interview oor Sorani Koerdies


/ˌɪntɚˈvjuː/, /ˈɪntəvjuː/ werkwoord, naamwoord
(obsolete) An official face-to-face meeting of monarchs or other important figures. [16th-19th c.]

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Human Rights Watch interviewed the relatives of three men and two boys, from four families, taken into custody at the Khazir and Nargizlia displacement camps between January and April 2017.
من داوا لە خودا دەکەم کە بمبەخشێت و ڕووناکی ئەو
People interviewed said that Asayish officers who confiscated the documents said they would be returned when the owners left the city or when they reached the Daquq checkpoint, 30 kilometers south of Kirkuk and the border of the governorate.
خهڵك لێدانهکانی بیر دهبێت و وون بووهکان لهبیر دهکات
The family was still living at home, without the mother’s paperwork, when interviewed on February 22.
لە داهاتوودا خەڵکی بیری ئەم ساتانەیان دەکەوێتەوە
Human Rights Watch also interviewed two journalists detained for covering similar protests, in the towns of Koy Sanjaq and Halabja.
ئەوە گەردونە، وەک هەموان
On September 16, Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi of Iraq stated in an interview that most of the women and children were not guilty of a crime, and that his government was “in full communication” with their home countries to “find a way to hand them over.”
پێویستە بیر بکەینەوە پلانمان هەبێت بۆ ژیانمان
The women Human Rights Watch interviewed said they fled fighting in Tal Afar at various times on or after August 26, in groups ranging from about 20 to hundreds of people.
منیداماو بۆ بانگ کراوم بۆ تی ئی دی
An Iraqi government official said that he interviewed dozens of families who had passed through Maktab Khalid over the past year who said that when they arrived Peshmerga forces took their names and then told them that they would only allow them to cross once the size of the crowd had reached at least 300 families.
و ئەمانەش کاریگەرییەکی گەورەی لەسەر دڵخۆشیمان هەیە بەڵام لەگەڵ ئەوەشدا
Their mother, whom Human Rights Watch also interviewed, said that in Mosul she had held the ID cards for each member of her family and distributed them on the morning the family fled, but that Ahmed had stepped out to pray and she forgot to pass his ID on to him.
کە تەنها هێندەی پارە هەبوو کە نانی پێ بدات بە منداڵەکەی
Human Rights Watch interviewed a third journalist at the same protest who was arrested with two more journalists at 10:30 a.m., but released at 1 p.m. without being forced to sign anything or told not to film protests.
یەکەم جار بگاتە دەست ناوچە دورە دەستەکان، نەوەک بە پێچەوانەوە
Six said an Asayish officer interviewed them and wrote a statement that included their personal information and a commitment not to take part in any future protests or post any social media statements criticizing the KRG government or encouraging protests.
ئهمه شێوازی گفتو گۆکردنه که یارییهکی بهرههم هێنهری لێدهکهوێتهوه
She was still receiving medical treatment when Human Rights Watch interviewed him on May 23.
ههڵدهقوڵێت بۆ خزمهکانمان
All three protesters interviewed said one of the 17 detainees was bleeding profusely, having been hit on the head with brass knuckles, he said.
چونکه ههموو وهوڵامهکانم دهست کهوت
Ethnic Turkmen interviewed by Human Rights Watch said that because of their fear of returning home, they have taken the risk of continuing to live in Kirkuk after Kurdish officials confiscated their documents.
داواکارییەکانیان بۆ بەکارهێنانی یاری خۆش و کاریگەر
Human Rights Watch interviewed women who were relatives of Turkish men ages 20, 43, 73, and around 45; an Azeri man in his 40s; and a Trinidadian man of 53 who last saw them at the school compound and do not know their whereabouts.
ههموومان چیرۆکمان گێڕاوهتهوه که چۆن، لهڕۆژی کریسمس دا
Two women, interviewed separately, said that minutes later, they saw Peshmerga soldiers shoot at least six men near the earth berm.
بەردەوامیش دەبین لەم گۆڕانکارییە
Iraq’s Criminal Procedural Code (no. 23/1971) states that all detainees must be brought before an investigative judge within 24 hours, but those interviewed said the Asayish forces had held them for between one and eight days, without bringing charges or taking them before a judge.
بۆ هەموو منداڵێکی چالاک
All those interviewed said that Asayish threatened them with expulsion because they had relatives who joined the Yezidi Brigades, and in four cases, they alleged that Asayish forces had forcibly expelled them to Sinjar as recently as July 5, 2017.
بۆئهوه دروست کراون که یارمهتی خهڵکی بدات له ههست کردن به ئارامی
Another man said that when he was interviewed, the officer asked him for his Facebook information and opened his page to review its contents before making him sign the form and releasing him.
بەڵام ئێمە دەتوانین ئەم کێشەیەش چارەسەر بکەین ئەویش بە سوود وەرگرتن لەو ئاوە پاشەڕۆ سوێرە
Human Rights Watch drew on research it has published on enforced disappearances since 2014, and carried out additional interviews from early 2016 to March 2018 with the family members, lawyers, and community representatives of the 78 currently identified as forcibly disappeared, as well as three who had themselves been disappeared and were subsequently released.
وەکو خێزانێکی خاوەن مێژووی ئۆتیزم؟
Most of those interviewed were from Yengice, an ethnically Turkmen town in Salah al-Din governorate, 62 kilometers south of Kirkuk.
بەهەڵە فەکار هێنانی جێناوەکان
Human Rights Watch interviewed four men who said they and their families were kept at Maktab Khalid for between one and three days.
لە هەردوو حاڵەتەکەشدا
He and his family were still living at home when interviewed.
ئەمەیان چوبوە ناو بەشی چەپەوە، وە
Human Rights Watch interviewed one journalist who was filming the protest in Akre on March 27 for a local station.
ئێمە هەردووکمان لەسەر ڤایرۆسی یەکتری دەژین
All of those interviewed said they were struggling to provide for their families because they could not get food assistance without their cards.
بەڵام یەکێک لە خوێند کارەکانم کە ناوی شارلوت بوو
Women interviewed by Human Rights Watch said that men and boys over 12 were separated, their hands tied, and lined up against a wall inside the school compound.
وە ئێوە هەست بە گەشبینیە دەکەن کە هەیە بۆ پاراستنی زەوی
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