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to win a title in successive years

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She bagged the "Favourite Female Singer" title for the fifth year, solidifying her position on the international music scene.UN-2 UN-2
"Ambitions" remained at the #1 spot for twelve consecutive weeks, before being replaced by the band's second single "Sometimes" on 22 September.LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
Ford won his third award for Best Director, becoming the second to accomplish three wins in that category, and the first to win in consecutive years (having won for The Grapes of Wrath the previous year).WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
1971 年下半年,Je n’ai jamais aimé comme je t’aime(我从未象爱你一样爱过)首次在比利时广播电台 RTBF 的“Formule J ”节目中播出,并且取得了连续十三周蝉联冠军宝座的佳绩。
In the second half of 1971, "Je n'ai jamais aimé comme je t'aime" was played for the first time on the "Formule J" programme of the RTBF.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Starting in 2004, with the executives at Uni-Village records releasing her first album, and continuing to top the Japanese Billboard charts, Nina owes a great deal of her success to Japan, Singapore, the Philippines and other Asian countries.LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
2006年, CozyCot 在Hitwise新加坡网上卓越表现大奖中勇夺新加坡第一届女性网站奖,此后连续4年蝉联殊荣。
CozyCot has won Singapore's First Women's Site Award at Hitwise Singapore Online Performance Award for five consecutive years since 2006.LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
They had always had distinguished faculties; some of the first Americans with doctorates had taught for them; but they now decided that they could not both be world-class research institutions and be competitive in the highest ranks of American college sport; in addition, the schools experienced the scandals of any other big-time football programs, although more quietly.LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
7月6日,韩华生命保险代表理事车南圭受邀出席颁奖典礼,荣获最高奖项 — — "荣誉殿堂:人寿保险类 " 。 " 荣誉殿堂"是在连续5年蝉联综合大奖的企业中,向符合评估标准的企业授予的最高奖项。 韩华生命保险从2010年起连续7年荣获"韩国服务大奖"综合大奖,今年终于被授予"荣誉殿堂"称号。
On July 6th, Cha Nam-gyu, CEO of Hanwha Life Insurance, attended the ceremony and entered the Hall of Fame in the life insurance category, the highest honor.The Hall of Fame is the highest honor given to a company among those who have received the grand prize for five consecutive years in accordance with the evaluation guideline. Hanwha Life Insurance has been receiving the Korea Service Grand Prix for seven consecutive years since 2010.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
报道 (13/10/2011) 比利时战将:马克 波林 (Marc Pollin)蝉联KBDB西佛兰德省综合鸽舍冠军!
(13/10/2011) Marc Pollin (Snellegem, BE) for the second year in a row General Provincial Champion KBDB West Flanders!ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
各国旅客的口碑及网络排行榜上「拥有美味早餐的饭店TOP 20」连续七年蝉联北海道第一名。
The hotel has ranked in 1st place for seven years in a row in Hokkaido's "Top 20 Hotels with Delicious Breakfast" on a world-famous ranking website.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
中国连续两年蝉联羁押记者人数最多的国家。 中国去年有49名记者被羁押,是自保护记者委员会开始统计以来的最高记录,但这仍然只是因行使自由表达权而被羁押的中国公民人数的一小部分。
For the second year in a row, China topped the list as the country with the largest number behind bars. Its national total of 49 individuals is a record high since CPJ began tracking the statistic, though still likely only a fraction of the total number of Chinese citizens imprisoned for exercising their right to free expression.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
2009年11月:继2008年入选Red Herring Asia百强之后,PPTV网络电视作为亚洲100强中唯一入选的网络视频企业,2009年再次蝉联最具投资价值企业殊荣。
November 2009, After being selected as the TOP 100 of Red Herring Asia, as the only selection of online video company in TOP100, PPTV gained the honor of the most investment value of enterprise.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
他于1966年美国大师赛获胜后,成为该赛事首位蝉联冠军的球手,此成就令他登上高尔夫球运动的巅峰。 他与阿诺德・帕尓默(Arnold Palmer)及加里・普莱尔(Gary Player)并称"高尔夫三巨头 " 。 尼克劳斯至今仍佩戴劳力士星期日历型,这只腕表陪伴他五十多年,见证其职业生涯对高尔夫球运动留下不可磨灭的印记。
After his victory at the 1966 Masters, he became the tournament's first back-to-back winner, a feat that brought him to the pinnacle of golf. One of "The Big Three" alongside Arnold Palmer and Gary Player, he still wears to this day a Rolex Day‑Date, over 50 years after first placing it on his wrist, making his watch the irreplaceable witness of a career that left an indelible mark on the sport.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
15年间在她的管理下,该公司获得多个奖项,包括在2012年亚太经济合作组织中小企业峰会上,获"年度新锐企业"殊荣,并于2014年度及2015年度,蝉联"石家庄最佳雇主前十强 " 。
In the 15 years under Xiuru's management, the company received many awards including the Innovator Award of the Year (2012) at the APEC SME Ministerial Meeting, and Huaan was one of the 10 best employers in Shijiazhuang in 2014 and 2015.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Books have been popular for several years ranked Christmas gift list.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
This happened again in 2005 - 2006 when the club won the League again and the European Cup in Paris. Barcelona FC TodayParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
As one of the world's leading international financial centers, Hong Kong has ranked #1 as the freest economy  in the world for 20 consecutive years.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
还, 期间 1917-1920 吩咐市执行委员会, 报纸的时间,据报道有同意"人民沃洛斯 " , 但仍然市长的选举中蝉联 1914, 科斯蒂斯Glavanis的.
Also, period 1917-1920 commanded the City Executive Committee, which, as reported by the newspapers of the time had the consent of "the people of Volos", but remained mayor reelected in the elections of 1914, Kostis Glavanis.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
首先他获得2016、2017、2018年Club Der Azen皇帝头衔,2015年至今他一直蝉联中林伯格长距离俱乐部早晨放飞综合最佳鸽舍,他还获得2016年ZLU Pyrenees杯。
To begin with, he was Emperor in his Club Der Azen both in 2016, 2017 and 2018. He has been the General Champion Morning Release in the Central Limburg long distance club since 2015, and he won the ZLU's Pyrenees Cup in 2016.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
另外,比斯图杀毒软件在 2005 年引领市场后,于 2005 年底获得“年度最佳”的美誉,并于 2006 年蝉联此项殊荣。
In addition, after leading the market in 2005, Spyware Doctor was awarded the prestigious Best of the Year at the end of 2005 and again in 2006.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Krystle was winner of Best Nightclub in Ireland in 2007, 2008 and 2009.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
In China, Clariant Greater China was awarded for the second consecutive year the Responsible Care® Chairman Award by the Association of International Chemical Manufacturers (AICM) in 2015.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Switzerland retains its top spot in the Global Innovation Index (GII) for the sixth year in a row.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
After two successive national titles in 2008 & 2009, they are again on the highest rung of the national podium in Ostend for the third time in just 4 years !!!ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
2016年,根据IHS发布2015年度集装箱和模块化数据中心市场年度报告,华为预制模块化数据中心以15.5 %的份额蝉联全球第一。
According to an annual report of HIS on the global container and modular data center market, in 2016, Huawei's modular data center products rank No. 1 for the second year with a market share of 15.5%.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
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