脫胎換骨 oor Engels


Vertalings in die woordeboek Sjinees - Engels

to create from other material (story, artwork etc)


to turn over a new leaf

radical change of conduct
fig. to change wholly
to shed one's mortal body and exchange one's bones (idiom); born again Daoist

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Mr. Debabeche (Algeria) wondered whether the ongoing reform of procurement at the United Nations had been initiated in response to the oil-for-food scandal, and pointed out that the oil-for-food programme had been managed by the Security Council and not the General AssemblyMultiUn MultiUn
Furthermore, a clear line must be drawn between the policies governing the modus operandi of the oil-for-food programme and the process of calling for the implementation of all relevant Security Council resolutionsMultiUn MultiUn
Under a contract signed on 31 July 1995, the buyer S, a French public transport company, ordered 40 banknote-to-coin change machines from the seller P, which was also based in France.UN-2 UN-2
Once we arrived in Madrid, they made me walk, but my leg was no longer working and every time I tried, I fell down.UN-2 UN-2
Indeed, “the fruitage of the belly is a reward.” —Psalm 127:3.jw2019 jw2019
那 把 腌 黃 瓜成 卷心菜 行 嗎
Can I get coleslaw with that?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
基于作物模拟模型,盐成本据估算仅为不作为代价的60% (Nkonya等人,2011年)。
Based on crop simulation models, the cost of desalinization was estimated at only 60 per cent of the costs of inaction (Nkonya and others 2011).UN-2 UN-2
The remainder of the United Nations oil-for-food programme.UN-2 UN-2
Both terms, which tend to be used interchangeably, can be defined as economic strength enjoyed by an undertaking, which enables it to prevent effective competition on a relevant market, by affording it the power to behave to an appreciable extent independently of its competitors, its customers and ultimately of consumers.UN-2 UN-2
A door shelving type ice maker based on a domestic refrigerator platform, comprising an ice maker support (5), an ice cube tray (2) disposed on the ice maker support (5), an ice storage box (6) disposed below the ice maker support (5), and further comprising a turn over mechanism disposed on the ice maker support (5) and connected to the ice cube tray (2) to drive the ice cube tray (2) to rotate and discharge ice.patents-wipo patents-wipo
空运,改变联科行动的机队构成,将2架固定翼飞机更成小飞机(见上文第46段)(14 285 100美元);通过规划每月例行军事飞行,在可行的情况下将飞机的进场/转场与每周定期航班相结合,提高燃料管理,从而降低油耗(542 000美元);
Air transportation, through a change in the composition of the Operation’s aircraft fleet with the replacement of two fixed-wing aircraft with smaller aircraft (see para. 46 above) ($14,285,100); the reduction of fuel consumption owing to improved fuel management through the monthly planning of routine military flights so that the positioning/repositioning of the aircraft is combined with weekly scheduled flights, wherever feasible ($542,000);UN-2 UN-2
With respect to the last point, I wish to point to the interest of France and a great number of other members of the international community in knowing the machinery the Coalition Provisional Authority plans to put in place to replace the oil-for-food programme, in particular with respect to the delicate question of food security for the Iraqi population.UN-2 UN-2
He told of how the pioneers had exchanged literature for chickens, eggs, butter, vegetables, a pair of glasses, and even a puppy!jw2019 jw2019
舉例來說,如果您用「轉日期」維度來設定同類群組的性質,這個欄除了列出各同類群組的轉日期以外,還會顯示您在該期間 (日、週或月) 內招攬到的使用者人數。
For example, if the dimension by which you characterize the cohorts is Acquisition Date, this column lists the acquisition date for each cohort, and the number of users you acquired during that time frame (day, week, month).support.google support.google
Alternative screening methods, such as scans, shall be developed to replace strip searches and invasive body searches, in order to avoid the harmful psychological and possible physical impact of invasive body searches.UN-2 UN-2
On 25 November the Council unanimously adopted resolution 1443 (2002), extending the oil-for-food programme till 4 December 2002.UN-2 UN-2
· 一次生一的,有权休20周产假,
- 20 weeks in the case of giving birth to one child at the same time,UN-2 UN-2
Some international experts and journalists, who like to view the three Baltic states as a single economic identity, had failed to notice that Estonia has constantly performed better than Latvia and Lithuania on many fundamental indicators.LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
必须立即在有明确的基准和严格的时限的情况下重新开始政治谈判,以便依照安全理事会第 # 、 # 和 # 号决议及“土地和平”原则,全面、公正和持久地解决巴勒斯坦问题。
Political negotiations have to be restarted promptly, with clear benchmarks and a strict time frame, for the achievement of a comprehensive, just and lasting settlement of the question of Palestine, on the basis of Security Council resolutions # and # and the principle of “land for peaceMultiUn MultiUn
The claws are usually of equal size, unless one becomes injured or detached, in which case the limb will regenerate.LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
如果你给奶油打泡打过了头, 就成了白牛奶了。
If you've ever overbeaten your whipped cream, it's actually buttermilk.ted2019 ted2019
下面是前述網頁加入轉追蹤代碼後的模樣 (僅供參考,這串程式碼無法在您的網站上運作):
Here's the same webpage after the conversion tracking tag has been added (sample only—this code won't work on your website):support.google support.google
正如 # 年 # 月 # 日秘书长的信( # )所述,联布行动最后一个军事特遣队--南非营--于 # 月 # 日装改编,成为非洲联盟特别工作队的核心,负责支助《全面停火协定》的执行工作。
As indicated in the Secretary-General's letter of # ecember # ( # ), ONUB's last military contingent, the South African battalion, was re-hatted on # ecember to form the core of the African Union Special Task Force to support the implementation of the comprehensive ceasefire agreementMultiUn MultiUn
然 後 啊 你 就 會 出現 在 那些 低俗 的 口秀節 目上
Yeah, that's so racist.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Air heat exchangerpatents-wipo patents-wipo
203 sinne gevind in 6 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.