和男女融入重新劳动力市场,其办法是:发展较为灵活而有效的工作安排和执行支助措施。
The EQUAL initiative has supported # projects focusing on the reconciliation of work and family life and on the reintegration of men and women into the labour market by developing more flexible and efficient working arrangements and implementing support measuresMultiUn MultiUn
As a major troop-contributing country, Nigeria believes that the continuation of this process of consultation by the Security Council will eliminate frictions early on and will facilitate effective peacekeeping operations in the fieldMultiUn MultiUn
我 和 你 沒 矛盾 肖恩
I got no quarrel with you, Shane.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The road ahead is long, and the peace process is fraught with pitfalls and contradictions that have to be surmounted.UN-2 UN-2
n the issue of the complainant's alleged conscientious objection, the State party submits that his evidence before the RRT regarding compulsory military service was contradictory and unconvincing and there is no independent corroborating evidence of his conscientious objection to the civil warMultiUn MultiUn
我们就是这样讲故事, 视觉效果,音乐,演员, 在每一个层面上,都有一个不同的故事 有时甚至会相互矛盾
And how we tell stories visually, with music, with actors, and at each level it's a different sense and sometimes contradictory to each other.ted2019 ted2019
Within academic research, more and more scholars reveal the ambivalence of NGOs—the sometimes constructive, sometimes destructive role they play in solving societal problems.springer springer
By a strong centralized State he meant one with the ability to raise taxes, regulate society and provide public goods while that might seem to be in contradiction with the broad distribution of political power, the two elements could work together or against each other and, in fact, both necessary.UN-2 UN-2
Ways to ensure that the existing policy contradictions within both the World Bank and International Monetary Fund are rectified in the true interests of promoting economic, social and cultural rights” (para.UN-2 UN-2
Furthermore, there might be a contradiction between the purpose of the draft guidelines, which was to protect the natural environment, including the composition and quality of the atmosphere, and subparagraph (a) which excluded from the scope of the draft guidelines human activities that altered the atmosphere but which did not have any major adverse effects on human life and health or on the earth’s natural environment.UN-2 UN-2
Other suggestions for future work included analysing: the phrase “accepted and recognized by the international community of States as a whole” and the extent to which such a concept was synonymous with consent; the relationship between jus cogens and erga omnes obligations; the extent to which non-derogation was a defining characteristic of jus cogens; the process by which a subsequent peremptory norm could replace such a previous norm; the relationship between the existence of fundamental values underlying jus cogens and the expression of their existence; the dispute settlement mechanism in article 66 of the 1969 Vienna Convention; and the question of how to regulate conflict between contradictory peremptory norms.UN-2 UN-2
A number spoke of the bitter contradiction inherent in the fact that astounding advances in information and communication technologies were serving to deepen the digital divide between the developed and the developing countries.UN-2 UN-2
矛盾的是,战争有时会允许妇女或迫使妇女为经济生存想方设法和建立福利网络,从而使妇女有机会超越传统性别角色限制。 然而,随着和平的恢复,如果性别角色的限制没有改变,她们可能丧失所得。
Paradoxically, some wars may create opportunities for women to transcend traditional gender-role limitations by both allowing and compelling them to devise economic survival strategies and welfare networks which they may lose with the return of peace if that does not bring a transformation of gender role restrictionsMultiUn MultiUn
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