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This error was due to the fact that he only knew the name of the organization in Amharic.

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各委员会一起分别在 # 年 # 月 # 日和 # 月 # 日听取了钻石专家、塞拉利昂问题专家小组前成员伊恩·斯迈利先生和制裁争取安哥拉彻底独立全国联盟(安盟)监测机制主席胡安·腊因大使(希腊)的情况简报。
The committees together received briefings from Ian Smillie, diamond expert and former member of the Panel of Experts on Sierra Leone, and from Ambassador Juan Larrain (Chile), Chairman of the Monitoring Mechanism on Sanctions against the União Nacíonal para a Independência Total de Angola (UNITA), on # ay and # une # respectivelyMultiUn MultiUn
Tensions were also reported between forces loyal to President Yusuf and those belonging to the Middle Shabelle administration, which led to a clash in the Jawhar area on 27 November 2005, resulting in two casualties.UN-2 UN-2
TOM was a normal 14-year-old —a top-notch student who liked to do favors for his neighbors.jw2019 jw2019
The information resources of the Dag Hammarskjöld Library had been highly commended.UN-2 UN-2
Those organizations could participate in its meetings as observers or guests, as could national parliaments that were not TURKPA members.UN-2 UN-2
我們會針對在拯救人命上 做創新的公司及企業創立一個網路, 協助他們連結像索這樣的工作者, 讓她能為她的社區做更好的服務。
And we'll create a network of companies and entrepreneurs who've created innovations that can save lives and help them connect to workers like Musu, so she can help better serve her community.ted2019 ted2019
Another is Yasser Arafat, who led the Palestinians in war and in peace and who did not live to see peace and self-determination realized.UN-2 UN-2
In its basic sense, a·phiʹe·mi denotes “let go off.”jw2019 jw2019
He emphasized the importance of a linguistic balance among staff members of the Secretariat and encouraged those staff members throughout the Secretariat whose principal language is French, or who prefer to work in that language, to use French in all official communicationsMultiUn MultiUn
The hunt continues for top fugitives Félicien Kabuga, Protais Mpiranya and others earmarked for trial in ArushaMultiUn MultiUn
物理学家杰尔德·范伯格(Gerald Feinberg 1933-1992)和化学家罗伯特·夏皮罗(Robert Shapiro 1935-2011)合著有《Life Beyond Earth》(《地球以外的生命》)。
Gerald Feinberg (1933–1992), physicist and Robert Shapiro (1935–2011), chemist, co-authors of the book Life Beyond Earth.LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
Today we have on our list of speakers the distinguished representative of Ukraine, Mr.UN-2 UN-2
(Nu 11:35; 12:1-16) Most scholars connect Biblical Hazeroth with the oasis ʽAin Khadra, about 60 km (37 mi) NE of the traditional site of Mount Sinai.jw2019 jw2019
年 # 月初,专家小组成员与卜杜勒-瓦希德在巴黎会谈。
Members of the Panel met with Abdul Wahid in Paris in early JuneMultiUn MultiUn
Pro-Saharan demonstrations were organized in Laayoune, Boujdour, Dakhla and Smara to welcome the release of the Saharan activists and demand the release of 37 more Saharan political prisoners.UN-2 UN-2
a) 非洲经委会、加经委会、亚太经社会、西亚经社会、人居署、环境规划署和内罗毕办事处的空缺率在整个期间内波动幅度很大
a) Vacancy rates in ECA, ECLAC, ESCAP, ESCWA, UN-Habitat, UNEP and the United Nations Office at Nairobi have fluctuated considerably throughout the periodMultiUn MultiUn
6. 为什么保罗劝加太的基督徒要站立得稳?
Value God-Given Freedomjw2019 jw2019
The important thing now is to find a mechanism for implementation, because this troubled region is in dire need of a final settlement of the Arab-Israeli conflictMultiUn MultiUn
For social theorists in the tradition of Max Weber, such as Jürgen Habermas and Max Horkheimer, the concept of scientism relates significantly to the philosophy of positivism, but also to the cultural rationalization for modern Western civilization.LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
最初视弗莱一个朋友,但更深入感情,偶尔出现比如可为她冒着生命危险(《刺》,《爱和火箭》,《Lrrreconcilable Ndndifferences》)。
Leela initially sees Fry as a friend and nothing more, but deeper affection for him appears occasionally, such as on the numerous occasions when he risks his life for hers ("Love and Rocket", "The Sting", "Lrrreconcilable Ndndifferences").LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
韦里安纳大学颁发的最高奖项——荷塞·费利克斯·雷斯特雷斯金牌 (1997年)
Gold Medal “José Félix Restrepo”, highest decoration conferred by Javeriana University (1997)UN-2 UN-2
EBX EBX集团在米纳斯吉斯州和南马托格罗索州生产铁矿,并且在巴西投产第一个商业规模的太阳能发电厂。
The EBX Group produces iron ore in Minas Gerais and Mato Grosso do Sul and has put the first commercial-scale solar power plant into operation. in Brazil.LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
When did you last see Tom?Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
”联合国叙利亚问题特使斯塔凡·德米斯图(英语:Staffan de Mistura)警告称,叙利亚军队和伊朗民兵的进攻将造成人道主义灾难,使750,000多人的生命处于危险之中,他同时表示已经有超过45'000人流离失所。
UN special envoy for Syria Staffan de Mistura warned the offensive by the Syrian Army and Iranian militias would cause a humanitarian disaster and put the lives of over 750,000 people at risk, also stating that more than 45,000 had already been displaced.LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
纪念碑协会聘请奥古斯塔斯·卢克曼(Augustus H. Lukeman)接替博格勒的位置,博格勒在石山的所有工作成果最终都没有保留下来。
The Association hired Augustus H. Lukeman as replacement sculptor; all of Borglum's work was eventually blasted away.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
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