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It is estimated that the funding cost of HIV/AIDS globally will be between $7 and $10 billion annually, and, according to the University of the West Indies, the cost of funding AIDS in the Caribbean will be in excess of $360 million annually.UN-2 UN-2
Another is Yasser Arafat, who led the Palestinians in war and in peace and who did not live to see peace and self-determination realized.UN-2 UN-2
I give the floor to Judge Møse.UN-2 UN-2
But this is only partly correct, for the people can get aroused against nondemocracies and push their leaders toward war, as in the Spanish–American War.LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
Health teams are trained and the number of health workers in Bosnia and Herzegovina is sufficient to meet existing needs.UN-2 UN-2
主席女士,在这一历时 # 年的进程即将结束的时候,我要特别感谢你和你的调解人菲律宾大使达德努力协助各方达成共识。
Now that this # year process is concluding, I wish to particularly thank you, Madam President, and your facilitator, Ambassador Davide of the Philippines, for your efforts to bring the parties togetherMultiUn MultiUn
Although much inferior in numbers, training and equipment, Drozdowski's unit was not attacked by the Russian force, as Novitskiy lost control over his troops.LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
On 1 June 2014 president of Slovenia Borut Pahor announced the dissolution of the Assembly on 2 June and that the election would take place on 13 July.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
西元1883年,Gaston Tissandier最先使用了電動機來推進飛船。
On 8 October 1883, Gaston Tissandier flew the first electrically-powered airship.LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
The Committee also observes that when deciding the removal of the author, the Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Constitutional Court limited themselves to referring to the fact that the author was considered a threat to national security without properly assessing this reason for removal.UN-2 UN-2
包括移交联东办事处5 465件,移交其他特派团和意大利布林迪西联合国后勤基地1 078件,出售1 270件,捐赠11 661件,注销2 291件
Includes 5,465 items transferred to UNOTIL; 1,078 items transferred to other missions and the United Nations Logistics Base at Brindisi, Italy; 1,270 items sold; 11,661 items donated; and 2,291 items written offUN-2 UN-2
德沃夏克写给他的出版商的信中说: 我把我的作品交给你,前提是你要向我保证,没有我的认可,任何人,甚至我的朋友汉,都不能对它做任何改动,也不会有像汉制作的华彩乐段出现在最后一个乐章中;它的形式应该是我所感受到的,并且我已经想清楚了。
Dvořák wrote to his publishers: I give you my work only if you will promise me that no one – not even my friend Wihan – shall make any alteration in it without my knowledge and permission, also that there be no cadenza such as Wihan has made in the last movement; and that its form shall be as I have felt it and thought it out.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Maintaining a partial 32-bit model is one way to handle this, and is in general reasonably effective.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
西 有 地图 。
Casey has a map.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
British Virgin Islands policy and legislative analysis on sexual healthUN-2 UN-2
Formal mother worship, with ceremonies to Cybele, or Rhea, the Great Mother of the Gods, were performed on the Ides of March throughout Asia Minor.”—(1959), Vol. 15, p.jw2019 jw2019
后来,上帝通过摩西跟以色列人订立律法之约,将守安息日正式纳入成文律法里。( 出20:8-11;申5:12-15)
It was thereafter made a legal statute by God in the Law covenant given through Moses to the nation of Israel. —Ex 20:8-11; De 5:12-15.jw2019 jw2019
我们将会用电视屏幕或类似的东西 来当做未来的书籍。
We will be using the TV screens or their equivalents for electronic books of the future.ted2019 ted2019
We also welcome the significant progress made in addressing urgent cases before the Mitrovica courthouse and the normalization of the functioning of the legal system in northern KosovoMultiUn MultiUn
It also supported the extension of UNMIK’s authority to northern Mitrovica and welcomed UNMIK’s cooperation with Belgrade and with the international security presence on this issue.UN-2 UN-2
On 8 October 2005, Prime Minister Seniora conducted historic talks, the first of their kind, with representatives of Palestinian groups in Lebanon on the issue of their arms.UN-2 UN-2
Noting that the States in the region must play a constructive role in the successful development of the peace process in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and noting especially the obligations of the Republic of Croatia and the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia in this regard as signatories to the Peace Agreement,UN-2 UN-2
月 # 日,他会见总理贝尔纳·马库扎、外交部长罗斯玛丽·穆塞米纳利、当时大湖区问题卢旺达特使约瑟夫·穆塔博巴、加卡卡法院执行秘书多米提拉·穆坎塔甘追、全国反对灭绝种族委员会执行秘书让·德迪厄·穆西奥,以及联合国难民事务高级专员办事处(难民署)的代表。
On # ovember, he met with the Prime Minister, Bernard Makuza, the Minister for Foreign Affairs, Rosemary Museminali, the then Special Envoy of Rwanda for the Great Lakes region, Joseph Mutaboba, the Executive Secretary of the Gacaca Court, Domitilla Mukantaganwa, the Executive Secretary of the Commission nationale de lutte contre le genocide, Jean de Dieu Mucyo, and representatives of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCRMultiUn MultiUn
The importance of recognizing the diversity and multidimensional nature of existing practices is increasingly being acknowledged.UN-2 UN-2
The Secretary-General expressed the belief that the presence of MINURSO, as a guarantor for the stability of the ceasefire, and as a visible commitment of the international community to achieving a resolution of the conflict, remained relevant.UN-2 UN-2
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