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在 全国 的 市场 赛会 上 举行 着 动物 赛跑 赌博 和 观览
At fair grounds across the country, animals are used to race, bet with, and spectate over.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
惊险的过山车,高55米的大观览车等深受儿童和大人的欢迎。 (所在地)
The park includes activities that both children and adults can enjoy, from the thrilling roller coaster to the 55 meter tall ferries wheel. (Address)ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
5 月5 日,三菱重工叉车发动机涡轮增压器控股股份有限公司(以下简称 “MFET ” ) 常务董事牧村祐一、事业战略组主席齐藤良幸对优嘉力(中国)事业部(以下简称“UCC ” ) 进行了访问调研。 这是今年4 月MFET 和力至优三菱叉车株式会社实现对优嘉力集团的控股之后,首次控股集团高层领导来访UCC ,牧村常务董事一行,与优嘉力集团执行官、UCC 董事长严建文,UCCA 总经理羽田宏、副总经理熊谷克彦,HCF 总经理张林进行了友好洽谈,参观了优嘉力(中国)的制造工厂,观览了TCM 、HCF 叉车,并对UCC 的经营状况、科研开发、运营战略等进行了系统了解。
In May 5th, Mitsubishi Heavy Industry Forklift Engines Turbocharger Holding Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “MFET”) managing director Yuichi Makimura, business strategy group chairman, Yoshiyuki Saito made researchon Unicarriers (China) department (hereinafter referred to as “UCC”). It was the first time that holding group senior leaders visited UCC since MFFT and Mitsubishi Nichiyu Forklift Co., Ltd. had realized the holding of Unicarriers group in April. Managing director Makimura and other staff made friendly negotiations with Unicarriers group executives, chairman of the UCC, Yan Jianwen, general manager of the UCCA, Hiroshi Haneda, deputy general manager, Kumatani Katsuhiko and general manager of the HCF, Zhang Lin.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
若想观览更多的色打挂,请与我们联系 。
If you would like to view more dresses, please contact us for more details.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
观览项目: 日本茶园,历史上著名的风车和花卉温室。
What to See The Japanese Tea Garden, historic windmills, and a flower conservatory.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
来自捷克、阿根廷、墨西哥、阿尔及利亚、乌克兰、柬埔寨等国的客商们近距离观览并体验了HCF 的全新系列产品,对HCF 品牌的又一次升级赞不绝口。
The merchants from the Czech Republic, Argentina, Mexico, Algeria, Ukraine and Cambodia, closely viewed and experienced the new series products of HCF, praise to the promotion of HCF brand.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
太阳&星星: 花费5.5美元可以升级到太阳和星星票,并在48小时内欣赏阳光和星光两场观览
Sun & Stars: Upgrade to the Sun & Stars ticket for $5.50 and see the views by sunlight and starlight—two visits within 48 hours.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Those without tickets camped in tents for two nights in order to enter the viewing area provided free of charge.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
观览项目: 参观者可以看到关押了阿尔·卡彭八个月的牢房,并通过架设在中央警卫俯瞰台上的监控感受警卫的视角!
What to See Visitors can see the cell where Al Capone spent eight months, and have a guard's-eye view via TowerCam!, remote-controlled cameras that are positioned in the central guard overlook.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
他们显示更多特权的 GOsa2 观览,并可以改变所有学生账户的密码。
They are shown a more privileged view of GOsa2, and can change the passwords for all student accounts.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Thomas是一个很好的导游;我们在蝴蝶森林的远足中度过了美妙的三小时,接下来是冰川点广阔的视野和山谷底一个隐藏的观景点。 没有哪个公司可以接受一天内观览这么多的项目! Rog P-诺丁汉,英国
Thomas was an excellent guide; we spent three wonderful hours hiking in Mariposa Grove, followed by astonishing views from Glacier Point and a tucked-away viewpoint on the valley floor… No other companies accepted to squeeze that match in one day! Rog P- Nottingham, United Kingdom ÂParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
该投影系统包括 科视Christie CP42LH 3DLP® 4K波长多样化增强型(9P定制化激光巨幕系统)RGB激光放映机,通过光纤连接至拥有九个激光模块的激光架,由RGB原色波长的多种组合产生白光,从而在银幕上展示精彩绝伦的3D观览体验。
The projection system here comprises a Christie CP42LH 3DLP® 4K RGB laser projector featuring enhanced wavelength diversification (EWD), connected via fiber optic to a laser rack housing nine laser modules that generate white light from multiple combinations of RGB primary color wavelengths to offer a spectacular 3D viewing experience on silver screens.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
农历春节 欣赏各种音乐、舞蹈和文化表演,品尝各种美食,逛逛各色小摊,还可观览传统十二生肖动物游行。
Chinese New Year Experience music, dance and cultural performances, food, market stalls, and a parade featuring the traditional 12 Zodiac Animals.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
At the Elohim Training Institute surrounded by the cherry blossoms in full bloom, they admired the beauty of nature and the power of God. They also realized the sacrifice of Christ as well as the development of Korea by looking around Hwaseong Fortress, Gwanghwamun Gate, and Seoul Towel, and learning the history of the Church of God in the Church of God History Museum.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
若想观览更多的礼服,请与我们联系 。
If you would like to view more Irouchikake, please contact us for more details.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
若想观览更多的礼服,请与我们联系 。
If you would like to view more dresses, please contact us for more details.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
过去标明教会改革进展的大事乃是前代的史实,是为一班改正教人士所公认的;也是没有人能反驳的事实。 本书限於篇幅,只得将历史作简略的叙述,将所有的事实尽量简缩,凡观览所需,以不妨碍正确了解为原则。
The great events which have marked the progress of reform in past ages are matters of history, well known and universally acknowledged by the Protestant world; they are facts which none can gainsay. This history I have presented briefly, in accordance with the scope of the book, and the brevity which must necessarily be observed, the facts having been condensed into as little space as seemed consistent with a proper understanding of their application.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
随后,Eduardo Torres 董事一行在张林总经理及生产、技术主管的陪同下,来到HCF 生产车间,参观了HCF 的生产线,观览了HCF 的制造工艺。
Subsequently, Eduardo Torres and other guests accompanied by general manager Zhang Lin and the production, technical director, came to visit the HCF production workshop. They viewed the HCF production line and manufacturing process.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
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