资本论 oor Engels


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Das Kapital

A German filmmaker, Alexander Kluge, is promising to turn Das Kapital into a movie.
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das kapital

A German filmmaker, Alexander Kluge, is promising to turn Das Kapital into a movie.
Das Kapital (1867) by Karl Marx 卡爾・馬克思|卡尔・马克思[Ka3 er3 · Ma3 ke4 si1]

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The Grundrisse is very wide-ranging in subject matter and covers all six sections of Marx's economics (of which only one, the first volume of Das Kapital, ever reached a final form).WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Capital in the Twenty-First Century, published in 2013, focuses on wealth and income inequality in Europe and the US since the 18th century.LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
Much of the Critique was later incorporated by Marx into his magnum opus, Capital (Volume I), published in 1867, and the Critique is generally considered to be of secondary importance among Marx's writings.LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
His most recent book, Capital in the Twenty-First Century, relies on economic data going back 250 years to show that an ever-rising concentration of wealth is not self-correcting.LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
Harvey also takes Piketty to task for dismissing Marx's Das Kapital without ever having read it.LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
Karl Marx in his influential economic history of capitalism Das Kapital wrote that "... the turning of Africa into a warren for the commercial hunting of black-skins, signaled the rosy dawn of the era of capitalist production".LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
A German filmmaker, Alexander Kluge, is promising to turn Das Kapital into a movie.ProjectSyndicate ProjectSyndicate
One thing that the book has in common with Karl Marx’s Capital is that it serves as a rallying point for those concerned about inequality, regardless of whether they understand or agree with Piketty’s particular argument.ProjectSyndicate ProjectSyndicate
Marx lived to publish only the first volume of his work Das Kapital.jw2019 jw2019
Ironically, the way things look right now, it seems that we could actually benefit from dusting off our discarded editions of Karl Marx’s Das Kapital.UN-2 UN-2
Nevertheless, some Marxists claim that Marx's theory of capitalism does imply a substantive theory of opportunism.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
这本漫画是East Press出版社的系列之一。 这个出版社过去曾经出版过许多重量级文学名著的漫画版,譬如杜思妥也夫斯基的《卡拉马助夫兄弟们》和马克思的《资本论》。
It is part of a series by the publishing company East Press which in the past has released the manga versions of several heavyweight literary works such as Dostoyevsky's The Brothers Karamazov and Marx's The Capital.gv2019 gv2019
许多参与时下这场不平等之争的人都会援引法国经济学家汤玛斯·皮克提(Thomas Piketty)2014年出版的著作《二十一世纪资本论》,并依此提出三个关键点。
Many of those engaged in the debate on inequality nowadays cite the French economist Thomas Piketty’s 2014 book Capital in the Twenty-First Century, which makes three key points.ProjectSyndicate ProjectSyndicate
Piketty is the author of the best-selling book Capital in the Twenty-First Century (2013), which emphasises the themes of his work on wealth concentrations and distribution over the past 250 years.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
French President Nicholas Sarkozy allowed himself to be photographed leafing through the pages of Marx’s Das Kapital .ProjectSyndicate ProjectSyndicate
奥地利社会民主党人阿德勒说得很对:恩 格斯出版《资本论》第2卷和第3卷,就是替他的天才朋友建立了一座庄严宏伟的纪念碑,无意中也把自己的名字不可磨灭地铭刻在上面了。
Adler, the Austrian Social-Democrat, has rightly remarked that by publishing volumes II and III of Capital Engels erected a majestic monument to the genius who had been his friend, a monument on which, without intending it, he indelibly carved his own name.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
半个世纪以前马克思就在《资本论》里写过 : " 银行制度造成了社会范围的公共簿记和生产资料的公共的分配的形式,但只是形式而已 。 "
The banking system presents indeed the form of common bookkeeping and of the distribution of means of production on a social scale, but only the form," wrote Marx in Capital half a century ago (Russ. trans.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
为了达到这个目的 , 《 在马克思主义旗帜下》杂志的撰稿人就应该组织从唯物主义观点出发对黑格尔辩证法作系统研究,即研究马克思在他的《资本论》及各种历史和政治著作中实际运用的辩证法,马克思把这个辩证法运用得非常成功,现在东方(日本、印度、中国)的新兴阶级,即占世界人口大多数但因其历史上无所作为和历史上沉睡不醒而使欧洲许多先进国家至今仍处于停滞和腐朽状态的数亿人民日益觉醒奋起斗争的事实,新兴民族和新兴阶级日益觉醒的事实,愈来愈证明马克思主义的正确性。
In order to attain this aim, the contributors to Pod Znamenem Marksizma must arrange for the systematic study of Hegelian dialectics from a materialist standpoint, i.e., the dialectics which Marx applied practically in his Capital and in his historical and political works, and applied so successfully that now every day of the awakening to life and struggle of new classes in the East (Japan, India, and China) — i.e., the hundreds of millions of human beings who form the greater part of the world population and whose historical passivity and historical torpor have hitherto conditioned the stagnation and decay of many advanced European countries — every day of the awakening to life of new peoples and new classes serves as a fresh confirmation of Marxism.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
与之相反 , 《 资本论》新的解读方式持多元决定论的主张,认为阶级结构(就像其他社会进程一样)是一个在由所有因果联系构成的无限网络中的、多种因素相互作用的复杂演变过程。 在《资本论》的新解读看来,具有不同偏好、不同旨趣的理论之间,总是存在着试图取代对方的疆域斗争。
In contrast, the new reading of Capital finds it to be overdeterminist; it conceives of class processes (like all other social processes) as causes and effects situated in the infinite web that links all causes and effects. Â For the new reading of Capital , theory is the realm of struggle among alternative, partial, different accounts of its objects.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
在《资本论》第三卷中,他主要探讨了产业资本家如何将剩余价值让渡和分配给商人、借贷资本家、公司经理、土地所有者等,及其所导致的阶级演进过程 ( Resnick and Wolff,1987 ) 。
Volume three of Capital explores chiefly the class process of distributing the surplus value by industrial capitalists to merchants, money-lenders, corporate managers, land-owners, and others (Resnick and Wolff 1987, chapter 3). ÂParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
其次,马克思在《资本论》第 2 卷中对社会总资本的再生产的分析,也是极其重要和新颖的。
Also new and important in the highest degree is the analysis Marx gives, in Volume Two of Capital of the reproduction of aggregate social capital.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
In the center of the square is the British Museum reading room, open to the public, but also the year Marx wrote " capital is talked ".ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
马克思在《资本论》的一开头就解释过,资本主义的生产方式"本身呈现为无限积累的商品 " 。
Marx once explained in the opening pages of Capital, that the capitalist mode of production presented itself as "an immense accumulation of commodities".ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
运用这种新的解读方式,我们发现《资本论》主要阐述了以下两点 : ( 1)现代社会 是如何组织其阶级结构的 — — 马克思所指的资本主义社会的阶级结构是什么 ? ( 2) 资本主义剩余价值的生产、占有和分配模式是如何影响现代社会的经济、政治和文化的?
This organization of the surplus is what Marx means by a society's class structure; its particular system of class processes.  The new reading finds Capital to be chiefly a specification of (1) how modern society organizes its class processes – what Marx calls its capitalist class structure – and (2) how that capitalist mode of producing, appropriating and distributing surplus shapes the economy, politics, and culture of modern society.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
The present translation is by Mr Samuel Moore, the translator of the greater portion of Marx' s Capital .ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
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