swollen oor Katalaans


/ˈswəʊlən/ adjektief, werkwoord
Past participle of swell

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But he has a swollen foot, he couldn't wear his shoe.
Però té un peu inflat, que no podia usar la seva sabata.


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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
Everything seemed to have become bewildering, shaken into a new dimension which was swollen with doubts and fears.
Aboca- li aigua, si us plauLiterature Literature
The sky, swollen with the clouds that announce a thaw, hung as low as before a summer storm.
Feu clic en el botó d' opció Centre en la secció anomenada AlineacióLiterature Literature
Tomsa’s eyes: the pale and swollen face of his colleague Wankl.
& Oculta taulaLiterature Literature
The female moth has vestigial wings and is flightless; she is light grey-brown (ochreous grey), has "shortly bipectinate" antennae, and a swollen abdomen.
Usant aquesta opció, podeu escollir les icones Xicotetes, Mitjanes o Grans per a seleccionar els mòdulsWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In time Rosina and the cousins left, and Alice, still rather swollen-eyed, went out to call on a friend.
Tinc tanta por, elmeu home em vaig a perdreLiterature Literature
The population is swollen with thousands of refugees
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All my veins were swollen, my nerves stretched.
Si trobes un altre babau com aquest, d' aquí a un any et pots retirarLiterature Literature
The fattest lady I’d ever seen with blue-veined, swollen legs, but very fair and angel-faced.
I algú s' ha de penjar les medallesLiterature Literature
It is swollen, but Madame Annette does not think the nail will fall off.”
La concessió d ’ aquesta llicència es subordinarà a les necessitats del servei .Literature Literature
The Duke's forces initiated the battle routing the Mbundu archers whose ranks had swollen to some 30,000 by the time of the battle.
Fent clic a la pestanya Obre un document existent i el botó quan esteu obrint un nou documentWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The tissue is swollen and pudgy, but the fingerprint that appears in the little screen is still very clear.
Caldrà presentar el justificant de la visita .Literature Literature
All the same, she winced when his towel touched her swollen lips.
Símbol, monedaLiterature Literature
Édouard’s eyes, so wide, so alive in that gouged swollen red face, were fiercely intense.
La Comissió d ' Urbanisme de Barcelona ,en la sessió de 16 deLiterature Literature
-and had swollen because Dorothy had been in a depressed mood all during her vacation.
A proposta de la Direcció General de Centres Docents ,Literature Literature
As I lay there, falling asleep, I suddenly felt Grandpa’s presence and the barrier between us like a swollen river.
Conversió a KPartLiterature Literature
"My eyes were red and swollen, and I said, ""Oh, Esther, Esther, can that be you!"""
Si el tipus de sèrie que voleu és massa complicat per a qualsevol dels anteriors mètodes, considereu usar una fórmula i arrossegueu i copieu això. Per exemple, per a crear una sèrie amb els valors #, #, #, #... introduïu # dintre de A#, =A#* A# dintre de A# i arrossegueu i copieu cap a avall les cel· les a partir de ALiterature Literature
Anger with the two of us was broadcast in my mother’s swollen face at the graduation party.
No hi ha més campaments huns a propLiterature Literature
This condition usually presents with gradual onset of varying degrees of pain, and the scrotum may be red, warm and swollen.
Mostra els menús de serveisWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
His adoptive mother’s tattooed and swollen ankles totter past, followed by her labile boyfriend’s pungent dog.
Localitat : Barcelona .Literature Literature
Upon seeing his swollen shoulder, Ingrid didn’t scream or ask for any explanation.
Seleccioneu el vostre país de la llista en el menú desplegable, o si no es troba en la llista, seleccioneu (Cap). Si està seleccionat el vostre país, & korganizer; reconeixerà i mostrarà les seves dates i festivitats importants en la vista de calendariLiterature Literature
His mouth was frantic, his lips swollen like mine, his tongue greedy and possessive.
És inútil buscarLiterature Literature
She didn't seem to be at all sorry about my swollen nose, then.
Tinc entés que vas estar Somiant amb miLiterature Literature
Inflammation associated with nerve cell destruction often alters the color and appearance of the gray matter in the spinal column, causing it to appear reddish and swollen.
Era una dona segura d' ella mateixa que duia una roba entallada.... que suggeria l’ atractiu sexual que amagava el seu cosWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Dorothy raised her head slowly, revealing her face, which was red and swollen from crying.
Ho has sentit?Literature Literature
Tessa’s eyes are focused there, on my swollen cock straining against the black cotton of my boxer briefs.
Mostra els fitxers obertsLiterature Literature
201 sinne gevind in 6 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.