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A standard for exchanging bundles of data between two companies via telephone lines or the Internet. EDI transmits much larger bundles of data than can be transmitted via e-mail. For EDI to be effective, users must agree on certain standards for formatting and exchanging information, such as the X.400 protocol.

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According to the performance management and development guidance note, issued in April 2013 by UNCDF management, the year-end performance assessments for the previous year and the performance plans for the following year must be completed by January/February of each year.UN-2 UN-2
Mr. Debabeche (Algeria) wondered whether the ongoing reform of procurement at the United Nations had been initiated in response to the oil-for-food scandal, and pointed out that the oil-for-food programme had been managed by the Security Council and not the General AssemblyMultiUn MultiUn
In its basic sense, a·phiʹe·mi denotes “let go off.”jw2019 jw2019
7,8.( 甲)有什么证据证明上帝的民已‘放长他们的绳子’?(
7, 8. (a) What evidence is there that God’s people have ‘lengthened their tent cords’?jw2019 jw2019
She reiterated that the European Union would prefer multi-year direct assessments as the simplest means of financing the project and was interested in making the assessments broadly proportional to the amount needed in the different phases in order to avoid unnecessary payments in advanceMultiUn MultiUn
They concurred that core resources had to remain the bedrock of UNDP funding, as a prerequisite for its ability to be strategic, responsive and predictable in delivering results.UN-2 UN-2
Furthermore, a clear line must be drawn between the policies governing the modus operandi of the oil-for-food programme and the process of calling for the implementation of all relevant Security Council resolutionsMultiUn MultiUn
西元1883年,Gaston Tissandier最先使用了動機來推進飛船。
On 8 October 1883, Gaston Tissandier flew the first electrically-powered airship.LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
Many Caribbean islands may require additional funding in order to meet the requirements for ICP participation.UN-2 UN-2
As the General Assembly is discussing an issue to be referred to the ICJ, biased rhetoric that deviates from a factual representation of the circumstances on the ground is not a good reflection on the competence of the General Assembly.UN-2 UN-2
Jesus called the apostles (Peter and Andrew; Philip and Bartholomew; James and John) the “Sons of Thunder” because of their fiery disposition. [gt chap.jw2019 jw2019
Chotiner served as counsel to state committees investigating violence in motion picture strikes and conditions in children's boarding homes and in homes for the elderly.LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
德沃夏克写给他的出版商的信中说: 我把我的作品给你,前提是你要向我保证,没有我的认可,任何人,甚至我的朋友维汉,都不能对它做任何改动,也不会有像维汉制作的华彩乐段出现在最后一个乐章中;它的形式应该是我所感受到的,并且我已经想清楚了。
Dvořák wrote to his publishers: I give you my work only if you will promise me that no one – not even my friend Wihan – shall make any alteration in it without my knowledge and permission, also that there be no cadenza such as Wihan has made in the last movement; and that its form shall be as I have felt it and thought it out.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
新闻部通过全球教学项目和相关网络校车网站开发出了新的让人了解联合国的创新方法。 利用联合国开发计划署千年运动的供,网络校车推出了千年发展目标青年网站。
Through its Global Teaching and Learning project and accompanying CyberSchoolBus website, the Department has developed new and innovative approaches to learning about the United Nations.UN-2 UN-2
Regarding innovative financing, the European Union supported the declaration by Heads of State and Government, heads of international organizations and civil society leaders adopted on 20 September 2004 at the meeting held at the United Nations.UN-2 UN-2
已根据第25条第4款作出声明的缔约方,在向保存人存批准文书且修正生效后,可通过向秘书处递交书面通知,对附件 A或B所列的一种或多种类型的特定豁免予以登记,但须遵守第4条之规定(参阅 UNEP/POPS/ COP.5/36,第49段)。
A party that has made a declaration in accordance with paragraph 4 of Article 25 would, after depositing an instrument of ratification with the depositary, and after the amendment has entered into force for it, be able to register for one or more types of the specific exemptions listed in annexes A or B by means of a notification in writing to the Secretariat, subject to the provisions of Article 4 (see UNEP/POPS/ COP.5/36, paragraph 49).UN-2 UN-2
Takashi also finds that the time warp has left him with the ability to briefly glimpse into a person's mind while conversing with them.LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
He hid the kora behind his long flowing garb, or boubou, and listened carefully as Margaret presented the brochure, which was in Arabic.jw2019 jw2019
Third Palestinian late claimsUN-2 UN-2
Paradoxically, then, the very conditions that made it impossible for the nuclear industry to deliver full power in Europe in 2003 and 2006 created peak demand for electricity, owing to the increased use of air conditioning.ProjectSyndicate ProjectSyndicate
The OLED pixel circuit enables a driving current of an OLED not to be affected by a threshold voltage of a transistor, so that the brightness uniformity of a display apparatus is better.patents-wipo patents-wipo
此外,关于耶路撒冷遭受毁灭的预言清楚显示,耶和华能够在新事还没有发生之前,就让他的民听见。( 以赛亚书42:9)
The prophecy regarding the destruction of Jerusalem clearly portrays Jehovah as a God who ‘causes his people to know new things before they begin to spring up.’ —Isaiah 42:9.jw2019 jw2019
* 亦见艾蒙,摩赛亚之;摩赛亚之;希拉曼的子弟
* See also Ammon, Son of Mosiah; Helaman, Sons of; Mosiah, Sons ofLDS LDS
Such notification must take place irrespective of whether or not the funds deposited with the financial intermediary are lawful in origin.UN-2 UN-2
Amendment to the Convention on the Physical Protection of Nuclear Material to include nuclear facilities, on 25 April 2007, the date of deposit of the instruments of ratification.UN-2 UN-2
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