oor Engels

Vertalings in die woordeboek Sjinees - Engels


chemical element
Which is heavier, lead or gold?



lead (chemistry)

simplified form of 鉛
lead metal

Geskatte vertalings

Vertoon algoritmies gegenereerde vertalings


Advanced filtering
I tried, but my heart was like a lump of lead.”jw2019 jw2019
A1160 – 废酸性电池,完整的或破碎的
A1160 - Waste lead-acid batteries, whole or crushedUN-2 UN-2
Drosses from continuous galvanizing processes where aluminium is the alloying agent do not contain leadMultiUn MultiUn
It estimated the cumulative reduction in childhood intelligence associated with current levels of lead exposure and correlated this to reduction in a child's lifetime earning potentialMultiUn MultiUn
化安论坛在其呈文中提供了关于 # 年 # 月 # 日至 # 日在达喀尔举行的论坛第六届会议上通过的一项针对消除油漆中的的决议的资料。
In its submission IFCS provided information on a resolution on eliminating lead from paints adopted by the Forum at its sixth session, which was held in Dakar from # to # eptemberMultiUn MultiUn
Several representatives expressed support for the proposal to hold an international lead poisoning prevention day of action, with an initial focus on the elimination of lead paint, as part of efforts to raise national awareness of the dangers posed by lead.UN-2 UN-2
The Representative highlights with concern that the situation of displaced Roma exposed to toxic lead waste in Northern Mitrovica/Mitrovicë has still not been resolved, and that children in particular are still exposed to grave risks to their health and physical integrity.UN-2 UN-2
In addition, it invited the Governing Council to initiate and strengthen voluntary actions, including partnerships and other activities, and to give high priority to considering measures, as appropriate, on lead and cadmiumMultiUn MultiUn
年 # 月 # 日,以色列发动名为“铸行动”的军事行动,由以色列空军在加沙进行大规模、协调的袭击,使暴力行动急剧升级。
On # ecember # the violence sharply escalated with the commencement of Israeli military operation Cast Lead, which included the launch of massive, coordinated strikes by the Israeli air force in GazaMultiUn MultiUn
Six UNRWA emergency shelters were damaged during Operation Cast Lead.UN-2 UN-2
Without going into detail on these problems, we can understand that the geologists using the uranium-lead clock have to look out for a number of pitfalls if they are to get a reasonably trustworthy answer.jw2019 jw2019
Many representatives highlighted the social and economic costs of lead exposure, especially for populations in developing countriesMultiUn MultiUn
带有金属的废物若其含有锑、砷、铍、镉、、汞、硒、碲或铊而浓度高于表 # 所列标准的,即视为危险废物。
Metal-bearing wastes are considered to be hazardous wastes if they contain antimony, arsenic, beryllium, cadmium, lead, mercury, selenium, tellurium and thallium at concentrations higher than those set out in TableMultiUn MultiUn
Jehovah’s Witnesses —architects, engineers, plumbers, bricklayers— did the entire job themselves voluntarily.”jw2019 jw2019
Lead was found in paints from all three countries and a report is being prepared;UN-2 UN-2
The global partnership is a voluntary and collaborative relationship between various parties, whether governmental, non-governmental, public or private, in which all participants agree to work together systematically to attain the overall goal of phasing out the use of lead in paintMultiUn MultiUn
一种高性能钨基超级电池体系,涵盖相应材料——结构——工艺一体化设计和构建方法。 该技术均以钨基材料为负极,高比表面碳或氧化正极材料组装成四大类超级电池,包括1)钨碳超级电池,2)钨——钨超级电池,3)钨——氧化超级电池,4)混合钨(含有氧化,及碳材料)的超级电池体系,即将上述两种类型的超级电池相混合利用。
A high-performance tungsten-based super battery system, which relates to an integrated design and a construction method of a corresponding material, a structure and a process.patents-wipo patents-wipo
三十) 交流关于建议在新的涂料罐上张贴警告标志的信息,告知用户如果准备使用含涂料可能会导致的健康危害
xxx) Exchanging information on suggestions for warning labels on new cans of paint alerting users to the health risks that could result if the surfaces being prepared for repainting contain lead paintsMultiUn MultiUn
尽管罗马人使用管很普遍,他们的渡槽(英语:Roman aqueduct)却很少使人中毒。
Despite the Romans' common use of lead pipes, their aqueducts rarely poisoned people.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
This practice was disproportionately exacerbated during the State party’s military intervention in the Gaza Strip (“Operation Cast Lead”), leading to the destruction of housing and civilian infrastructure such as hospitals, schools, farms, water plants etc.UN-2 UN-2
The Navy also continued to detonate live bombs, which contaminated the environment with lead, depleted uranium, Agent Orange, napalm and other toxic substances, and threatened the health and safety of the inhabitants of ViequesMultiUn MultiUn
As developing countries join the global information society, the quantity of obsolete electronic hardware is growing rapidly.UN-2 UN-2
To support the phasing out of lead in gasoline and the continued further reduction of the sulphur content in motor fuels, as appropriate, including through partnerships such as the Partnership for Clean Fuel and Vehicles;UN-2 UN-2
· 联合国环境规划署理事会的第25届会议和国际化学品管理大会第二届会议应进一步探讨这些需求和行动项目,以贸易中和镉的国际运输带来的危险为基础,来考虑进一步的应对措施。
· That the UNEP Governing Council at its 25th session, and the second meeting of the International Conference on Chemical Management, should further reflect upon the these needs and action items to address risks caused by international transport of lead and cadmium via as a basis for consideration of further response.UN-2 UN-2
Indeed, between early 2009 and December 2010, lead stocks registered with the London Metals Exchange (LME) have more than quadrupled constituting the highest level recorded since late 2002.UN-2 UN-2
202 sinne gevind in 9 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.