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These goals are mostly of a general nature, whereas in an RBM approach, the objectives should be SMARTMultiUn MultiUn
There is no comparable offset in Europe, where taxes are almost exclusively paid to, and transfers received from, national governments.ProjectSyndicate ProjectSyndicate
The provision for training will be maintained to cater to training schemes introduced by the United Nations as a result of the ongoing human resources reform programme.UN-2 UN-2
Mr. Debabeche (Algeria) wondered whether the ongoing reform of procurement at the United Nations had been initiated in response to the oil-for-food scandal, and pointed out that the oil-for-food programme had been managed by the Security Council and not the General AssemblyMultiUn MultiUn
a) 因局势调整至适合于每一冲突后局势
a) Situation appropriate, adapted to each post-conflict situationMultiUn MultiUn
Those requirements were offset by underexpenditure in respect of other services, supplies and equipment, mainly attributable to a delay in the implementation of the cost-sharing arrangement for the new administration of justice system; and lower actual expenditure for after-service health insurance owing to a lower than expected number of claims and a one-month premium holiday for one of the medical plans.UN-2 UN-2
The widely held view that women exist merely to fulfill male needs is Scripturally wrong.jw2019 jw2019
An organiser of considerable intelligence, Collins had become highly respected in the IRB.LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
为筹备 # 年在巴西里约热内卢举行的联合国环境与发展会议于 # 年在开罗召开的阿拉伯民间组织咨询会议已明确体现了这一点。
This has been made clear through the Arab NGOs consultancy conference, held in Cairo # in preparation for the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development, Rio de Janerio, BrazilMultiUn MultiUn
我們會針對在拯救人命上 做創新的公司及企業創立一個路, 協助他們連像姆索這樣的工作者, 讓她能為她的社區做更好的服務。
And we'll create a network of companies and entrepreneurs who've created innovations that can save lives and help them connect to workers like Musu, so she can help better serve her community.ted2019 ted2019
委员会建议缔约国提供关于执行 # 年第 # 条巴布亚特别自治法情况的资料,以及关于为保证巴布亚人不受任何歧视享受人权采取的措施情况。
The Committee recommends that the State party provide information on the implementation of the Papua Special Autonomy Law No # of # as well as on measures adopted to ensure the enjoyment by Papuans of their human rights without any discriminationMultiUn MultiUn
Our Committee is appalled by these developments taking place at a time when the international community, through the Quartet, is working hard to stop the violence, resume a meaningful political dialogue between the parties and move forward to a negotiated settlement, with a view to realizing a vision of two States, Israel and Palestine, living side by side in peace and security.UN-2 UN-2
The Group stresses the responsibility of developed countries to facilitate and assist the legitimate development of nuclear energy of the developing countries by allowing them to participate to the fullest in possible transfer of nuclear equipment, materials and scientific and technological information for peaceful purposes with a view to achieving the maximum benefits and applying pertinent elements of sustainable development in their activitiesMultiUn MultiUn
Consultations on the draft National Security Policy were undertaken in all 10 states, while capacity-building among security sector governance and oversight actors continued.UN-2 UN-2
这些方法和标准根据国际地雷行动标准制订,并根据克罗地亚本国的情况进行了调整。 这些标准是依照一项人道主义排雷法框架确立的,克罗地亚共和国制定了这样的法律。
These methods and standards are based on the International Mine Action Standards, modified in accordance with Croatian national circumstances, and have been established pursuant to a legislative framework for humanitarian demining, which has been codified by the Republic of Croatia.UN-2 UN-2
Furthermore, one of the major arguments used by most of the organizations encouraging mobility is that mobility contributes to enhancing the experience and skills of staff, thus it would seem inconsistent to encourage on one side the acquisition of experience through mobility, and on the other not to recognize it when concerned staff return to the releasing organization.UN-2 UN-2
The Latin American experience demonstrated that macroeconomic policies that focused too narrowly on the fight against inflation and attracting capital flows were unable to generate sufficiently high tares of domestic investment, and that investment in infrastructure and strengthening of domestic institutions were essential.UN-2 UN-2
The OECD Committee on Fiscal Affairs points out that, while a location where automated equipment is operated by an enterprise “may constitute a permanent establishment in the country where it is situated”, a distinction needs to be made “between computer equipment, which may be set up at a location so as to constitute a permanent establishment under certain circumstances, and the data and software which is used by, or stored on, that equipment”MultiUn MultiUn
From 2006 onwards, REPEM has been part of UNIFEM Latin America and Caribbean Regional Programme “Safe Cities: Violence Against Women and Public Policies”.UN-2 UN-2
The overall budget implementation rate had been 92.7 per cent for the 2007/08 financial period, compared to 95.5 per cent for the prior period.UN-2 UN-2
With regard to cultural rights in Guatemalan legislation, article 57 of the Constitution states that everyone has the right to participate freely in the cultural and artistic life of the community and also recognizes the right of individuals and communities to their cultural identity, in accordance with their values, languages and customs.UN-2 UN-2
Such events had driven home the need to speak loudly, clearly and often about what the United Nations did and whyMultiUn MultiUn
Thus, for many Azerbaijanis, Islam tended toward a more ethnic/nationalistic identity than a purely religious one.LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
In addition, it will use its infrastructure in the region, through its network of country and regional programmes, to support the future delivery of specialist assistance on combating money-laundering and the financing of terrorism, subject to the availability of funding.UN-2 UN-2
Encourages UNDP to give continued high priority to the work of the United Nations Evaluations Group, and stresses that United Nations entities, and not least UNDP, UNICEF and UNFPA, could benefit significantly from further strengthening their cooperation in the field of evaluation, particularly at the country level, in support of UNDAF evaluationMultiUn MultiUn
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