跨过 oor Engels


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to cross over


to surmount

However, it was important to muster the necessary political will to surmount the final hurdle.

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联塞部队提出意见书后,警告牌于 # 年 # 月 # 日撤除,然而违反军事现状的行为持续存在,因为土耳其占领军在这一地区向前跨过停火线进入缓冲区的行为有很长的记录,特别是在 # 年至 # 年期间,而新建岗楼给土耳其占领军可能会带来某种行动优势。
Notwithstanding the removal, following the demarches of UNFICYP, of the warning signpost on # eptember # the violation of the military status quo persists since the new guardhouse offers possible operational advantages to the Turkish Occupation Forces, in an area where the latter have a long record of moving forward across their ceasefire line into the buffer zone, especially in the period from # toMultiUn MultiUn
Hizbollah’s incursions across the Blue line on 12 July were a deliberate and premeditated provocation intended to undermine regional stability and are contrary to the interests of both the Lebanese and Israeli peoples.UN-2 UN-2
Gang members living in the adjacent areas take advantage of this situation, cross the fence and rob items such as cement and wood from the hospital groundsMultiUn MultiUn
Now it is our fervent hope that Iraq will safely cross the dire straits through which it is passing and that it will recover its security and stability and will safeguard its independence and territorial integrity.UN-2 UN-2
For its part, China repeatedly violated the eight-year pact, ultimately mounting the trans-Himalayan invasion of 1962.ProjectSyndicate ProjectSyndicate
沿着 小路 穿过 Rimrock 山谷, 跨过 州际 线
Take the trail through Rimrock canyon, across the county line.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
秘书长人道主义问题个人特使凯瑟琳·贝尔蒂尼于 # 年 # 月指出,巴勒斯坦的人道主义和经济危机的主要原因是:以色列有计划有步骤地实施严格的限制,禁止巴勒斯坦物品和人民跨过边界和在西岸和加沙地带内自由行动。
As observed in August # by the Personal Humanitarian Envoy of the Secretary-General, Catherine Bertini, the proximate cause of the Palestinian humanitarian and economic crises has been Israel's systematic imposition of severe restrictions on the movement of Palestinian goods and people across borders and within the West Bank and Gaza StripMultiUn MultiUn
With regard to movement of goods, as of November 2005, about 1 million Cyprus pounds (about US$ 2 million) worth of goods had crossed the Green Line from the north to the south, and 127,000 Cyprus pounds (approximately US$ 250,000) worth of goods had crossed from the south to the north since the opening of the crossing points.UN-2 UN-2
c) 在 # 月和 # 月期间,至少 # 名与博卡里有联系的士兵从蒙罗维亚进入塞拉利昂东部;在 # 月最后一周期间,大约 # 至 # 名联阵、布基纳法索和利比里亚士兵,由博卡里率领,携带步枪、火箭筒和火焰喷射器,跨过(利比里亚)边界。
c) At least # troops linked to Bockarie had crossed from Monrovia into eastern Sierra Leone during May and June and some # to # urkina Faso and Liberian soldiers, armed with rifles, rocket propelled grenades and flamethrowers, had been led by him across the (Liberian) border during the last week of JuneMultiUn MultiUn
我们 必须 跨过
We have to cross this.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
超级科技中心——硅谷, 北起旧金山,南至圣何塞, 一路跨过海湾到奥克兰。
The technology powerhouse of Silicon Valley begins north of San Francisco down to San Jose and across the bay to Oakland.ted2019 ted2019
根据最初的重债穷国计划, 一个国家只有在跨过两个障碍之后才可获得债务减免。
Under the original HIPC, a country only receives debt relief after jumping two hurdles.UN-2 UN-2
Despite the agreement established between the Croatian Government and that of Bosnia and Herzegovina, there has been no Croat movement across the border in order to return to Bosnia and Herzegovina.UN-2 UN-2
Hojreh, a cleric blogger, reports some Iranian students who are volunteers to go to Lebanon will get permission from Makou's authorities to pass Iran-Turkey borders.globalvoices globalvoices
由于厄瓜多尔的一个邻国的局势,使到大批人跨过边界涌入,联合国难民事务高级专员办事处于 # 年在厄瓜多尔、基多设立了一个联络处,负责确定和采取对这些难民的国际保护措施,并寻求对这个领域问题的持久解决办法。
In # as a consequence of the current situation in a neighbouring country, which caused massive cross-border flows of displaced persons, the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees set up a liaison office in Quito for the purpose of classifying such refugees, taking international measures for their protection and seeking lasting solutionsMultiUn MultiUn
我们将会跨过那些规模化的技术, 使用一个具有创造性的方案来改变现状。
We're changing that narrative using innovative solutions, riding across scalable technologies.ted2019 ted2019
We have been working with our neighbour, Haiti, with the support of the United Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti, which contributes troops to our efforts of combating the flow of illicit small arms over our common border.UN-2 UN-2
These developments demonstrate that HIV/AIDS interventions should be both better integrated into humanitarian planning and programming, including in vulnerability assessments, and should cut across humanitarian and development lines to focus on long-term solutions.UN-2 UN-2
The United Nations will reach the milestone of 60 years of existence this year, five years after the Millennium Summit.UN-2 UN-2
Moreover, given that some diseases are easily transmissible beyond the frontiers of a State, the international community has a collective responsibility to address this problem.UN-2 UN-2
Given the high level of tension in the region, any provocative action along or across the Blue Line at this time, such as air violations and anti-aircraft fire, could rapidly deteriorate into a destabilizing dynamicMultiUn MultiUn
After years of wandering around, we finally got to that bridge- and now we must cross itMultiUn MultiUn
另有 # 万人已跨过边境,进入邻国。
A further # have crossed into neighbouring countriesMultiUn MultiUn
People will move internally, across borders, to neighbouring countries or seek safety, stability and prosperity further away from home.UN-2 UN-2
特别报告员借此机会赞扬泰国的Mae Sot镇内Mae Tao保健中心所开展的重要工作,该中心自1988年以来一直为跨过边界进入泰国的难民、移民工人和其他人提供免费的医疗护理。
The Special Rapporteur takes the opportunity to commend the important work of the Mae Tao Health Centre in Mae Sot, Thailand, which, since 1988, provides free health care to refugees, migrant workers and other individuals who cross the border into Thailand.UN-2 UN-2
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