除以 oor Engels



Vertalings in die woordeboek Sjinees - Engels


adjective noun verb
Six divided by two is three.
to be divided by

divided by

Six divided by two is three.


adjective noun interjection adverb adposition
The percentage of capacity utilized is calculated by dividing average productivity over the period by the workload standard.

Geskatte vertalings

Vertoon algoritmies gegenereerde vertalings


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The index score is obtained by summing the number of persons in the age range 23 and 62 inclusive, who report ages ending in 0 and 5, dividing that sum by the total population between ages 23 and 62 years inclusive, and multiplying the result by 5.LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
如果有关人员年龄为 # 岁或 # 岁以上,则按紧接所涉事故发生前 # 个月内的普通意外缴款基数除以 # 计算; 对 # 岁以下的残疾人实行一种特别基数,但要求其在一段时间内不享受福利金时间不超过 # 年。
If the person concerned is aged # or over, the result of the division by # of the contributory bases for ordinary contingencies in the # months immediately prior to the contingency in questionMultiUn MultiUn
For mercury, emission factors could be expressed as the mass of mercury emitted divided by: the mass or volume of input material consumed; or the mass or volume of output material generated.UN-2 UN-2
ERWs were two-stage thermonuclears with all non-essential uranium removed to minimize fission yield.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
This criterion is now measured by dividing the number of meetings scheduled by the number of meetings held (see expected accomplishment (c) “Increased utilization of meeting services”).UN-2 UN-2
如无其他定期养恤金可领,亦没有扶养能力之父母生存,又或可领受配偶抚恤金者并非其生父母或养父母,亦没有子女监护权时,则提高上述子女补助金额,增幅为下述两项中之较大数额:(a) 如应领子女补助金者为一人,则数额为300美元或此项补助金所根据之定期养恤金之四分之一;(b) 如应领子女补助金者多于一人,则数额为600美元或此项补助金所根据之定期养恤金之半数,再除以合格子女人数。
If no other periodic benefit is payable and there is no surviving parent capable of supporting the child, or if a spouse’s benefit is payable to a person who is not a natural or adoptive parent and who does not have custody of the child, the foregoing child’s benefit is increased by the greater of: (a) $300 or one quarter of the periodic benefit from which it is derived if one child’s benefit is payable; and (b) $600 or half of the periodic benefit from which it is derived divided by the number of eligible children if benefits are payable to more than one child.UN-2 UN-2
A society’s wealth relative to its annual income will grow (or shrink) to a level equal to its net savings rate divided by its growth rate.ProjectSyndicate ProjectSyndicate
The rate will then be determined by dividing this total cost by the total number of staffMultiUn MultiUn
Text-processing productivity: words of straight typing divided by staff time usedUN-2 UN-2
To calculate the extent to which the dollar had fallen against gold, the price of gold at the end of 2009 was divided by the prices for each year, which showed that the dollar had depreciated 31.1 times between 1971 and 2009.UN-2 UN-2
每一会员国有 # 个员额,得自于属于这项因素的员额总数( # × # % # )除以会员国总数 # 后得到的数值。
It is equal to # posts for each Member State, which is the total number of posts for this factor ( # per cent of # posts), divided by # the number of Member StatesMultiUn MultiUn
The single fee might be determined by dividing the expected operating budget for the system by the expected number of initial filings.UN-2 UN-2
以百分比数表示的环境系数等于用 # 除以总值所得的结果,但不得超过 # %。
The environment factor, in percentage points, equals the total points divided by # as it must not exceed # per centMultiUn MultiUn
采用三年基期( # 年)和六年基期( # 年)得出的两个机算比额表的结果相加,然后除以 # 。
The results of the two machine scales, using base periods of three and six years ( # and # ), were added and divided by twoMultiUn MultiUn
对于前南问题国际法庭来说,养恤金计算依据为“年养恤金乘以实际任职月数除以 # ”。
In respect of ICTY, the basis for the computation is “that proportion of the annual pension which the number of months of his or her actual service bears to forty-eightMultiUn MultiUn
This average is determined by dividing the total income of the household by the number of persons within it.UN-2 UN-2
Bordersca分析了「歐盟對中亞的策略」,歐盟自今年夏天採用這項策略,Bordersca認為,歐盟似乎並未將中亞視為優先處理地區。 這是一份名為「歐盟中亞策略」的文件,歐盟自今年夏天開始採用,你能在這裡(pdf)看到全文。 有些專家認為,這並不是一套策略,因為它並未提供對中亞地區的任何專業分析、或是歐盟的策略轉變。 主旨在於: 1)安全與穩定 辯論之點: 2)人權、法律制度、管理良好以及民主化 辯論之點: 3)青年與教育 4)經濟貿易發展與投資 5)能源與運輸 中亞地區如何從這整個交易中獲利? 只有哈薩克和土庫曼擁有足以自誇的天然資源,烏茲別克可能少一點,吉爾吉斯與塔吉克則幾乎沒有天然資源,歐盟所提出的這項能源安全計畫會不會反而增加中亞國家與歐盟之間的歧異? 6)環境永續與水資源的管理 7)共同威脅(恐怖主義、毒品以及邊界管理等) 以上目標都必須以7億5000萬歐元達成,聽起來是不小數目,但這是六年的總預算,也就是從2007年到2013年,若將7億5000萬歐元分成六 等分、再除以五(中亞國家數目),這個簡單的算式顯現出中亞每年將分到1億2500萬歐元,也就是中亞國家每年分到2500萬歐元,這樣還多嗎? 這只顯現 出中亞仍不在歐盟優先名單之列,2007年上半年可能是,但下半年歐盟輪值國主席換人後,中亞再也不是焦點。
Bordersca analyzes “EU Central Asia Strategy“, which has been adopted in summer this year, and says that Central Asia seemingly is still not a priority on the agenda.globalvoices globalvoices
In Brazil, earnings per share are calculated by dividing fiscal year net profit by the number of common and preferred stocks in circulation at the end of the period, while IFRS require calculation by dividing the period’s net profit or loss attributable to common stockholders by the weighted average of the number of common stock outstanding during the period.UN-2 UN-2
该指标通过如下方法获得:先算出每一个行业中男性从业人员和女性从业人员所占的百分比,将这两个百分比相减,其结果的绝对值相加,总数除以 # 最后乘以 # 。
he index is obtained by dividing the sum of the absolute differences between the proportions ofMultiUn MultiUn
For example, for a formula column that divides keyword cost by the number of days in a report, this option sums the total cost first and then divides the total by the number of days.support.google support.google
rrigation efficiency is defined as the net irrigation water requirements, minus effective rainfall, divided by the volume of water diverted from water sourcesMultiUn MultiUn
It is not meaningful to disaggregate this figure into smaller denominators.UN-2 UN-2
这一比例是根据拟议方案预算编制之时联合国参加养恤基金的人数除以其他基金和方案参加的人数得出的。 这一比例适用于整个两年期。
Since all actions have to be released and validated by one professional, all payroll activities requiring three-tier approval cannot be currently performed by the Geneva Finance teamMultiUn MultiUn
In addition to the 15-minute live broadcasts in the six official languages, statements by Heads of State or Government, special reports, interviews, summaries of the debate and other activities were transmitted to partner stations, and national and international networks.UN-2 UN-2
Six divided by two is three.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
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