黄色小说 oor Engels


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He can read a novel or two a day.ted2019 ted2019
What makes this lustrous yellow metal so appealing?jw2019 jw2019
(e) 证人们表示致伤物在落地后产生了黄色烟团或尘团。
Witnesses described a yellow smoke or dust cloud appearing after the objects’ impact.UN-2 UN-2
这意味着 那些我们以前只能在 像动漫展这种科幻小说展谈论的事情 将会在像五角大楼 这样权利中心被提起
And so what that means is the kind of things that we used to only talk about at science fiction conventions like Comic-Con have to be talked about in the halls of power and places like the Pentagon.ted2019 ted2019
有的评论称小说讥讽了南方穷苦的白人,使用了形象单一的黑人,格兰维尔·希克斯(Granville Hicks)给出的标签是“耸人听闻、娇柔做作”。
Some lamented the use of poor white Southerners, and one-dimensional black victims, and Granville Hicks labeled the book "melodramatic and contrived".LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
健康通讯》说:“一代又一代的年轻人拿着手电筒,躲在被窝里啃自己心爱的小说。 这样,他们不但打好了自己的文学基础,也为日后患上近视打下基础。”
“Generations of teenagers, armed with flashlights, have devoured their favorite stories under the blanket, and by doing so they have laid the basis not only for their literary education but also for their nearsightedness,” states the newsletter.jw2019 jw2019
但在“玫瑰战争”中, 正如那本被他们启发的小说一样, 告诉了我们,胜利不一定是肯定的, 联盟不一定是稳固的, 甚至是国王的权力也可以像是四季更迭般一样飘忽。 -完-
But the Wars of the Roses, like the fiction they inspired, show us that victories can be uncertain, alliances unstable, and even the power of Kings as fleeting as the seasons.ted2019 ted2019
唔 你 干嘛 买 黄色 的?
Well, why did you get yellow?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
我 可 以 让 边 界 是 黄 色
I could make the boundary yellow.QED QED
One writer was so impressed by Lee's detailed explanations of the people of Maycomb that he categorized the book as Southern romantic regionalism.LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
"I have put my pen at the service of some of the most persecuted and misunderstood people in the world...So far as I know nothing of the kind has ever been attempted before in fiction."LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
于是他们买来那些一百六十磅的毛毛狗-- 看上去像迅猛龙, 给它们取珍·奥丝汀书里的小说人名。
So they've got these furry 160-pound dogs -- all look like velociraptors, all named after Jane Austen characters.ted2019 ted2019
It is as if here in the Chamber we were recreating surrealistic scenes from the well-known novel by George Orwell 1984, which members will all be familiar with.UN-2 UN-2
That is not a passage from a futuristic novel.jw2019 jw2019
The complex space of cities exerted a profound and far-reaching influence on traditional Chinese fiction writing.springer springer
According to The Seattle Times, Donaldson also published news articles "attacking censorship, praising productions exhibiting 'good taste' and fighting yellow journalism".LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
Even at its best, science fiction cannot satisfy man’s curiosity about what the future holds.jw2019 jw2019
当我考虑这个问题时 我想起了欧内斯特·海明威的传奇故事 据说他说过一个仅仅六个词的小说 “出售:小孩的鞋,永远不会穿破。” 这是他写的最好的小说
While I was pondering this question, I came across this urban legend about Ernest Hemingway, who allegedly said that these six words here: "For sale: baby shoes, never worn," were the best novel he had ever written.ted2019 ted2019
奥丽芙·施莱纳(Olive Schreiner)在1883年发表的小说《一个非洲庄园的故事》(Story of an African Farm)中首次描述了南部非洲的社会状况。
The first description of South African conditions from within was Olive Schreiner’s Story of an African Farm (1883).Literature Literature
最初该系列小说的改编权卖给了一个波兰手机游戏工作室,但该工作室并没有做任何相关的游戏,CD Projekt随后购得了《猎魔人》系列的改编权。
The franchise rights had been sold to a Polish mobile game studio, but the studio had not worked on anything related to the franchise and CD Projekt acquired the rights to the Wiedźmin franchise.LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
关于 捕鲸 业 的 小说 , 我 认为 他...
I think he was...OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Angell Øygarden eventually listened to 5,000 pages of the novel and proposed the series title, which he felt was perfect.LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
Then there is the fictional bird, the one that Hammett created for the book.ted2019 ted2019
But maternal and infant mortality is not confined to the past, much less to fiction.WHO WHO
The theme of racial injustice appears symbolically in the novel as well.LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
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