or thereabouts oor Katalaans

or thereabouts

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Minus sixty degrees Celsius, or thereabouts.
Selecció rectangularLiterature Literature
For me, the result was five hundred people or thereabouts.
Jo viatjava sola, oh casualitat que es barregen, oh ara, ara sóc un pessigolleig per tuLiterature Literature
When he had gone with that woman it had been his first lapse in two years or thereabouts.
Catalunya per al 1998 , en el seu article 37 au toritza el Govern perquè aLiterature Literature
We know that it will take a thousand years or thereabouts.
Tothom fora! ràpidament!Literature Literature
He’s signed a contract for the purchase of two ships, which should be sailing from Genoa or thereabouts.
Les següents tres barres de desplaçament, indiquen a l' ordinador quants minuts hauran de transcórrer fins a passar a un nou mode. Aquests números s' ajusten amb les barres de desplaçament o amb les fletxetes de les caixesLiterature Literature
I generally wake at midday, or thereabouts.
En aquest grup es poden definir algunes opcions avançades per als filtres, el qual us permetrà afinar millor el filtratLiterature Literature
It was four, or thereabouts, before we slumbered; and perhaps eleven when I woke.
següents :Literature Literature
Victory Mansions were old flats, built in 1930 or thereabouts, and were falling to pieces.
Esborra scriptsLiterature Literature
However, most Wigleigh peasants had a half virgate, fifteen acres, or thereabouts.
Eina d' interfície de base de dadesLiterature Literature
Well, here it is: your grandfather is nearly eighty, and you are twenty-seven or thereabouts.
S' estan habilitant els tipus de lletraLiterature Literature
People of our age, or thereabouts.
Talla- I' hi a fora.No hi vull sang, aquíLiterature Literature
Their governess is a Miss Burnet, an Englishwoman of forty or thereabouts.
Verges i Ultramort i de l ' Ajuntament d ' Ultramort d ' exempció deLiterature Literature
I was perhaps three years old, or thereabouts.
Si fa una colla de dies que no tasto l' alcoholLiterature Literature
After the third century BC (or thereabouts), almost all the important work in mathematics took place in Alexandria.
Des del menú contextual, seleccioneu la comanda Assigna accióLiterature Literature
Merthin recalled that the earl and countess had two boys of nineteen and twenty or thereabouts.
els drets afectats per expropiació forçosa per aLiterature Literature
Indeed, his answers after our twentieth question or thereabouts became quite short.
No s' han pogut inicialitzar els fitxers de memo des del discLiterature Literature
You see, last January or thereabouts, a Tunis newspaper published an article on our school.
Establiu aquí el pas integral espacialLiterature Literature
A kilometre or two away from my mill, or thereabouts.
PPP MicroonesLiterature Literature
‘That would be a hundred and twenty packets or thereabouts,’ the man said after a little calculation.
no ser conforme a dret , i condemnem la Generalitat de Catalunya a abonar aLiterature Literature
I tried to think of somebody living in Haifa or thereabouts who might be wanting to send me a magnificent present.
on és La Mare?Literature Literature
The diversity is concentrated around the Malay Peninsula and Sumatra; it is therefore probable that the family originated there or thereabouts.
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We saw great stacks of pesos on a table and learned that eight of them made an American buck, or thereabouts.
Vaig saber que va ser Michael i com van morir ell i les teves fillesLiterature Literature
Niven said she had been "quite, quite mad", and in his diary, Coward expressed the view that "things had been bad and getting worse since 1948 or thereabouts."
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23 sinne gevind in 5 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.