網路檔案系統 oor Engels


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network file system

A distributed file system that allows users to access remote files and directories on a network as if they were local. NFS is compatible with Microsoft Windows and UNIX-based systems, including Linux and Mac OS X.

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October 1 - The Empire of Japan completes the nationalization of nationwide 17 private railroads.LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
核可和平利用外层空间委员会第五十九届会议工作报告,5 但其附件除外,附件连同序言部分文和第二套准则将形成完整的准则汇编,供委员会通过并于2018年提交大会;[footnoteRef:6] [6: 委员会题为“外层空间活动长期可持续性准则:第一套”的报告附件不提交大会供采取行动。
Endorses the report of the Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space on the work of its fifty-ninth session,5 with the exception of the annex thereto, which, together with a preambular text and a second set of guidelines, will form a full compendium of guidelines, to be adopted by the Committee and referred to the General Assembly in 2018;[footnoteRef:6] [6: The annex to the report of the Committee, entitled “Guidelines for the long-term sustainability of outer space activities: first set”, is not submitted to the General Assembly for action.UN-2 UN-2
In this world marred by violence and war, we must remember that development is the path to peace.UN-2 UN-2
我們會針對在拯救人命上 做創新的公司及企業創立一個網路, 協助他們連結像姆索這樣的工作者, 讓她能為她的社區做更好的服務。
And we'll create a network of companies and entrepreneurs who've created innovations that can save lives and help them connect to workers like Musu, so she can help better serve her community.ted2019 ted2019
In addition to these trial proceedings, Trial Chamber # has taken advantage of the judicial recess and gaps in courtroom schedules by holding initial appearances, including the first case of contempt pending before the TribunalMultiUn MultiUn
From 2006 onwards, REPEM has been part of UNIFEM Latin America and Caribbean Regional Programme “Safe Cities: Violence Against Women and Public Policies”.UN-2 UN-2
我 在 貝爾格萊德 有 更 硬的關
I have higher connections in Belgrade.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
An exception is made only in cases of sexual harassment in the workplaceMultiUn MultiUn
System analysts can help with understanding the overall system.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Renewable energy is gradually replacing conventional fuels in four distinct areas: electricity generation, hot water/space heating, motor fuels, and rural (off-grid) energy services.LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
In their efforts to raise public awareness of the harmful effect of cartels, the KPPU attempted to calculate damages in major cartel cases, including the cooking palm oil case.UN-2 UN-2
However, because Mercator had included in his book Luther’s protest against indulgences in 1517, Chronologia was put on the Catholic Church’s index of prohibited books.jw2019 jw2019
The Committee also observes that when deciding the removal of the author, the Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Constitutional Court limited themselves to referring to the fact that the author was considered a threat to national security without properly assessing this reason for removal.UN-2 UN-2
The path to a sustainable future would be long and arduous and require a strengthened global partnership, with knowledge and resources contributed from all stakeholders, including civil society.UN-2 UN-2
With regard to road sectors, the construction of 193 km of route No. 3 along the North-South Economic Corridor has begun.UN-2 UN-2
The Human Resources Network and the representatives of the staff federations supported the proposal to adjust the base/floor salary scale by consolidating 3.04 per cent of the post adjustment into the scale, effective 1 January 2010.UN-2 UN-2
But the Bible warned: “My son, do not go in the way with them.jw2019 jw2019
该项《公约》的缔约国并一致认为,教育应使所有的人能有效地参加自由社会,促进各民族之间和各种族、族裔或宗教团体之间的了解、容忍和有一,和促进联合国维护和平的各项活动; 《消除一切形式种族歧视国际公约》,尤其是第五条款,该款禁止一切形式种族歧视,并保证人人有不分种族、肤色或民族或族裔在法律上一律平等的权利,尤得享受思想、良心与宗教自由的权利; 《儿童权利公约》,尤其是第 # 条,该条禁止因儿童或其父母或法定监护人的宗教而有任何差别;第 # 条,该条规定尊重儿童享有思想、信仰和宗教自由的权利;及第 # 条,该条保证属于宗教少数的儿童信奉自己的宗教并举行宗教仪式的权利; 《消除对妇女一切形式歧视公约》; 《防止及惩治灭绝种族罪公约》,尤其是第二条,该条规定:"灭绝种族指蓄意全部或局部消灭某一......宗教团体”; 《关于难民地位的公约》,尤其是第四条,该条规定难民在关于举行宗教仪式的自由以及对其子女施加宗教教育的自由方面,应至少给予其本国国民所获得的待遇;和第三十三条,该条禁止将难民驱逐至其生命或自由因为他的宗教而受到威胁的国家; 《保护所有移徙工人及其家庭成员权利国际公约》,尤其是第 # 条,该条涉及移徙工人及其家庭成员享有思想、良心和宗教自由; 国际人道主义法律的相关条款,其中尤其是 # 年 # 月 # 日的四项《日内瓦公约》及其《附加议定书》。
b) The International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, in particular article # which ensures the right of everyone to education that education shall be directed to the full development of the human personality and the sense of its dignity, and shall strengthen the respect for human rights and fundamental freedom. States parties to the Covenant further agree that education shall enable all persons to participate effectively in a free society, promote understanding, tolerance and friendship among all nations and all racial, ethnic or religious groups, and further the activities of the United Nations of the maintenance of peaceMultiUn MultiUn
At the 4703rd meeting, the President stated that, following consultations of the Council, he had been authorized to make a statement on behalf of the Council and read out the text of that statement (for the text, see S/PRST/2003/1; to be issued in Official Records of the Security Council, Resolutions and Decisions of the Security Council, 1 August 2002-31 July 2003).UN-2 UN-2
Webcast technology has also allowed the Department to improve internal communications with its offices away from HeadquartersMultiUn MultiUn
“我们走起来左摇右摆,姿态奇特,步履笨重。 我们的足迹遍及非洲中部和东南部地区。
“With our distinctive, ponderous waddle, we wander the central and southeastern regions of Africa.jw2019 jw2019
Insert the following new preambular paragraph after the sixth preambular paragraph:UN-2 UN-2
Professor of the General Theory DepartmentUN-2 UN-2
� 在特设委员会第四届会议对文草案二读期间,,据指出,需要与拟根据第2条(w)项定义的术语相一致,确保本条通篇使用的术语统一一致。
� During the second reading of the draft text, at the fourth session of the Ad Hoc Committee, it was pointed out that it would be necessary to ensure consistency in the terminology used throughout this article, in line with the term to be defined in accordance with subparagraph (w) of article 2.UN-2 UN-2
Combat must stop immediately.UN-2 UN-2
212 sinne gevind in 3 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.