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In any case, according to the State party’s submission, the subsidy would amount to a maximum of 70 per cent of the wages, for a maximum period of 60 months (see para 3.29 above).UN-2 UN-2
Recognizing that supportive domestic legal systems are essential in preventing and combating corrupt practices and the transfer of assets of illicit origin and in returning such assets, and recalling that the fight against all forms of corruption requires strong institutions at all levels, including at the local level, able to take efficient preventive and law enforcement measures consistent with the United Nations Convention against Corruption, in particular chapters II and III thereof,UN-2 UN-2
你 還記 得 上 一次 看 露娜 弗雷 亞 夫人 是 在 什么 時候 嗎 ?
Do you remember the last time you saw Lady Lunafreya?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
除了我声明稍后将说明的保留外,我们将能够在 # 年期间完成审判庭的诉讼工作。
This will enable us- with the reservations I will present later to complete the Trial Chamber proceedings inMultiUn MultiUn
Decides to appoint, for a period of three years, an independent expert on the enjoyment of all human rights by older persons, with the following mandate:UN-2 UN-2
Since my last briefing to the Council (see S/PV.6502), the Committee was notified of three additional cases of alleged violations of the provisions of paragraph 5 of resolution 1747 (2007), which imposes a ban on the export to and procurement by Iran of arms and related materiel.UN-2 UN-2
Aware of this constraint, major panel discussions on regional initiatives on sustainable forest management were integrated into the plenary meetings of the third and fourth sessions of the ForumMultiUn MultiUn
The Court is conscious that the “Roadmap”, which was endorsed by the Security Council in resolution 1515 (2003) (see paragraph 22 above), constitutes a negotiating framework for the resolution of the Israeli‐Palestinian conflict.UN-2 UN-2
� 关于在特定情况下也应允许嗣后反对的提议C.A.
� For the suggestion that subsequent objection ought to be permitted in certain circumstances see C.A.UN-2 UN-2
Third progress report of the Secretary-General on the United Nations Mission in Liberia (S/2004/430 and Corr.1)UN-2 UN-2
b) 经社理事会“高级别和协调部分”背靠背每年举行一次,讨论《 # 世纪议程》和社发首脑会议成果执行情况这一共同主题,特别是关于有利于发展中国家的必要执行办法
b) Holding the high-level and coordination segments of the Economic and Social Council back to back every three years with a common theme on the implementation of Agenda # and the outcomes of the World Summit on Sustainable Development, particularly those related to the necessary means of implementation for developing countriesMultiUn MultiUn
印度尼西亚代表团满意地注意到方磋商在经常进行,希望进一步落实安全理事会第 # 号决议。
His delegation was pleased to note that tripartite consultations had been held regularly and wished to see the further implementation of Security Council resolutionMultiUn MultiUn
违背这类承诺可能会造成转让人对受让人的赔偿责任(第 # 段)。
The breach of such an undertaking may give rise to liability of the assignor as against the assignee (see paraMultiUn MultiUn
For every admissible project, a summary table is prepared, indicating: the date it was received (in order to allow the Board to verify if the deadlines were met); whether the reports are satisfactory; any additional report requested by the secretariat; the amount requested for a new grant; the total budget of the project; what one third of the budget amounts to (because the implementation of a project must not depend totally on the Fund’s support; para. 25 of the guidelines).UN-2 UN-2
A South-East Asia subregional workshop on the development of the SRAP is planned to take place in Indonesia in July 2003 to formulate the framework of the SRAP in collaboration with relevant agencies, institutions and NGOs.UN-2 UN-2
该报告是代表 # 国的安全专家组以及世界银行、世卫组织和国际汽车联合会汽车与社会基金为期年合作努力的成果。
The report was the result of a three-year cooperative effort by a group of safety experts representing # countries, as well as the World Bank, WHO and the FIA FoundationMultiUn MultiUn
In addition to these trial proceedings, Trial Chamber # has taken advantage of the judicial recess and gaps in courtroom schedules by holding initial appearances, including the first case of contempt pending before the TribunalMultiUn MultiUn
This concludes our consideration of sub-item (d) of agenda item 105.UN-2 UN-2
十五年 你 能 想象 么
Thirty-five years, can you imagine?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
We shall briefly refer, in this respect, to three indicators.UN-2 UN-2
The publications of the Court consist of several series, three of which are published annually: Reports of Judgments, Advisory Opinions and Orders (published in separate fascicles and as a bound volume), the Yearbook (French version, Annuaire) and the Bibliography of works and documents relating to the Court.UN-2 UN-2
The Committee notes, in this connection, that the performance report for the 2010/11 period indicates that, under expected accomplishment 3.1, increased efficiency and effectiveness of peacekeeping operations, seven planned outputs were not completed owing to technical issues relating to Inspira (see A/66/610/Add.1).UN-2 UN-2
* 本文件提交时间距会议开幕不到十周,因为其中载有根据秘书处2008年5月6日发的一份普通照会提出的意见。
* This document was submitted less than ten weeks before the opening of the session because it contains comments received in response to a Note Verbale circulated by the Secretariat on 6 May 2008.UN-2 UN-2
委员会同特别报告员进行了对话,意大利(代表属于欧洲联盟的联合国会员国)、加拿大、墨西哥和布基纳法索的代表参加了对话( # )。
The Committee engaged in a dialogue with the Special Rapporteur, in which the representatives of Italy (on behalf of the States Members of the United Nations that are members of the European Union), Canada, Mexico and Burkina Faso took part (seeMultiUn MultiUn
Civilian police and military observers are now participating in three United Nations peace operations, and troops are ready for deployment as part of a composite unitMultiUn MultiUn
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