赶往 oor Engels


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to hurry to

And that is me, going to, hurrying to Uganda,

to hurry to (somewhere)


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ATF agents and police officers quickly responded to the scene, and firefighters of the Austin Fire Department (AFD) evacuated the building of civilians.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
After the eruption, Glicken went to Toutle High School, the center for relief efforts, where he joined Air Force Reserve Rescue Squadron officials in a helicopter to look for Johnston or any sign of his post.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
人权事务委员会在第 # 号一般性意见中着重指出了缔约国有义务“尊重和确保在其领土上以及在其有效控制下的所有人享有《公约》所承认的权利,这就意味着如果有重大理由相信,在实施驱赶的国家或者有关人士可能最终被赶往的国家之中确实存在《公约》第六条和第七条所设想的那种会造成不可弥补伤害的风险时,缔约国有义务不采取引渡、驱逐出境或者其他手段将有关人士逐出其国境。” (第 # 段)。
The Human Rights Committee in its general comment No # emphasized that the obligation of States parties to “respect and ensure the Covenant rights for all persons in their territory and all persons under their control entails an obligation not to extradite, deport, expel or otherwise remove a person from their territory, where there are substantial grounds for believing that there is a real risk of irreparable harm, such as that contemplated by articles # and # of the Covenant, either in the country to which removal is to be effected or in any other country to which the person may subsequently be removed” (paraMultiUn MultiUn
Malcolm 先生 昨晚 不得不 突然 赶往 伦敦
Mr. Malcolm had to go to London unexpectedly last night.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
In Australia, there is a long history of “pitching in and getting it done”, whether that is fighting a bush fire, looking for a lost child in the bush or rushing in to help at the time of a disaster, like a cave-in at a work site or a mountain collapse in snow countryMultiUn MultiUn
Our farmers, ironically, are slowly being driven to search for greener pastures in the asphalt jungles of the cities.UN-2 UN-2
As at the cut-off date of this report there were 15 OPCW staff members in Damascus and Latakia, one logistics officer in Beirut and two staff in transit to Damascus.UN-2 UN-2
当一行 # 名警官组成的巡逻队在一名巡警的率领下赶往村小学时,其中一名毛主义分子的岗哨便朝天鸣枪报警。
A patrol of # police officers under the command of an Inspector were on their way to the school building when one of the Maoists who was keeping watch fired a warning shot in the airMultiUn MultiUn
It is claimed that, in the course of the year, dozens of Congolese Banyamulenge refugees have been turned back, deported and extradited to the Democratic Republic of the Congo without taking account of the risks that they face.UN-2 UN-2
Or consider another illustration: We see an apartment building on fire and hurry to the scene.jw2019 jw2019
His father went to the Regional Hospital at once.UN-2 UN-2
2014年4月,三岁的Nyakhat Pal带着失明的父亲和两只狗,徒步4个小时赶往位于南苏丹上尼罗州帕加科的一个联合国儿童基金会-世界粮食计划署(儿基会-粮食署)快速反应分发中心。
In April 2014, three-year-old Nyakhat Pal walked four hours leading her blind father and two dogs to a United Nations Children’s Fund-World Food Programme (UNICEF-WFP) rapid response distribution centre in Pagak, Upper Nile State, of South Sudan.UN-2 UN-2
Emphasizes that States must respect and ensure the human rights of everyone within the power or effective control of that State even if he or she is not situated within the territory of that State and notes that this entails the obligation not to extradite, deport, expel or otherwise remove a person from their territory or their control, where there are substantial grounds for believing that there is a real risk of irreparable harm, either in the country to which removal is to be effected or in any country to which the person may be subsequently removed;UN-2 UN-2
After farewell ceremonies, the Mission departed by sea for the overnight trip to NukunonuMultiUn MultiUn
On the way to meet her, I passed women walking through mud to the market with large loads of fruit and vegetables stacked on their heads.ProjectSyndicate ProjectSyndicate
“The only problem left,” he reports, “was getting the children out of bed early enough to get to the convention grounds on time.”jw2019 jw2019
被炸车辆装载了42名以色列人,且以年轻人为主,这些乘客来自特拉维夫,乘坐Air VIA的航班,抵达机场后正赶往旅馆。
The bus was carrying forty-two Israelis, mainly youths, from the airport to their hotels, after arriving on a flight from Tel Aviv.LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
我 正 赶往 那里
Am heading over there now.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
At 8 a.m., while cycling on the main road to reach the relative’s house, they were stopped by the same LTTE member, beaten, and taken away on his motorcycle.UN-2 UN-2
马耳他骑士团管理的新生儿保健中心遍及世界各地:在阿根廷,在其布宜诺斯艾利斯医院的帮助下,早产儿的存活率几乎翻了一番; 在乍得,从其4个保健中心中的其中1个中心要赶往最近的医院用牛车得花24个小时;在以色列,其神圣家庭医院向早产儿提供特护服务,无论其出身、宗教或家庭收入如何;以及在其他许多国家。
The Order of Malta ran neonatal health centres around the world: in Argentina, where its Buenos Aires hospital had helped to almost double the survival rate for premature babies; in Chad, where one of its four health centres was 24 hours by ox cart from the nearest hospital; in Israel, where its Holy Family Hospital provided intensive care for premature infants, regardless of the origin, religion or income of their families; and in many other countries.UN-2 UN-2
我 是 赶往 大场 岩 集市 的 虫 师银古
I'm going to market in the canyon city, I am the Bugmaster, Ginko.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
此外,由于第二条规定,缔约国有义务尊重和确保在其领土上以及在其有效控制下的所有人享有《公约》所承认的权利,这就意味着如果有重大理由相信,在实施驱赶的国家或者有关人士可能最终被赶往的国家之中确实存在《公约》第 # 条和第 # 条所设想的那种会造成不可弥补伤害的风险时,缔约国有义务不采取引渡、驱逐出境或者其他手段将有关人士逐出其国境。
Moreover, the article # obligation requiring that States parties respect and ensure the Covenant rights for all persons in their territory and all persons under their control entails an obligation not to extradite, deport, expel or otherwise remove a person from their territory, where there are substantial grounds for believing that there is a real risk of irreparable harm, such as that contemplated by articles # and # of the Covenant, either in the country to which removal is to be effected or in any country to which the person may subsequently be removedMultiUn MultiUn
The royal army pursued closely, slaughtering rebels by the thousands and driving the remnants of their army into the Orne River, near the Athis fort and Fleury-sur-Orne.LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
赶往塞内加尔办理丧事。 非洲的弟兄和海外传道员对我仁慈体贴、关怀备至,使我的心大感宽慰。
The love and kindness of our African brothers and the missionaries was a great comfort to me when I traveled to Senegal to care for the burial.jw2019 jw2019
A patrol of 14 police officers under the command of an Inspector were on their way to the school building when one of the Maoists who was keeping watch fired a warning shot in the air.UN-2 UN-2
188 sinne gevind in 6 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.