isicabha oor Engels


Vertalings in die woordeboek Zoeloe - Engels


portal of entry into a building, room or vehicle
Ngemva kwemizuzu cishe eyishumi, wasukuma wabe esesivala isicabha wangasho lutho.
After about ten minutes, the jailer got up and closed the door without saying a word.


A moveable barrier that can be closed or open to control access to a building, a room, a car, an area, etc.

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Isicabha Ukudla
Door Foodjw2019 jw2019
UHugo Coronel uyalandisa: “Ngelinye ilanga ekuseni kusempondo zankomo, lo nogada wakhahlela isicabha sesitokisi sami, wangihudulela ngaphandle, futhi wangitshengisa amasosha amahlanu ayehlomile, wangitshela nokuthi lase lingishonele.
Hugo Coronel relates: “One morning before dawn, this guard kicked open my cell door, dragged me out, and pointing to five armed soldiers, told me that my hour had arrived.jw2019 jw2019
Imibhalo ebhalwe ezinkundleni zokuxhumana izolo ibonakala ikhombisa lo wesifazane - egqoke ijazi elimnyama, isiketi esimnyama nabaqeqeshi - evula isicabha sabagibeli bangaphambili futhi eshisa ummese.
Footage posted on social media yesterday appears to show the woman - wearing a black coat, black skirt and trainers - opening the front passenger door and brandishing a knife.Umsuka Umsuka
Yeka ukuthi leyo ndoda ithandeka kanjani enhliziyweni yami ngokulungisa isicabha esase sixega nangokulungisa izinto zikagesi!”—Qhathanisa noJakobe 1:27.
How dear that man is to my heart for repairing the door that was hanging on a hinge and for fixing an electrical fixture!” —Compare James 1:27.jw2019 jw2019
Wathola isicabha sasekhishini sivuliwe wangena khona.
He found the kitchen door open and crept inside.nalibali nalibali
Ngemuva kokomisa, ithawula lephepha kumele litshenziselwe ukuvala amanzi (nokuvula noma isiphi isicabha sokuphuma uma kwenzeka).
After drying, the paper towel should be used to turn off the water (and open any exit door if necessary).Tico19 Tico19
Yebo, uma kuziwa emsebenzini wasendlini, abanye bafakazela amazwi ezAga 26:14: “Isicabha siphenduka ngezingibe zaso, nevila ecansini lalo.”
Yes, when it comes to housework, some roommates seem to be the embodiment of the words of Proverbs 26:14: “A door keeps turning upon its pivot, and the lazy one upon his couch.”jw2019 jw2019
Ngemva kwemizuzu cishe eyishumi, wasukuma wabe esesivala isicabha wangasho lutho.
After about ten minutes, the jailer got up and closed the door without saying a word.jw2019 jw2019
Ngakusasa, cishe ngehora lesithathu ekuseni, isicabha sabhaklazeka sabe sesivuleka.
The next day, at about three o’clock in the morning, there was a loud bang at the door, and it opened.jw2019 jw2019
Yabe isivula isicabha semoto yathi makaphume futhi ayinike yonke imali ayiphethe.
Next, the gunman opened the car door and told the brother to get out and hand over all the money that he had in his pockets.jw2019 jw2019
Sekudlule imizuzu engu-30 ngemva kwesikhathi osibekele indodana yakho lapho uzwa isicabha sivuleka kancane kancane.
It’s 30 minutes past your son’s curfew when you hear the front door slowly creak open.jw2019 jw2019
Ngemva kokufaka isicabha sangaphambili, abazalwane banikeza lo dade isixha sezimbali nezihluthulelo zendlu yakhe entsha.
After hanging the front door, the brothers presented our sister with a bouquet of flowers and the keys to her rebuilt home.jw2019 jw2019
Waphenduka wabheka isicabha esivulekile.
She turned to look at the open door.nalibali nalibali
Isicabha sami sangaphambili sangqangqazeliswa ukungqongqoza okunomsindo.
A loud knock shook my front door.jw2019 jw2019
UCassidy Ann wavula isicabha ukuze alicoshe.
Cassidy Ann opened the door to pick it up.nalibali nalibali
Ngokwesibonelo, umzalwane othile onokuhlangenwe nakho wasikisela ukuthi isicabha seHholo LoMbuso elithile singabekwa ohlangothini olungasentshonalanga lwesakhiwo.
For example, an experienced brother suggested that the door of a certain Kingdom Hall not be placed on the west side of the building.jw2019 jw2019
Ukhulume ngokusebenzisa izimpawu ze-SOS ngefasitela futhi wayizisebenzisela ukumsiza ukuvula isicabha eduze kwesihlalo somsebenzi wasemabhanoyini.
She detailed using it to flash SOS signals out of the window and then using it to help her unlatch the door near the flight attendant's seat.Umsuka Umsuka
futhi ngagaklaza isicabha.
and slammed the door.jw2019 jw2019
UGogo wavula isicabha, welekelela uPalesa ukuphatha ithileyi.
Gogo opened the door, and helped Palesa carry the tray.nalibali nalibali
“Ngaklabalasela udadewethu futhi ngavula ngamandla isicabha kangangokuthi isibambo saso esingemuva sangena phakathi odongeni.
“I screamed at my sister and swung the door so hard that the hook on the back of it went through the wall.jw2019 jw2019
Avale isicabha ehefuzela, ancike odongeni, kuthi thushu inyoka imlume.
Panting for breath, he closes the door behind him and leans on the wall, only to be bitten by a snake.jw2019 jw2019
UMama wadudula isicabha sangaphambili base bengena bonke.
Momma pushed the front door open and they all went inside.nalibali nalibali
Nokho, ngemva kweminyaka ethile, kwadingeka ukuba isicabha sibekwe kwenye indawo ngoba umoya nemvula okuvela entshonalanga kwakusonakalisile.
After several years, however, the door had to be relocated because the constant wind and rain from the west had caused its deterioration.jw2019 jw2019
UJean Deschamp uyakhumbula: “Ngangisebenza ehhovisi ngelinye ilanga ekuseni lapho isicabha sivuleka gengelezi, kwangena amaphoyisa amathathu nesikhulu sawo esingumDashi sigqoke iyunifomu yaso yaphelela—izindondo, amagilavu amhlophe, inkemba nesigqoko.
Jean Deschamp recalled: “I was typing in the office one morning when the doors flung open and in marched three policemen and a senior Dutch official in full regalia —medals, white gloves, dress sword, and plumed hat.jw2019 jw2019
Ngokwesibonelo, uma ubuvele ufutheke, uphume udlwathuzela uye ekamelweni lakho, bese ugaklaza isicabha, bhala indlela engcono yokusabela—indlela engasiza ekuxazululeni inkinga kunokuyenza ibe yimbi kakhulu.
For example, if your impulsive reaction to a conflict has been to storm off to your room and angrily slam the door, write down a better response —one that will work to resolve the problem rather than further entrench it.jw2019 jw2019
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